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Book online «Bad Boy Fell Hard by Mushabe Melisa (all ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Mushabe Melisa

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Chapter 19

I ring the fancy looking doorbell and a lady dressed in a blue and white uniform, probably in her late forties welcomes me,

"Hi, you must be Nora. Come on in please." She smiles politely while stepping aside and opening the door wide enough for me to enter.

"Thanks umm...."

"You can call me Yvette and no problem dear." She smiles sweetly. "Your friends are in the kitchen waiting for you. It's this way." She guides me through the house.

The house is even more glamorious from the inside than it is from the outside. There are very huge art collections on their walls and photo frames of the family. I spot a picture of young Amelia with her elder sisters and a baby brother in her mam's hands with the father next to her and smiling lovingly at his wife. Little Amelia looked really cute.

I hear some voices which i'm guessing are my friends from a room which i'm guessing is the kitchen. Yvette shows me the room and turns to do what she was doing.

"Hey guys." I smile at them.

"You have a lot of explanation to do, young lady." Melisa says while walking towards me and making me take a seat.

Wow, what a wonderful welcome from my lovely friends. They are the best, i know.

Please note the sarcasm.

The girls walk towards the chair I'm sitted in and surround me with Pat dramatically holding a light and lighting it on top of my head.

I look like those bad guys in movies who are always being investigated on by FBI agents whereby there is one single light in the room lighting on top of the criminal and the agent holding a gun with an intimidating look. In this case, none of them have a gun except Amelia who is holding a rolling pin to act like a gun. Carol is the one giving me the intimidating look.

"I once murdered our dog when i was fourteen." I admit and Pat gasps. The others have the look as if it was expected of me, i roll my eyes at them.

Seriously, i hate dogs. No offence to the dog lovers, i just don't like the way they go all over you and lick your face....Gross.

"No! Spill, don't give us that bullshit." Amelia says.

I sigh, "My phone is still not charged so i didn't receive any of your texts or calls. I'm sorry." I say even though i already know what they are saying.

"No, not that. We mean what's up with you and Ryder?" Pat says while squealing the last part.

"What do you mean?" I ask, trying to play dumb

"Don't 'what do you mean?' us! We saw you come out of Ryder's car a while ago when you arrived. We see everything from the window. Everything!" Amelia says while emphasizing the 'everything' part and staring at Carol who blushes slightly.

"First, how was i supposed to know? And secondly, he is my boyfriend." Carol states with an embarassed look, her cheeks turning beet root red.

I don't even want to know what happened.

"Anyway, back to Nora, Spill from the beginning!!" Carol says, quickly changing the former subject.

"Okay fine." I sigh and decide to tell them. There is no point in hiding anything from them. I mean, they are my best friends. And they will find out either ways possible.

I tell them from when Ryder told me to stay away from Dannon, to ,eating at the park, to Ryder and i at the sports field (minus the almost intimate part), to him putting roaches in my car, to him kidnapping me and not allowing ,e to walk home alone, to the car scene where he played, 'One thing' by one direction to how he offered to drive me here. 

As i was explaining all these events, the girls squealed like fifteen year old fan girls, cooed at a point and some like Melisa and Pat let out fake tears. Drama queens!

"I ship." Carol is the first to say after my speech. "Are you kidding me? I started shipping from day one." Melisa says feeling proud of herself. "I'm so proud of you. You two will have very cute babies." Pat says while wiping out yet another fake tear.

Wait what!!

"I knew it from the very day they started pranking each other that there was some serious chemistry brewing up between them. After all, there is a thin layer between love and hate" Amelia says.

"Wait! Hold up! Hold up!" I cut this dramatic scene like I'm a movie director. If i actually was a movie director, i would get up from my seat and yell, 'Stop, stop. This is all wrong.'

"Ryder and I are not even friends, we don't have any chemistry, and we are not getting together and we are certainly not having any babies in any future."

"Wait! The phone you used to call me was his. And you told me it was a friend's phone. He allowed you to sit in his car and use his phone." Amelia says as if trying to figure out a conclusion. 

"And he played the song 'one thing' by one direction while glancing at you. You admitted yourself that he sings like Harry Styles." Carol says replaying the words i said. Why did i mention that part? I mentally slap myself.

"So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing" Melisa sings to the chorus of the song as if trying to recall the meaning. "He is trying to say that there is this thing he wants fom you, and you are always in his head. He also wants you in his arms."

Melisa tries to explain her theory of the song which i'm still not getting.

"He likes you." Pat says concluding all this. So maybe it was a wrong idea telling them what happened. I burst out laughing at what she has said. How can Ryder like me? The thought of it makes me want to pluck my eyebrows out. We are enemies by blood and flesh.

"You guys are outta your minds, prove me wrong?" I ask them and they look at each other triumphantly, like they have the proof at the tip of their finger nails.

"Does Dannon or any other guy offer you rides?" Amelia asks

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