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Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Four 


Tina was dumbfounded after hearing the recording – memories came flashing in her thoughts; she was instantly reminded of that forgotten moment. 

“Do you remember now?” Felix spoke, breaking the silence. 

Tina could not bring herself to speak out and answer him, instead, she just looked down as she bit her lower lip – trying to figure out why she had forgotten of something that was life-changing.  

“W-Why?" She asked in a small voice, almost like a whisper. 

At that moment she felt her knees weaken as her heart raced like ten thousand horses in a race track. Then she took a deep breath before she raised her head to meet with Felix’s calm gaze.  

“Why... now?” She asked while trying her best to keep her voice firm to hide the fact that it was on the verge of breaking – she seemed to be in a middle of a tornado of mixed emotions. 

“Why d-did you only tell me n-now?” She asked again. 

“You had all the time to tell me before, so why just now?!” 

Felix took a deep breath and sighed. “Because I wanted to set things straight.” He replied. “I was hoping you’d fall for me in a sober state.”  

“I thought it would be easy because it only took us minutes before...” He paused and chucked. “... but d*mn, it turns out you’re different when you’re sober versus when you’re drunk...” 

“... the only thing that stayed the same was that your habit of running away...” 

“... you went from being outspoken to being extremely dense.” 




“Hush...” He said as he slowly wiped my tears using his thumb. “... don’t cry. I hate it when I see you cry; it breaks my heart, and makes me feel like a bad person.” He said in a calm and comforting tone. 

I then moved my face away from him and took a step back before I wiped my own tears using the back of my hand. 

I’m trying my best to process the meaning behind his words, but I don’t get it. And the fact that tears were streaming down my cheeks made me more confused. 

I don’t understand. 

“W-Why are you saying this?” I spoke in between my sobs. 

“Do you still not get it?” He asked. 

“I wouldn’t be asking if I did!” I glared and scoffed at him. 

Why does he always answer my question with another question? Can he just not tell me? 

At an instant, my tears stopped, and the sadness within me was slowly being converted to annoyance.  

“Right...” He nodded “I forgot that I was talking to the densest woman in the universe,” and chuckled. 


“I’m in love with you... madly in love with you.” Felix confessed as he took a step forward before snaking his arms around her waist to pull her close and lean in for a kiss. 

The only thing that Tina could hear was none other than the loud pounding of her heart. She could not believe what she heard, but she could not restrain herself from responding to Felix’s kisses.  

“Stop...” Tina spoke and broke away from the kiss when she realized that everything seemed to be happening too fast – Felix had just confessed, and making out after that did not seem so right. 

“Why?” Felix asked. 

“You said y-you like me, right?” She asked as she calmed herself despite her cheeks heating up.  

“Like and love are different, Schatz,” Felix replied with a sly smile on his face. “I ‘love’ you.” He said with emphasis on the word ‘love’, causing Tina’s cheeks to blush harder. 

“Are you getting shy?” He chuckled and teased. 

“I’m not!” Tina immediately denied and glared at him. “I’ve had a lot of suitors tell me that! You aren’t the first---” 

Her words were immediately cut off for Felix swiftly moved to kiss her lips. “You should not talk about any other man.” He said as his jaw clenched and his eyes darkened. “I hate getting jealous.” He added. 

“Dare to speak about some other men, and I’ll be sure to punish you.” 

“W-What punishment?” Tina stuttered. 

“It’s for me to know, and you to find out, Schatz,” Felix smirked. 



I was currently preparing the ingredients for the dish I was going to cook for dinner, but I could not keep my focus on cutting the vegetables because of Felix.  

“Can you please stop doing that?” I glared at him.  

We were currently at the kitchen – I was preparing dinner, and he was doing his work while sitting by the counter, except that instead of keeping his eyes on the computer, he kept on watching me! And I can’t deny that it made me conscious of my actions. 

“Why?” He asked. “What did I do wrong?” He added. 

“You’re distracting me!” I replied. 

“Hmm? Really?” He asked with a sly smile plastered on his lips. “The feeling is mutual though.” He chuckled. “You’re also distracting me.” 

I felt my cheeks blush from his words. “T-Then go somewhere else!” 

“Nope.” He shook his head. “I'll stay here and watch you. I’ll use this opportunity to make up for the days that we were apart.” 

“I’m not going anywhere if that’s what you’re worried about.” I rolled my eyes at him.  

I wanted to leave a while ago, but I realized that I did not bring a car and Mang Ruben had driven off, and I doubt that I could book a cab.  

“Even if you leave, you won’t be able to escape from me,” Felix spoke.  

“Really? No wonder it took us five years before we could meet again.” I laughed. 

“That was before...” He replied. “... I was foolish to believe that I’ll meet you again at the bar,” He smiled.  

The bar? What does he mean? 

“The bar?” I asked.  

“The place where we first saw each other,” He smiled and nodded. “I kept coming back to that place, with high hopes that you’ll come.” He breathes out. 

“... but it turned out, you were not in the country.” He laughed at himself. “...I regretted just coming back to that place because I believe that I could have tried harder.” 

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