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Book online «Bad Boy Fell Hard by Mushabe Melisa (all ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Mushabe Melisa

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Chapter 47

I enter the house and find Albert sitted on the couches watching Arrow; the guy's obsessed with the series like I'm addicted to Skittles.

"Hey sis, it's been years. Where have you been hiding?" Albert asks as I take a seat on the couch next to where he is.

"I died, but I had to live my second life, so I still have more seven lives.' I say, sarcasm dripping in my voice as I rest my head on the couch. I have a weird feeling something is gonna happen, but what could it be. Since last night, I haven't opened my phone, and I feel there will be many worried texts from my friends.

"Ha ha ha. I can't wait for the last seven lives to end." He says, and I throw the cushion next to me, at him.

I hear a car driving into the parking lot, probably my parents. I missed them so much; they have been gone for a long time, business stuff and all.

"how are my favorite little munchies?" my mam says as she comes into the living room with a tired yet happy look.

"I missed you mom," I go up to her and hug her, which she returns. I have always loved mam's warm hugs and dad's piggy rides.

"I missed you more, sweetie. Are you okay?" she asks me a si pull away and meet with a worried and concerned look.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I ask as I look at her suspiciously. My dad enters at the same time as I run to him.

"Dad!" I run up to him, and he bends down and carries me as I hug him. This will never get old. My dad has always carried me and given me piggy rides ever since I was a child, and it never stops.

"How are you, princess?" he asks with a warm smile.

"I'm good, you've been gone for a long time." I scowl at him with a pout.

"But I'm back and I'm not going any time soon after what has happened." He says as he puts me down.

"What do you mean?" Albert asks curiously, and I also look at him with an expectant look.

"Lets all sit down and talk about all this." Mam says with a rugged look, which worries me. What the hell is going on?

"Nora, why didn't you tell us about what the Rivera twins did to you?" Mam asks, looking pissed off.

Uh oh

"I didn't want to worry you guys and you were busy." I say honestly. I had a feeling they would find out sooner or later.

"Do you have any idea how this would affect our company?" Dad says.

"Huh?!" I ask, confused. How does all of this have to do with their company? It was just blackmail, not a big deal.

"Mr. Rivera was arrested recently for beating up his son and daughter almost to death after he found out they were in prison, just before we were finalizing the contract for the corporation of the two companies. Thank God, we found out before we would sign." Dad explains, and I gasp, trying to sink in the information.

That's why Dannon looked sick and had lost weight, not forgetting how he looked tired and weak at that time at the library.

"I'm sorry, dad." I say, looking defeated, and he comes up to me and hugs me." It's okay, honey. You didn't know but you should have come to us when all this stared."

"I promise to always tell you all that happened. What happened to the corporation?" I ask. My parents wanted that corporation so badly so that they could promote their business.

"Don't worry about it. We have a new corporation with the Dawson Co.," he says, and I am reminded of Ryder.

"Oh, that's good." I say happily.

"But we are still worried about your safety? So you and Albert will be going to school with a body guard to keep an eye on you." Dad says, leaving no room for discussion.

"isn't that a little too overboard?" I ask. "Yeah." Albert says.

"It's for your safety. It's that or we move to a new state?" mam says.


"Okay fine, bodyguard's fine." Albert says, and I nod, agreeing with him. Why are they doing all of this? It's not like someone's out there wanting to kill us.

"Enough with that, we also have another new announcement." dad says excitedly. That's new. The last time he was like that was when he was featured on Forbes magazine as an upcoming billionaire.

"expect a new sibling in the next six months." dad says while walking up to mam and kissing her on the lips lovingly.

"What?!" Albert says, shocked and I jump up excitedly. This is fantastic news; I can't wait for the baby to come out. I didn't even notice my mam was pregnant. When she gave birth to Albert, you wouldn't even think that she is pregnant because her stomach was very flat. How does she do that?

"Yes." Mam says while placing a hand on her flat stomach that I'm very jealous of, it's not like mine ain't flat. It is but hers is too small even though she is three months pregnant.

"I can't wait for my baby brother to come out." Albert says while hugging mam.

"What do you mean? It's definitely a baby girl." I say, chuckling.

"It's a boy." He retorts back. My parents roll their eyes at our useless banter.

"Parents give birth to girl boy girl boy not girl boy boy boy." I say.

"It's obviously a boy. I mean look at mam, she is strong and happy so it's definitely a boy."

"When she was pregnant with you, she was always tired because of you." I say with a smirk.

"That's enough you two." Dad cuts him off, and my smirk turns into a happy smile. Ha, take that. Albert then scowls at me, and I stick my tongue out at him.


I wake up to a throbbing pain in my chest; I feel like something in my body has been stabbed many times with a pair of scissors, and it hurts so badly.

I drag myself out of my bed and take a quick shower. I dress up in a large hoodie and a pair of leggings. I tie my hair in a messy bun and head downstairs with my phone, which I haven't turned on. I also have this weird feeling that doesn't want me to open my phone for unknown reasons.

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