ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Savior by Jordan Wilson (e reader for manga txt) 📖

Book online «Savior by Jordan Wilson (e reader for manga txt) 📖». Author Jordan Wilson

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By: Jordan Wilson

In the Beginning…

Life. It has a different meaning to different people. To someone such as a murderer, a life would be nothing but a problem. They solve the problem of other lives by means that they see necessary. Unfortunately for them, their life will one day be contained, whether it is by the law, guilt, or even something higher up. Some think of a life as merely a number. If you are a salesman and a person buys your product, their life is a number on your sales record. To a leader, a life can be seen as something that he has to control. As well as different thoughts on what a life is, people also judge the life. If a man has committed a crime, people normally don’t have good thoughts about that man. This does work both ways though. People also judge good people. If a woman saves a child from a burning building, this woman is thought of as a hero. Many people pass judgment on others, whether they try to or not
Most times in life, we come across an occasional person who see’s a life as something that should be preserved. He or she sees it as being able to do whatever it chooses and having the chance to live freely. People like this may be ridiculed at first, but will one day find their place in the hearts of the innocent. People like this aren’t found everyday, but there was a time of great peril. And in this time, one man arose to face the darkness and help the people believe in peace once again.

They came to us from a far away planet; far from the sights of earth. They were forced here in a desperate attempt for survival. Their home planet, Forge, was making its final stand against a race stronger than theirs in a six-day war. When they knew there was no hope left, the queen sent away her son with her life-long friend. Together, the two fled their home world, in hope that there would be somewhere out there where they could find refuge. When all hopes of finding a planet seemed to disappear, they came across earth. The queen’s friend knew it was the only chance they had, so took the six month old infant and himself in for landing.
It was hard for him to land the spacecraft with the unfamiliar planet’s gravity. He tried to easy the ship down, but they were picking up too much speed. As a last resort, he reared the ship in the direction of barren area and made a crash landing. Their ship was durable enough to allow them to survive the crash, but aside from protecting them from the fall, the ship was trashed. When he stepped out onto the planet’s soil for the first time, what he saw was peaceful. There was no war raging in the skies above. No battleships firing endless charges at one another. It was the closest thing to peace he had seen in years. Then he looked up and saw it. Above him, glowing large and bright was a big yellow sun. It was so bright and beautiful. The sun on their planet was constantly having power drawn from it, limiting its beauty. But here, there was no worldwide war. There wasn’t the constant threat of hiding their presence and heat signatures. It was all so peaceful.
These two individuals were the last survivors of a powerful race known as the Aspen. Their race could do many things that humans cannot. They got their power from the sun, like solar energy. They absorbed the heat into their bodies and were able to manipulate it in ways that made them superior to many species. The queen’s friend was a very powerful man in this matter and could use this power very effectively. The Aspen can learn to control the heat signatures in their bodies to lift it off the ground. With the proper training, one could learn to fly rather well. When they had a sun like the one above Earth, they could move at an alarmingly fast rate. They were a quick species as well as a strong one. To them, a car would weigh about as much as a small paper weight.
One of their most adapt abilities was to be able to control the heat and produce it in the form of pure energy. They could throw it like a ball and it would burn through the strongest of materials. Once it is release, the energy can explode on contact if it is unstable. If it is stable, it can be much more effective in battle situations. When they used it as a controlled power, the energy was called sun tears. The tears were only able to be used by elite Aspen and even then only the best of them could produce more than one at a time. The queen’s friend was very adapt but could only produce on stable tear at a time. He was mostly skilled in hand to hand combat, which all of them had been trained in.
He knew nothing of this alien planet. It was all so different and strange. Although there was peace, he didn’t see anyone flying above him. He couldn’t even detect a single being’s heat signature. On the second night after their arrival, the queen’s friend left the boy alone to scout out the planets inhabitants and find a source of food. He flew through the cool night air smoothly, finally having a calm mind. He didn’t need to worry about being ambushed by the enemy because on this planet, there was no enemy. It was just peaceful. He had recalled reading about a world like this one in his previous studies, but couldn’t seem to remember the details.
He finally came upon a small group of buildings desolate from much of anything. It just seemed to be a small town like the ones Forge had centuries ago. Suddenly, he began to feel several heat signatures, followed by several more. This town was definitely inhabited, but by what? He landed, undetected, and began to scout the town. He looked around and began to observe the area. He finally saw some of the inhabitants come into sight. They didn’t see him, but once he had seen them, he figured that they wouldn’t care all that much if he had been seen. They looked just like the Aspen in appearance. Suddenly, he remembered reading of this species before. They were called humans.
Humans, in comparison to the Aspen, were a weak, inferior species. The more and more the queen’s friend observed them, the more he realized they just didn’t possess the powers that the Aspen did. He walked out into the town and decided that he would make contact with the species. He began to stroll through the town observing everything that he passed. His past research was slowly trickling back into his head. He had been walking around for no more than twenty minutes when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see a friendly looking man starring back at him.
“Hey buddy,” said the man, “you new in town?”
Among the powers that the Aspen possessed, they had a quick learning trait as well a function in their brain that allowed them to understand any language, and speak it fluently. He had understood what the man had said as though it were his own language.
“Yes,” said the queen’s friend, “I flew in two days ago.”
“Flew in did ya?” chuckled the man, “You ain’t one of those space folk are ya?”
Before the queen’s friend had a response, the man said, “Ha-ha! I’m just messin’ with ya buddy. We all know that aliens don’t exist, or at least from what we have learned.”
“Right,” said the queen’s friend, a little confused.
The friendly man held out his hand and said, “The name is Jason West.”
“The queen’s friend starred at the hand for awhile. He wasn’t entirely sure what he was supposed to do. Taking a lucky guess he reached out and grabbed the man’s hand. The man looked back at him with question and then shook his hand for him. The two of them stood there looking at one another for awhile when finally the man said, “This is normally where you say your name.”
“My name, yes of course,” said the queen’s friend said, “My name is, uhh…Alfred. Alfred Shard.”
His Aspen family was the Shard family. They were the family of royalty and honor. He figured that much didn’t need to change. The humans here wouldn’t be able to pronounce his real name, so he remembered the name from a book he had researched. He had hoped this name didn’t appear to strange to the man. He had kind of just made it up on the spot.
“Nice to meet ya Alfred. So what brings you to Georgetown?” asked Jason.
“Georgetown?” asked Alfred.
“Ya, you know the name of our town. Is your head screwed on right buddy?” he asked.
“I believe so, it doesn’t look unscrewed to you does it?” Alfred asked, taking it seriously.
“Uhh, yeah buddy. Man, you’re weird! Oh well. This town is full of strange folk.”
“That is good to know. Mr. West, do you know where I can get some food?” Alfred asked.
“Why yes I do. There is a store over that way,” Jason said pointing at a building, “They get all of their food from the surrounding farms.”
Thinking about the farms haunted Alfred’s memory. Everything was reminding him of the war.
“Alright,” Alfred said, “Well it was nice to meet you, Jason,”
“Hope to see ya around, stranger,” Mr. West said.
Alfred had landed on a strange planet. Everything here was so mysterious and wonderful. He knew it wouldn’t be easy to raise the young one here. He had made a promise to his queen though. He returned to the spacecraft with food and opened it up. He took the baby out and held him in his arms. The little hazel-eyed wonder looked up at his uncle giggling. The Queen was having difficulties naming her son, so Alfred was now left with the task. He was going to have to grow up as a human, with unique abilities on this planet. He had only met one human on this planet so far and didn’t know another acceptable name. He looked down at the baby with a smile.
“Welcome to Earth, Jason,” Alfred said looking up at the night sky.

On Your Own

The hot sun glared down on the ground below. Jason Shard stood, eyes closed, searching for something around him. He could hear the sounds of insects humming in the distance and felt the sweat dripping down his face. It was all old news to him. What he was looking for was something much more noticeable. Suddenly, he felt the signature above him. He opened his eyes to see his uncle high in the air. His Uncle Alfred was a tall man, strong man. He wore a confident face with everything he did. His brown hair helped compliment his brown facial hair that covered the majority of his face, below the nose. His green eyes reflected the sun as he looked down to Jason.
Jason stood with a sleeveless white shirt and a pair of jeans. He wasn’t wearing any shoes or socks. When he trained with his uncle, they only seemed to get in the way. Jason was an inch or two shorter than his uncle, putting him at about six foot two. He had mesmerizing hazel

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