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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Code of Chivalry by Artemis Nightshade (best classic literature .txt) 📖

Book online «Code of Chivalry by Artemis Nightshade (best classic literature .txt) 📖». Author Artemis Nightshade

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Terence Evergreen

My name’s Terence, Terence Evergreen. My mother’s dead, my father is missing. I serve Lord Roux’s son, Garret. He’s okay, okay maybe not. While tending the fields, I noticed that my “master” is doing everything he can just to see me get whipped. He loves that and I hate him. The sooner I can pay my debts the better!

“OI Lad!” Lord Roux shouted. “Yes milord?” I ask bowing. “My son and his faithful friend need you straight away.” He orders as I turn to leave. ‘Welcome to hell.’

I thought knocking on master Garret’s door. “Enter!” I hear him shout out. “What took him so long?” Paul teases. ‘Wait! I’m never late for anything!’ I thought surprised by the fact that I’m late for the first time.

“I love messing with him!” He exclaims. I really want to punch him in the nose but then I’ll get whipped and by Barack, he’s huge!

“What are you standing there for?” Garret asks. “What do you want me to do milord?” I ask bowing. “We’re bored. Let’s have some fun! Go get the bull whip.” He orders pointing his finger outside.

'The bull whip? I only get that if I’m in trouble. Am I?’ I thought in terror but I have to do what I am told. So, I went to the stables and retrieve the bull whip.

“You in trouble again?” Christian asks. Christian, my friend, my only friend. “No, master said he wants to have some… fun?” I explain getting the bull whip. Usually I feel terrified by it but with me handling it, I feel stronger, as if I were the master. Knowing that I’m not I say good-bye to my friend and head back.

“Finally we can have some fun!” Paul exclaim when? I entered. “Yes but not here. My father and mother will hear. To the tree house!” Garret says as I follow them. No one knows the trail except for me, Garret, and Paul. When we got to an oak tree, we start climbing up.

There, lies a rope, probably for me. ‘Welcome to torture vill. Population: me.’ I thought waiting for Master Garret to give me orders.

“Undress, shirt off and face the tree.” He orders and I do what he said. Stripping my shirt I turn and face the tree. Still facing the tree I hear master crack the whip, just to mock me.

Tied up and about to be humiliated, I shudder a little. “Are you ready to have some fun?” He asks grinning. ‘No!’ I want to shout out but I can’t so I nod. “Ready?” He asks his friend who smiled evilly. Master Garret raises the whip but before he could lay it down on me, we heard the sound of a horn.

The Knights of Chivalry! Dropping the whip, Paul and Garret climb down. Putting on my shirt I follow after them and out of the forest. “You forgot the whip stupid boy! Go fetch it!” Master Garret orders as I went back for it.

“Should we leave him?” Paul asks. “No, we can’t. Wish we could though.” He replies. I came back with the whip in my hand. We run again, hear the horn again and something else, Garret’s mother Lady Sarah, the meanest woman in the world.

“There they are.” She said pointing to them. “That’s my son, Garret and his friend, Paul.” She said as the boys bow down. Seeing that I have the whip she went to slap me. “Boy! What are you doing with that?” She asks pointing at the whip.

“Nothing! Master Garret and Master Paul ask for me to send this!” I explain. But Lady Sarah wouldn’t take the “lie” (truth). “Oh, you’re in trouble.” Garret mocked while Paul chuckled a little.

“Now wait a minute.” One of the knights said, “Let us see who is lying or not.” “Young lad, why do you have it?” He asks me. “Well Sir, My master told me to get. They were going to have some fun with me.” I explain as he nods then turns to the boys.

“He’s lying! Lying, lying, and lying!!!” Garret shouted out. “What do you think Sir Kayden?” He asks. “I don’t know Sir Lucas, the master seems way too anxious but the boy seems truthful.” Sir Kayden replies. “Milady, your son was lying, devil speaking I say.” Sir Lucas explains.

“He must be punished.” Sir Kayden replies as Lady Sarah begins to weep. Looking horrified I had to save him, don’t want to.

“Sirs, it is true what they did but I did something that was far worse then them.” I said. “And what is that?” Sir Kayden asks raising an eyebrow.

Thinking up a lie I said, “I stole some jewels from Mistress Lillian’s room. I should be punished for stealing.”

‘Great lie.’ Paul thought still scared by the two knights. “Stealing is a crime and you could be hung. But, we’ll let you go, you can’t help it.

I was like that.” Sir Lucas said smiling and winking. “What we’re really here for are you three.” Sir Kayden explains.

“Three? You mean two.” Garret asks pointing to him and Paul. “Nope he said three. Master Garret, Master Paul, and… Terence.” Sir Lucas said as I widen my eyes in disbelief.

‘This can’t be happening!’ I’m guessing both me and Garret thought. ‘Why would they want me? I’m a nobody.’ I said to myself. Packing my bags I hear a knock on the door.

“Come in.” I shout out. Sir Kayden walks in with his hand on the hilt of a sword. “You are going to need this.” He said giving me the sword. I had to quickly place the sword on the bed, it was far too heavy!

Chuckling, he said, “Don’t worry, we’ll have practice. It was your father’s.”

“My father’s? But, my father is…” I didn’t know what to say, for my father is missing and no one cares but me.

Placing a comfort hand on me Sir Kayden says sympathetically, “I knew your father, he was a great man. Served and protected the King, Queen, Prince, and Princess as if they were precious jewels. I too wish where he is.” Tears were about to fall from my face so I wipe them off quickly.

Taking a deep breathe we head outside where the others were waiting. “How come he gets a sword and we don’t!?” Paul asks.

“Yes, why don’t we?” Garret asks. “My boys that sword belonged to Terence’s father before he disappeared.” Sir Lucas explains as Paul looked at me with sympathy? “We better go.” Sir Lucas said as the two knights get on their horse. Sir Lucas has Garret and Sir Kayden has Paul.

“Sorry, I guess you won’t be coming.” Garret teases mock frowning. “That won’t be necessary.” I turn around to see Christian with a horse. “You might need him.” He said as I take the reigns.

“What’s your name lad?” Sir Kayden asks. “Christian Sir. No last name, orphan through and through.” My friend explains. “Can he come with us?” I ask hopefully. The two knights look at each other and nod. We got on the horse and we all rode off to the kingdom.

The Huntress, The Princess

“I can’t believe they are taking us.” Christian said as we gather wood for a fire. I had to smile, but, the sword that Sir Kayden had given me.

It could be a clue as to where my father may be. We gathered up some more wood until our arms can’t carry any more and head back. When we got back, something happed.

“What happened?” I ask dropping the wood. “Hunters. You got to be cafeful with them. They’re merciless with their prey.” Sir Lucas explains.

“Where’s Garret and Paul then?” Christian asks. We didn’t have to look very hard, they were in the tent and so was someone else. A hunter with a mask and hood over his head.

I couldn’t tell who it is but he had a knife on Garret’s throat. He looked frightened (that makes me want to jump happily) and is shaking a whole lot.

“No body move!” The hunter said although I had never heard of a hunter with a high pitch voice before. “Let go of him, now.” Sir Lucas demands but the hunter presses his knife harder on my master.

“You don’t tell me what to do.” He said. “Don’t make my friend kill you.” He said gesturing to Sir Kayden who has his sword to the hunter’s back. Reluctantly, he lets go and starts to run. But not before Christian catches him. “Let me go!” He demanded.

“No, you are our prisoner now.” Sir Kayden said. The hunter kept on struggling so I went to help Christian told him down.

“Now, let’s see who it is.” Paul said recalling his dignity. The hunter stopped then begged? “Please don’t!” He cried out as Sir Lucas removed the mask. Revealing not a hunter, but a huntress?

“I don’t believe it! Zoe?” Sir Kayden asks surprised. The girl smiled guiltily. “Hello.” She said. Christian and I let go of her.

“What are you doing her princess?” He asked. ‘Princess?’ I thought. “I got bored. You men have a whole lot of fun!” She complains. “But they’re hunters!” Paul stammers. “Huntresses, they’re huntresses.” Zoe said as the remaining ones come out with masks off.

“Since doing manly things for woman is forbidden, we decided to make up a secret one for girls only.” Zoe explains but then begs, “Please don’t tell father! He’ll be mad. Really mad.”

“We won’t tell on one condition, you take us to the castle.” I said surprised that I said that to the princess. “Fine, I guess tis fair.” She said as we packed up. I noticed the huntresses put their masks away and hid their weapons.

We all decided to walk, since there are only three horses and so many of us. The journey was exhausting. With the sun beaming down, we were slowing down. Not the huntresses and the knights anyway. Zoe walks tall and proud, but she doesn’t walk like any princess.

She walks like a man. My friend, master, and Paul couldn’t take their eyes off of her. I had to chuckle a little because master Garret is drooling.

“We’re almost there.” Zoe said to us not turning around. Suddenly, an arrow shot out and landed on Zoe’s right shoulder. Zoe’s scream could be heard all though

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