ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Prenominal by Kayla Godkin (top 10 best books of all time TXT) 📖

Book online «Prenominal by Kayla Godkin (top 10 best books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kayla Godkin

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mission was to take a soul." I growled at him and then he shook his head.


"Not now it isn't." I was in shock, Sunotics never spoke to me like that. He ignored my statement and began slaughtering them, he wasn't fast enough to kill them all in time though. A human reached towards me for help and I folded my arms. A bloodsucker grabbed him from the behind and ripped his throat out. I heard footsteps running up the stairs, I quickly ripped the bloodsucker's head off from its shoulders. Levi ran towards the human who just had his throat ripped open, some humans survived from Sunotics' help.


I walked to Levi and knelt down to him. "Levi, I-"


"No." Levi cut me off and I waited for him to speak again. "You tried your best, thank you." He cried and held onto the old man, the human had similar features of Levi. Blonde hair, fair skin and blue eyes. Levi had a chubby face though, the dead human had more of a bold feature.


"This one important to you?" Brooklyn asked, I looked up to Brooklyn and shook my head.


"Are you kidding me Brook?" I shook my head again.


"He is my father, can you three lead everyone to the entrance. I will meet you there soon." Levi kept his head down and continued to cry. The humans went before us and I looked up to Sunotics. He kept frowning at me and Brooklyn noticed the tension.


As we climbed down the tall building, Brooklyn seemed to pity the dead humans. "What is it Sunotics, spit it out. Jealous you got no thank you?" I laughed and he smiled.


"Confused that you no longer have a heart after Levi helping us, the least we could do was to help him."


"A lot of attitude coming from you Sunotics, I am surprised you feel that way with beings we barely know about."


"Next time you choose to be the arsehole, do it when innocent lives aren't being taken away." I rammed him against the wall and the humans stopped and looked up to us. Brooklyn ran up and tried pulling me away.


"Stop it Proteus! We are friends here!" Brooklyn yelled and punched my shoulder but I didn't budge. 


"You aren't the right hand, you remember that." I growled at Sunotics, he never showed fear only ignorance. I took my hands off him and stepped back.


 Kelis is gone, I can't find her after I was taken in for an experiment. Wires and machinery were being inserted into my body, I couldn't find the will to try and pass out. Chemicals and needles were continuously stabbed into my chest, filled with purple substances. The mad professor smirked and took note on each of my reactions, my body was covered with my own blood and replaced with this purple liquid. I screamed over and over as the Shifters pressed hot metal against my wounds to stop me from bleeding.


"So, Matthew. How do you feel?" the professor chuckled and I kept my head down, he took a few steps towards me and plunged a scalpel in my shoulder. My head flew backwards and I screamed. "So pain I take it? Strange before you kept saying 'where is Kelis', 'where is Melinda'. Now you only scream." He grabbed the scalpel from my shoulder and twisted it, I clenched my teeth and glared at the freak.


The doors behind the professor opened and a female and male Shape Shifter entered, the female wore a lab coat and the other was dressed as a soldier. Armed with guns and a switch blade in the pocket. She approached the desk beside the professor and slipped on gloves. "Hello human, what are his results?" she turned to the professor and he quickly went through his folder filled with charts and tables.


"Subject one isn't reacting the same as two, number two seems to be rejecting the serum than to adapt to it." The professor looked disappointed, the woman reached to touch my face but I looked away. She didn't touch me, instead she went to the professor and folded her arms. "My lady, please forgive me for asking but that human may be the one-"


She held up her hand and shook her head. "That human, does not deserve this treatment. She is too young to understand what her parents have done." I frowned and looked to the female.


"Kelis?" The lady turned and smiled.


"Your child is safe for now."


"No, she is the other girl's sister." I explained, the lady folded her arms and nodded.


"You have guts to come into our realm and try to destroy our way of life, plus bringing a young child. Don't worry, she may be useful for the princesses and queen. She is the reason how you stayed here so long anyway." I tried to speak but something prevented me from speaking. She walked towards me and wiped some of the blood and sweat from my neck.


I kept my eyes on her and she sighed. Another Shape Shifter ran through the door, before he could take another step, the soldier grabbed hold of the male Shifter's neck and rammed him against the wall and aimed his gun at his head. "My lady!" the male cried out. The female Shifter approached him and nodded to the soldier, he instantly stepped away from the Shifter and pointed his gun to the floor. "The gate has been breached, Vampires have made their way through the gate and have humans on their trail from a retreat."


"Those dim witted Vampires! Is Lilith with them?" the female asked and the little Shifter nodded. "What are they honestly trying to do, if those bloody Vamps kill one human near the gate anyone is free to enter our realms!"


"What would you like me to do my lady?"


"Split up the princesses immediately!" the female turned to the professor and the rest of the Shifters were in panic. Why is this so frightening? They are Shifters and can turn into anything. "Do this quick." she ordered the professor nodded and the three shifters went towards the exit. I am so confused, they weren't afraid of us but this group? At least I know one thing that hopefully Kelis and Melinda have just heard. We aren't alone. I just pray these people are on our side.


The professor frowned and tilted his head. "You are smiling." I only realised how happy I was. Knowing there is a chance his head could be torn from his body, it will be me to do it. First Melinda's and Kelis's safety. I guess all I can do is stay and wait, hoping their fears will come true. Please happen.




Anat assigned all of the water elementals to train for battle, she hasn't spoken to any of the Goddesses or me. The Wind, Earth and Fire elementals won't take part in any of the war. Naida is delusional from her loss, she is controlled by her anger. I have watched over Anat and she is no warrior, over in different realms our powers are weakened. It won't work. "Vasuman." I turned to find Aura and she pointed towards the Garden of Eden. "I don't know what to do but to ask."


I nodded and I followed behind Aura, Demeter joined us and we didn't speak the whole way to the gate. We told our followers to stay behind and go inside, the Tree of Life was slowly dying. How can it be dying? It is made of purity and life! We all rushed to the tree and placed our hands on the tree only to be pushed back. "What has happened?" Demeter asked Aura. Even though Aura was the one with all the answers, this is the first time she couldn't see what to do. Her mind is connected to the Tree of Life, is it truly dying? The bark of the tree looked as if it were burnt, the leaves of the tree turned black and the fruit had mould that covered the entire fruit.


"Could it be Anat?" I asked, Aura frowned and shook her head.


"A God has went rogue like this before, there is something more." Aura went to touch the tree again and the roots dug its way out of the ground and wrapped themselves around Aura. The branches reached out to Demeter and strangled her, I ran to the Godesses to help them but the ground itself split beneath my feet. I fell in and the ground put itself back together around my body, my head was the only part of me that was kept free. My will to control my powers stopped working, I felt drained.


Aura began to scream and Demeter was hung be the branches, we screamed and from the corner of my eye Anat entered the Garden in her human form using her legs with Naida and the rest of our maidens and right hands. Aura's and my elementals were dragged in by Demeter's and Aura's followers. "Anat! What is going on?" I yelled at her but she ignored us. Naida held onto a pouch that held fruit that looked bright and the smell was strong. I couldn't make out the smell but it was the most beautiful thing I smelt. As if it were tempting me to reach out for a taste.


What kind of fruit could possibly make someone feel? She took one out from Naida's pouch and took a small bite. The juice dripped  down her jaw and then she looked down to me and grinned. She fell to the ground in pain and branches laid Demeter on the ground. In a swift movement, Naida grabbed onto four more of the same fruit with her tentacles and hovered the fruit close to Aura, Demeter and my mouth. I watched as Naida squeezed the fruit, allowing the juice to fall into Demeter's mouth. Demeter quickly sat up and tried to chuck up whatever she had in her mouth, Aura instantly dug into the fruit without question and I kept my mouth closed.


"You dare to betray you Goddesses and God?" I yelled at them and they shook their heads.


"They won't be when this is done." Naida shoved the fruit into my mouth and covered my lips, I began to choke as a bit of the juice went down my throat. At first it was the best thing I could possibly taste but a sudden burn filled my body, like acid filling my body and running out. Naida removed her tentacle and

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