ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Prenominal by Kayla Godkin (top 10 best books of all time TXT) 📖

Book online «Prenominal by Kayla Godkin (top 10 best books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kayla Godkin

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The air is thin but it was just enough for us to survive. I have travelled through realms that no human should travel.  Mortals are now an endangered species, to other beings we are like cockroaches just sneaking around to find what we can to survive. Our human bodies are abnormal to others, we contain enough strength to live in other realms other than our home Earth. My companions are Matthew and Kelis, they are the only humans that I know who are still alive. Inside I know there are more of us out there but Matthew doesn't seem to agree. He used to be the most positive person you would ever know but the loss of his family changed him completely.


Kelis is my younger sister, we used to have a brother until he was slaughtered along with Matthew's family. Matthew and I are the only ones who would remember them but she was too young. Kelis has a special gift that scares Matthew, but it keeps us safe. She is not like all the other beings or any human, she has magical powers that are used to keep us from being detected. To humans we call people like her witches or wizards, however to other beings people like Kelis are the most dangerous beings alive.


We currently live in a realm called Shrift, if you would call it living that is. The realm is the home to the Shape Shifters, they are demonic creatures. They were meant to be the investigators so to speak, testing everything new they find and do anything to make sense of how things work and why they exist.


I walked over to a seat in the middle of the room, this realm was similar to ours but we must always change our figures. Kelis also uses her magic to change our faces but not our voices, it drains a lot of her energy but it never seems to crack into her happy young self. Matthew came to sit next to me and sighed, I switched on the television to watch a show that I absolutely hated.


It was the documentary channel, which may as well be known as animal planet. The Shape Shifter hosting the show was explaining how dangerous mortals are, more vicious than a strong demon. Matthew placed his hand on my knee and squeezed it gently. "You need to head to the school here to keep an eye on Kelis." I nodded and turned over to Kelis crashed out on the lounge. I smiled down at her but fear ran through me, I looked down to the necklace my grandmother gave me and squeezed it within my palm.


"Matt, how long must we run?" I stared into his eyes and he wrapped his arms around me. He rubbed my back and cleared his throat.


"This is the only life we have now. It is scary but at least we have each other and still breathing."


"We have gone through three realms and have just made it out, Kelis needs to rest and be a young girl." he smiled. "And you need to be a young adult but for now, you need to be an educated teenager. You know that." I nodded and got to my feet switching off the program.


I shook Kelis gently and she frowned kicking me away. Matthew walked beside me and took her blanket off. She sat up and began to groan. "Come on sleepy head." I shook her again and she pushed me away. I went into my room that I shared with Kelis and start to find my clothes. Matthew walked into my room and also found some clothes for Kelis,


He quickly got dressed into a tuxedo we found in the house. The suit itself adjusted to his body as well as my dress did. He stroke a pose and gave me a seductive look. I began to laugh but Matt stood there without cracking a smile. He raised his brow and shimmied; how can he not break into laughter? Kelis ran in a dress similar to mine, her royal purple dress came below her knees but my navy blue dress fell above my knees.


"You guys ready? Kelis remember-" Kelis suddenly cut me off.


"Yes Mel, I get it. Find you straight away after school." I smiled and wrapped my arm around her, Matt knelt down to kiss Kelis's cheek. "See you after school Matt."


I watched Matthew's face change, his Asian-like brown eyes shifted into feline, sharp, golden eyes. His tanned skin slowly grew black fur and his teeth were sharpened. To everyone around here this look is normal but I sometimes grow fear. Kelis turned to me stroked my cheek, my light brown eyes were the same but my skin grew pink spots and my light tan skin turned bright yellow. I turned to the mirror and sighed. "Pink? Seriously Kelis?"


Kelis laughed and held her hand out to Matt and he hi-fived her. "No this is good, remember if you have the same colour all the time you know you will look suspicious." I rolled my eyes and grabbed Kelis's ear. I dragged her out of the door and Matthew kissed my forehead.


"See you after." Matt pulled out a piece of hair from my pony tail and I nodded.


Kelis pulled out my grip and ran for the front door. I ran after her and she quickly changed her face, she grew a fluffy tail with a dog like face. She quickly ran out our wooden door and I ran out with her slamming the door shut behind me. I tackled her down onto the ground that was covered with roses. The bricks on the road were painted with roses and the sun with in a shape of a seed. We got to our feet, continuing to laugh. A siren was suddenly called and Kelis looked up to me. "It's the princesses!"


I followed Kelis behind her and there was a flying carpet that had three women in cloaks surrounded by guards, the locals in the street bowed down and I too did the same. Kelis did the same as I did and waited for the royal sister to disappear to the end of the street. I got to my feet again and brushed the rose petals off my knees. They were heading towards the school, I began to walk along the path and Kelis was by my side.


Kelis held my hand and I gripped onto her tight. Once we made our way to the school, we found the students gossiping. "Kelis!" I jumped from the sound of my sister's name. A little boy with rings around his eyes ran to Kelis, she smiled and seemed to have realised who he was. She ran and hugged him. "How was your holidays?" he asked and Kelis groaned. I messed up her hair and she pushed me away.


"Could have been better, what about you?" she asked and he shrugged his shoulders smiling.


"Same as you, did you hear that the princesses are making an announcement?" Kelis and I shook our heads. The boy looked up to me and held out his hand. "Sorry who are you?"


"Oh, I'm Kelis's sister Melinda. I'm guessing you’re a friend of hers?" I smiled shaking his hand.


"Benny, and I'm her boyfriend." I stopped shaking his hand and squeezed his hand. His eyes widened and I began to glare at him with my smile still placed on my face. He squealed a little and Kelis shook my arm. "I was joking."


I let go of his hand leaving it red. He frowned up to me and Kelis tugged onto his arm. They ran off with the other children she met last year. I watched all the students head inside. I could no longer move, my feet were stuck to the floor. It grew quiet quickly, sounds of children's laughter and teenagers gossiping vanished into the building. I watched the wooden doors slowly closing; eventually I began to walk to the doors and stopped it from sealing closed.


A young child ran across the hallways, opening and closing more doors. The  lockers were lined up against the wall. Some were decorated with graffiti, and a few had dints and mould. I walked through the school that had the scent of roses. Not really my favourite smell.  Not too far away I could hear a man presenting a speech with an applaud when he stopped. I walked towards the sound and found myself in the school hall.


The three women who sat on cushions that were laid on the floor were the princesses, they all looked similar. Kylie was the youngest, she looked human with a blue streak in her lime green hair. She was playing with it while her oldest sister Charlie coughed into the microphone, Charlie covered her mouth and looked embarrassed. Kylie held in laughter and was nudged by the middle child Cassie. They all were in a human form but all of them had a little navy blue highlights in their lime green hair.


"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today is the start of a new year for all of us. Most importantly you. My youngest sister Kylie will be joining this school, as her wish is to be an educated woman like you. I wish for all of you to treat her like one of your peers-" Charlie was cut off from everyone's cheers, I folded my arms and stood back. Kylie blushed and looked down to those who worship her.


She didn't look like she was confident in her participation to school. Charlie continued with her speech and soon sat down with her sisters. The principal walked onto the stage while applauding. He was in a shape of a bear with tentacles as arms. "Thank you Princess Charlie, and we all welcome you to the school Kylie. Now we also have a few new students as well so I would like all new students in the senior year to stay here, those in the mid-grade follow the path that starts from the door in the back. Then finally the young children follow me to the library, of course everyone else please head to your old roll call rooms. Your old teachers will be there awaiting for you."


Everyone got up from their seats and headed towards the places where they were meant to go and I went to take a seat. Charlie and Cassie hugged their younger sister and headed to the exit along with their security guards. Kylie came and sat alone away from all of the gossipers, staring at her and giggling. She then looked towards me and smiled. I waved and leaned back on my chair. A whole crowd surrounded her and began to ask questions. Kylie leaned forward to find me again and smiled again.


I finally finished with all of my paper work and now would be a good time for me to just relax. Kelis is probably having a good first day, I am home now and my face has

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