ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Troy: The Demon Knight - Season One by Nick Venom (read e book TXT) 📖

Book online «Troy: The Demon Knight - Season One by Nick Venom (read e book TXT) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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Mr. Inuzuka muttered. 

Casper ignored him and tightened his grip on her arm harder out of anger. Mr. Inuzuka raised his hat, revealing his blood-red eyes.  “Oh, you don’t want to sit?” He whispered. In a split second, he went from his desk to Casper, brandishing a katana and laying the blade against his throat. Casper felt the katana pinch his throat, forcefully retracting his arm. Mr. Inuzuka reached in and whispered “sit down,” in his ears. Casper nodded and sat down at his desk, surrounded by his friends, who all remained silent. Amanda and Kelly sat down next to Troy while Victoria returned to her friend circle, glancing over at Troy every once in a while. 

Mr. Inuzuka, however, let out a smile before returning to his desk, lazing upon it. “Let the class begin.”



Episode Three "Breakdown"

The first day of class ended in eight hours, Mr. Inuzuka had milked the class for everything it was worth. Most of the day was spent on the knowledge they already had and less on new topics. He handed out a  knight textbook, filled with everything about the six classes of knights and their histories. Nothing new to them. 

After the day wrapped, Mr. Inuzuka released them into the wild. Casper, still seething with anger, left with his friends. Victoria tried to stay behind but was dragged off by her circle of friends. The only people left were Amanda, Kelly, Marie, Xavier, and Virginia. The others ventured off for personal reasons. 

Troy stood up from his corner desk and walked towards the door. At the corner of his eye, he noticed Amanda rising from her chair. She looked at Troy with worried eyes. 

He quickened his pace, leaving her in the dust.

Xavier rose and patted Kelly’s shoulder, beckoning her to follow him. She nodded, following him. Amanda went to the door and watched Troy leave, disappointed that she couldn’t talk to him, before joining Xavier and Kelly.

Marie went off on her own, returning to her house with a look of disgust. She didn’t want to be there. “One day I’ll be independent, watch me.” She muttered to herself.

Virginia was the last one to leave---not including Mr. Inuzuka---venturing off to visit a friend of hers. Her friend, Jane, was an Aerial Knight who taught private lessons to the younger Virginia, ensuring that she passes with flying colors. She kept the lessons secret from her friends, looking up at the stars, one day wishing to visit her father who disappeared into the air. 


Before Troy could make it home, he nearly bumped into a kid his age. The kid---who resembled a skater kid---wore a baseball cap and long dirty hair. Instead of a skateboard, the kid wielded a metal bo-staff. 

“Hey, sorry about that. I wasn’t looking.” The kid said.

“It’s okay,” He whispered.

“I’m Reid, a Magic Knight apprentice,” Reid said, extending his hand out. Troy reluctantly shook Reid’s hand. “You are?”

“Troy, “

“Are you a knight apprentice?” He asked, pointing at the knight textbook. Troy nodded his head. “What kind of knight do you want to be? I’ve always wanted to be a magic knight since I was young. Thankfully, when I was nine, I discovered my large mana pool, granting me a one-way trip into becoming a Magic Knight.” He ranted. Reid had continued to rant on for what seemed like days, but Troy had zoned out. His mind was focused on Casper and the arguments they would have. He understood that Casper would punish him. 

Reid ended his rant, realizing that he had spoken too much. “Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to go on such a tangent rant. Anyways, what kind of knight do you want to be?”

Troy opened his mouth to quietly answer the question, but his jaw locked up. The idea of becoming a knight never entered his mind. He had no idea what he wanted to be. What kind of knight would he become? Could he become a knight? “I-I… I…” He stumbled on his words.

“Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to rush you. I understand that it takes a while to choose a class.” Reid said. 

“No, I-I’m sorry. I have to go,” Troy ran off, leaving Reid dumbfounded.

“I guess Merlin was right. I’m no good at making friends.”


Troy ran to his house, locking the door behind him. His breathing began erratically; Casper, Kelly, and Amanda, and knight classes flooded his mind. He was having a breakdown, ignited by a simple question. Troy was unsure of what he wanted to become. After his parents’ death, he couldn’t control himself. Besides him, Casper seemed to be taking their deaths harshly, taking his anger on Troy. Victoria couldn’t control him, acting as a weak mediator between the two brothers. Everything was spiraling downwards. 

Troy’s breathing left him with little oxygen, collapsing to the ground. His heart nearly stopped, his brain being even closer. The breakdown nearly killed him.


A cyan-colored car flipped on its back was surrounded by a wall of flames. The inhabitants screamed their lungs out. They were trapped in the car, their seatbelts restricting them. Besides that, the doors were welded shut, giving them no chances of freedom. Instead. they were given a first-row seat to their death. They had nowhere else to go. 

An ambulance blared its horn, attempting to reach the car. Passersby watched in horror as the fire licked at the inhabitants. The fire was winking at them, melting the mirrors off. The glass began to crack, a piece flying into the car and barely missing one of the passengers. 

“Where is he?”

“He did this!” 

Two voices shouted from the car, saying opposite things. The female’s voice asked for someone while the male’s voice blamed the person. 

They screamed and screamed for help, but to no avail.


“Where were you?” Victoria asked Casper. He arrived at the house early the next morning. Victoria had returned to the house in the afternoon and found Troy’s unconscious body. She took Troy to the nearby clinic and they managed to save his life. They returned in the evening, Victoria learning that Troy had something resembling a heart attack, something strange for him. Heart attacks weren’t uncommon for the family, but not something anybody expected for the youngest of the family.

“I was at a friend’s house, nothing to worry about.”

“Nothing to worry about? Troy nearly died!” Victoria shouted, slamming her fists on the table. 

“So what if-” A glare from Victoria interrupted him. He didn’t dare to continue his sentence. “I didn’t know about it until after the situation was fixed.”

“Because you were too busy partying with your friends to care about us! I sent you a notice and you never replied!” She shouted, nearly slapping him. 

Troy picked up his plate and left it in the sink. Victoria snapped out of her anger and realized that Troy heard everything. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t-”

Troy didn’t want to hear any words, choosing to leave. He left his siblings behind, escaping a figurative car.

Meanwhile, in the house, Victoria had calmed down, resting her head on the table. “You need to be a better brother for him. You can’t be partying right now, especially after the furn-” She didn’t have the strength to complete her sentence. 

“I…” His voice quivered. “I-I…” He gave up and stomped towards his room, slamming the door after him and leaving Victoria in the kitchen.

As soon as he left, Victoria asked a question to herself, out loud, “Mom, Dad, am I strong enough to keep this family together? Or will I tear it apart by pretending to be you?” She then glanced up at a family portrait, noticing a younger Troy in it. “I guess, only time will only tell.”



Episode Four "Knights Run Society"

The siblings made it to class the next day in different conditions. Casper looked angry, his blood boiling at the scolding Victoria gave him.

Victoria looked a mix of worried and angry, something that her friends rarely saw. In her friends’ eyes, Victoria was a porcelain doll that was always carefree and relaxed. However, the knight class had exposed different parts of her from her shriek of anger to dominance over her older brother. She was the mediator, mediating her siblings and herself.

Troy was quiet and by himself, snuggling into the corner. The others saw very little change in him compared to his siblings. Unlike the others, he was used to keeping his emotions bottled up, never leaking an ounce. A bottle soon filling to the brim.

The day then began as Mr. Inuzuka escaped his pajamas and, somehow during the first ten minutes of class, wore a tuxedo. One of Troy’s classmates---Michael---questioned the sudden change in clothing

“Why are you wearing a tuxedo? Are we having visitors?”

“The principal, vice-principal, and mayor will be arriving soon to see how this class’s been going.  They’re going to be asking questions, so that means you’ll have to lie about how the class’s been doing. If they ask if I’m a good teacher, then say yes. Anybody who says no will receive an ‘F’.” He declared.

Mr. Inuzuka wasn’t the best teacher in the town, but he was the strongest. It seems that was everything the principal needed to hire him, ignoring his lazy and carefree attitude. However, unbeknownst to the principal, Mr. Inuzuka wasn’t simple. The killing intent that he displayed when forcing Casper into his seat had frozen everybody on spot. He wasn’t to be trifled on.

The principal, vice-principal, and mayor arrived within five minutes after Mr. Inuzuka announced their arrival. They entered the room, standing at the front. Mr. Inzukua stood up from his desk, introducing them.

“Ms. Dixon is BU’s principal. Standing next to her is our vice-principal Ms. Dawes, and our mayor, Mr. Curie.” Mr. Inuzuka announced, putting on his best cheerful and happy attitude, a clear facade to his students.

The principal was a middle-aged woman with blonde curls and pale skin. She wore a light blue floral dress that went to her knees. She had a friendly smile that attracted others. She looked like a bright little flower planted among the grass. 

The vice-principal shared one connection to Mr. Inuzuka through a cheerful and happy attitude, except that she wasn’t faking hers. She wore a black suit with matching pants, resembling a typical businesswoman found on Earth. She had on glasses that she used to analyze the students, figuring out small details without hesitation. Her intellect surpassed many, with people claiming that she was a genius.

The last person, Mayor Curie, was a rigid man with scars spanning the visible parts of his body. He masked the rest of his body in a tuxedo-like suit. His

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