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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Troy: The Demon Knight - Season One by Nick Venom (read e book TXT) 📖

Book online «Troy: The Demon Knight - Season One by Nick Venom (read e book TXT) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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couldn’t do anything. He stopped himself from fighting back, dodging all of the blows. Cindy was getting frustrated, taking out her frustrations on Troy. She wanted to win the duel quickly, but she hadn’t expected Troy to be dodging every blow. 

Troy continued to roll around as Cindy chased him, another explosion of laughter coming from the crowd. They were all chuckling at Cindy’s expense and that destroyed her.

“How about a peasant like you roll over and die already. You’re only cannon fodder for my family.” She shouted of rage. “You and your dumb siblings.” 

They both froze after her words. Troy glared at her, bringing his sword up. She angered him. He was okay with her cursing him out, but not his siblings. He gripped the sword tightly before charging towards her. He slashed at her. She braced for his strength but underestimated him. He slashed her wooden sword in half, nearly piercing her in the process. The swing nearly chopped off pieces of skin. 

She was thrown backward after losing her weapon, falling to the ground. She looked up at him with sheer terror, an expression Troy was familiar with. He lost the motivation to fight.

“I concede, I concede!” She shouted, flailing her arms around.

Mr. Inuzuka appeared in the middle, taking the sword out of his grip. “The duel is over, Troy wins. Next are Amanda and Logan.” He declared before walking away. Troy looked at the shocked crowd before running away, shielding his embarrassed face.

“I am a murderer,” 




Hello All!


A quick announcement. Troy: The Demon Knight S1: Blueway will be going on its mid-season break (a one-week break), but I will be taking the first fourteen days of January off, so Troy will return January 18th, 2021 for episode eight. Until then, you can enjoy the other series apart of Generation VI (November 2020 - February 2021)


Troy: The Demon Knight S1 [Monday]

Silos S1 [Wednesday]

Element S1 [Thursday]

Atlas Online S1 [Saturday]

Aiden & The Holy Sword [Sunday]

Episode Eight "Surrendering & Explusions"

The secondary round came and went. The students were unmotivated, their futures in the class ensured for the moment. Amanda was pitted against Addison, who gave up almost immediately. She only wanted to be safe from elimination, an idea that Virginia, Marie, and Kelly shared. Marie was against Casper, who was hellbent on killing his opponent and decided to surrender. This fed into his pent-up anger caused by Henry. 

Meanwhile, Virginia and Kelly were against Victoria and Troy, both deciding to surrender. Virginia only wanted to remain in the class, using her free time to continue her secret studies. Kelly, on the other hand, wasn’t sure she could defeat Troy if she angered him, instead, deciding to avoid Cindy’s embarrassment. 

Now only four people remained heading into the pre-finals; Casper, Victoria, Amanda, and Troy. These four were pitted against each other, two surviving and going onto the final round.

Meanwhile, the loser tournament was held somewhere off school grounds between those eliminated in the first round. Henry, Xavier, Michael, Logan, Ashlee, Conner, Cindy, and Oscar were put into this side tournament. 

Mr. Inuzuka sent another teacher, Mr. Hockner, to supervise them. He watched as the short-lived first round commenced. Henry was against Xavier, being slammed into the ground almost-instantly. Xavier won within the first ten seconds of the fight without breaking a single sweat, a large blow to Henry’s weakening self-esteem. The second pair---being Michael and Logan---saw another quick end. Logan began the fight by taunting and joking at Michael’s expense, irritating the otherwise calmed man. He ditched the sword and grabbed Logan’s head, ending his taunts permanently. 

He slammed his head into the concrete, a different Healing Knight healing his injuries. He was put into another loser tournament, against the three losers from the first round to dictate the three expulsions from the class.

Ashlee was pitted against Conner, who surrendered right off the bat. His loss to Virginia hurt his manhood, damaging his soul. He left the school quietly, reports saying he never returned home. 

Ashlee was safe from expulsion.

The last elimination duel of the loser tournament was between Cindy and Oscar. The same results from Ashlee’s duel were witnessed in this fight.

Cindy gave up quickly, not without dishing out a single punch. She, instead, returned home where she was later tortured by her parents for her loss.

Oscar held onto the class’s diminishing seats. He was safe from expulsion. 

The loser tournament continued, pitting Ashlee against Oscar and Xavier against Michael. As anybody would have suspected, Oscar and Xavier won their duels, emerging in the final round. The two fought against each other, but Xavier held onto the advantage. His stealth and incredible speed saw him win his third duel, never breaking a strength against the meat-head. 

Xavier won the loser tournament. He would not be expelled.

To figure out the last expulsion, Henry and Logan were put against each other. Logan’s sharp tongue and somewhat witty remarks couldn’t save him. He was pummeled the same way Casper did to Henry. Logan was out of the fight, earning him the last expulsion spot.

Henry was safe from expulsion.


The pre-finals went on, pitting Victoria against Casper and Amanda against Troy. The first fight was Amanda against Troy. The two entered their share of the circle, facing each other, Amanda winking at him as she received her sword. 

“Ready? 3… 2… 1…” He held his arm in the air as he looked at each competitor. “Go!” He dropped his arm. 

Amanda went for the first strike, jabbing at him. Troy dodged the attack, weaving around the multiple strikes. 

He had been told by Victoria to face Amanda head-first. “Don’t belittle or embarrass her by defending and never attacking.” She told him. “They don’t deserve that. Fight earnestly, don’t go easy on her.” He understood her words, following her advice for this fight.

He dodged another blow---irritating the crowd---before jabbing at her exposed stomach. The jab connected, pushing her backward. She felt the blow and glanced up at him. 

Troy was afraid to see her expression, his body slightly trembling. However, instead of an angry or fearful face, she looked at him with a big smile. She mouthed “good job” before going in for a strike. Troy slightly curled his lips upward. 

Victoria watched from the sidelines, noticing the small smile and smiling herself. “He’s improving.”

Troy ran around the circle, jabbing at Amanda. She tried her best to pinpoint his location, but he weaved around her. Even so, she waited for an opportunity before striking, nicking his right shoulder. The momentum of the strike had pushed her forwards, granting Troy an opportunity. He sprinted behind her and knocked her unconscious by chopping her neck with his hand. He didn’t want to hurt her, only knock her unconscious. 

She fell forward, Troy sliding in front of her to grab her falling body. Kelly watched from the sidelines, slightly annoyed for no reason that she could think of. She didn’t like that Troy was touching Amanda’s body, even if it was her shoulders and stomach to hold her body up from hitting the ground. 

Troy emerged as the victor, earning applause from the crowd. Troy looked at Victoria for praise, ecstatic at her head nods and her mouthing “you did good” to him. He showed another small smile, this one directed to his sister. 

The crowd witnessed a spectacle; Troy could smile.

Casper and Victoria went for the second and last fight of the pre-finals. Casper and Victoria faced each other, standing in their share of the circle. Mr. Inuzuka raised his arm and started the countdown. When he reached zero, he dropped his arm. 

Casper attacked first, using his weight and height to his advantage. He threw his weight onto the sword, applying more pressure onto Victoria. However, it wasn’t enough to topple his little sister. She regained control of the fight, allowing tension to build on top of her before darting to the right. The sudden loss of tension tripped Casper, his face hitting the harsh cement. It scratched his face, creating a few wounds. 

However, he quickly jumped up and turned towards her, his face being dominated by three streaks of blood. Victoria lunged forward to fix the wounds, but Casper grabbed her, raising her in the air before slamming her small body into the ground. She broke her face, blood pouring out of a collection of wounds, her teeth shattered, and her eyes badly beaten up. Fortunately, they had a healing knight on duty, rushing to Victoria’s side to fix the damage. Victoria’s face was almost completely healed, having a few scars remaining over from the treatment.

Troy rushed to her side, his face completely overwhelmed by the brutal sight he witnessed. Victoria caressed his hair, touching their foreheads. “I’m fine,” she told him. “He didn’t mean to do this.” 

Troy’s lips quivered, but he calmed himself down after taking in a few breaths. “Get ready for your fight,” He nodded, heading to take her share of the circle. 

Victoria was escorted off the circle and into a nearby room to rest. While alone, Victoria looked up and let out a large sigh. “He’s becoming more violent. I’m afraid the damage is worse than I expected.” Her eyes began tearing up. “I’m sorry Mom and Dad.”

Soon, her friends rushed in to console her, carefully cursing Casper out. However, even with their kind words,  her spirit was slightly broken by Casper at that moment. She felt damaged.


The last fight began, pitting Troy against Casper. They stood on their share of the circle, waiting as Mr. Inuzuka counted down, dropping his arm when reaching zero.

Casper, fuelled by the burst of energy and anger he felt, went for the offense. He swung his sword at Troy, missing him by a hair’s length. Troy ducked and dove forward, flanking Casper. Now on the other side, he jumped up and landed a blow on his back. Casper grew more irritated, turning around and slamming his body into the smaller in frame and weaker Troy. The blow threw him to the edge of the circle, an inch from falling off. However, he quickly regained ground, pelting Casper with strikes, each one reminding Troy of Casper’s cruelty against Victoria. This fanned the flames. 

Troy’s weak strikes began growing stronger, now leaving bruises on Casper’s skin. Casper dropped to the ground, losing his weapon in the process. He let out a loud yelp as he felt the bruises forming. He turned towards Troy, his face in complete fear. He was scared of Troy’s strength. This expression froze Troy on the spot. Casper was on the ground, looking like a scared child. His building resentment had dissipated in an instant. He was no longer the fearless and impenetrable Casper, now only a small and weak version of himself. Troy was scared by his strength. Scared of Casper’s expression.

“I surrender,” He whispered, looking down at the ground. He threw his sword to the side, exiting the circle and walking off. Kelly and Amanda watched in shock but quickly recovered. They went after him but soon lost him. Nobody else tried following him, each one of them shocked by the brutal fights. They were speechless.

Virginia was in another room during the fight, quietly sobbing in front of her friends. She didn’t realize the fight was over or that Troy had left. Her role as the mediator broke down like herself.



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