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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Troy: The Demon Knight - Season One by Nick Venom (read e book TXT) 📖

Book online «Troy: The Demon Knight - Season One by Nick Venom (read e book TXT) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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Episode Nine "Landgate Theatre"

After a quick and sometimes brutal tournament, the students were released into the weekend. They had gone home, all in different conditions. Only thirteen people remained in class 1-0, while the last three were expelled. Cindy and Logan had gone home, treated differently by their families. Conner, on the other hand, had disappeared. There was no trace of him anywhere. He never returned home. 

Troy, however, had returned to the house and slept for half a day. When he awoke, he descended to the first floor where he found Victoria eating cereal. Casper was nowhere to be seen. 

“Morning, Troy.” She said in between bites.

“Morning…” He looked around the house. “Where’s Casper?”

“Gone, left early.” She told him. She quickly scarfed the remainder of the cereal before standing up. “Don’t expect to see him anytime soon.”

“Are you still…” He stopped himself before he finished his question. Victoria already knew his question.

“No, I'm not mad. Casper was, simply, acting out.” She beckoned him closer. He crept closer to her. “Ever since the funeral, he’s… changed. It’s clear as day that he’s taking their...the funeral hit him hard.”

“Even so, it wasn’t already to hurt you like that,” Troy said, his voice escaping his usual whisper tone.

“I understand that, but he’s not in the real mindset. The tournament just multiplied that mindset. Give him some time and he’ll calm down.” She told him, sitting down on the couch. “When it’s time to talk, we’ll know.”

Troy nodded. Victoria walked up to him and caressed his hair. “You’ve grown stronger as well. I saw that you took my advice and didn’t embarrass Amanda.”

He smiled and nodded his head. “She’s… been nice to me.”

“Has that Kelly girl and the Xavier guy been nice to you?” Troy nodded his head. “I’m not going to say you should keep your distance, but keep an eye on Xavier. I can trust Kelly, but I can’t wrap my head around Xavier. He’s full of mystery, a person you should be wary of.”

“They’re brother and sister,” He added.

“Even worse. He could use his sister to lower your guard.” She looked away from Troy. “Anyways, keep an eye out for him. Never instantly trust people, even if they look nice or talk politely.” Troy nodded, keeping the words in the back of his mind.

“I won’t, sister.”


The first day was meant to breeze past the siblings without any important events but a sudden ring of the doorbell alerted them to the outside world. Victoria peered through an open window, recognizing the people outside. She went up to the door, glancing at Troy. He had gone to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. She shook her head and motioned for him to put the knife away. He followed her order, putting the knife back into its usual spot.

Victoria yanked the door open, allowing Troy to see their guests. It was Amanda and Kelly on their doorstep. Amanda looked at Victoria and Troy with a genuine smile. She was the easiest to analyze, being a simple, almost-airheaded, and friendly girl, in that order. Kelly was different, a mix between Amanda and Xavier. Her emotions could be figured out easily at times, while other times, they’re completely masked under a facade. Victoria didn’t like seeing America wearing the mask, hiding her true colors.

“Good morning, what are you two here for?” Victoria asked.

“Firstly, I would like to introduce ourselves to you. I’m Amanda and this is my best friend Kelly.”

“I see,”

“We wanted to check up on you three. After yesterday’s fights, it looked like you were close to death. Thankfully, you guys are looking better.” She said, looking at Victoria. Troy hid from their sight.

“We’ve been doing better. Yesterday was just a low point for us.”

“We also came here to ask Troy if he wanted to hang out with us tomorrow,” Kelly added, jumping in out of nowhere. Kelly closed her mouth, confused at why she spoke up.

“A date?” Victoria asked, raising her eyebrows. Kelly shook her head, her cheeks slightly blushing. “Don’t worry, it’s a joke. Anyways, I’ll have to ask Troy about this.” She looked over her shoulder at Troy. “You want to go?”

Troy hesitated to open his mouth, deciding on whether or not to go. He didn’t know if to say yes or no. He didn’t know if he felt he could go out; have fun with people and sing with laughter. Victoria recognized the hesitation and confused emotions, deciding to choose an answer for him.

“He’ll go.”

“Perfect, it’s tomorrow at ten. We’ll be going to Landgate Theatre.” Amanda informed her. She waved at them before turning around, walking around. Kelly hesitated for a moment before following Amanda out. Victoria watched them as they left, feeling a pair of eyes staring at her. She looked around, not being able to detect the location of the eyes. However, she could feel them. 

She closed the door and turned around to see a shocked Troy. 

“Why did you decide for me?” He asked.

“Because it would’ve taken you a century to figure out your answer. Plus, you should be going out and making friends, not staying home all day.” She waved her hands around. “Staying in this house too long will make you go crazy. The only way to prevent insanity is to go hang out with friends.” Troy furrowed his brows. 

Victoria grinned before walking towards the stairs. “It’s clearly a joke, but it also bears truth. Go with them tomorrow. If you’re not having fun, then head home.”

She walked up the stairs and went to her room. Troy stood in the same spot, analyzing her words. After a minute, he decided she was right. He needed to go out and try his luck in reality.


“Oh my god, they’re burning. Where are the firefighters? Where’s the police?” A female’s voice shouted, echoing in his mind. Troy was standing in a familiar neighborhood, noticing a burning house in the far distance jumped towards the window.

The woman’s screaming voice came from inside his mind. They were replaying in his mind. He shook his head as he slumped down against a wall. 

“I’m not a murderer.”


 The next day arrived. Troy left the house wearing a tee-shirt and ironed jeans. Victoria wouldn’t let him out with his usual school attire of a black hoodie and worn-out jeans, instead, compromising with a tee-shirt and jeans she ironed. 

He ventured to the city’s only theatre and building of entertainment, Landgate Theatre. Waiting for him at the entrance were Amanda and Kelly, dressed in bright yellow and purple floral dresses. Troy glanced around him, noticing the glares of single and jealous guys. He walked with two beauties. This made many men jealous.

“What movie should we watch?” Amanda asked them, looking at the movie posters outside. Four movies were playing. The first movie was a simple poster with three words “Wolf to Human”. The second poster had a mess of colors from blue to green and everything in between. In big letters read “Eternity”. The third poster showed a castle in the background with three words in the foreground, reading “Two Page Shorts”. The fourth and final poster was a background of a field with the repeating and overlapping words of “Accomplice”, creating an optical illusion. 

“Wolf to Human? I heard it took a long time to be released.” Kelly informed them.

“What about Eternity? I heard it’s like our world, but if only one percent of people had magic.” Amanda asked.

“Accomplice? I heard it’s a drama and action.” Troy whispered. Amanda nodded her head, ordering three tickets for Accomplice. 

“I heard there are deaths in this move, though,” Kelly said.

“Deaths?” Amanda’s eyes widened. She looked down at her ticket, noticing the PG-15 rating. “Well...I mean..” She said, her voice becoming more high-pitch. “How bad could it be?”


Amanda began shouting after half an hour into the movie. Kelly and Troy tried their best to quiet her down, avoiding glares and stares from the other people in the theatre. No matter what they did, they couldn’t quiet her down. She wasn’t good with horror, even if it was a soft-horror movie.

Troy was enjoying what he could from the movie, gawking at the vivid scene taking place. He was amazed at the story taking place, seeing the protagonist also be a murderer, even if it wasn’t voluntarily. He was having fun, real fun, laughter-filled fun. It was everything.

Then everything began collapsing. 

“Fire!” Somebody shouted. 


“Oh my god, they’re burning. Where are the firefighters? Where’s the police?”

“I guess Merlin was right. I’m no good at making friends.”


“Only the strong will survive.”


“Where is he?”

“He did this!” 

Two voices shouted from the car, saying opposite things. The female’s voice asked for someone while the male’s voice blamed the person. 

They screamed and screamed.




Author’s Note: Two Page Shorts, Accomplice, and Eternity I’ve created. As for Wolf to Human, this story hasn’t been written, hence the statement concerning its endless teasing with no story to back it up. Wolf to Human has been teased for years, yet nothing. However, it will arrive soon, maybe… maybe.

Thanks for reading this, until next time, I bid you a good day.

Episode Ten "I am Demon Lord Veri; Bow Down To Me"

A fire ravaged the theatre, slowly eating up each room. Staff ushered everybody out while waiting for the local fire department to arrive and deal with the growing fire. 

The fire began spreading across the theatre, causing concern for nearby buildings. Troy, Amanda, and Kelly stood in the parking lot, watching as people piled in carriages and left the burning theatre. 

Their eyes glanced past the burning theatre and towards the knights that showed up. It was the Angel Riders, the three-knight team that Mr. Inuzuka had mentioned. The three knights walked up to the burning theatre, gawking at the sight. The first knight---a petite blonde elf---walked up to the theatre and summoned her weapon out of thin air. A wand formed in front of her. She used the wand to summon a spell, splashing gallons of water on the theatre and putting out the fires. 

The other two knights stood by her side, glancing around. They looked to be searching for the cause of the fires.

The theatre's owner arrived in a golden carriage, stepping out and revealing himself, He was an overweight man with plump features. Nothing stood out, except the bags of fat he carried with him everywhere. 

He approached the Angel Riders, extending a letter to them. 

“Might I ask what this is?” The elf asked. 

“A reward for saving my beautiful theatre from complete destruction. I was expecting to see it in ruins before I got here, but it looks like you’ve taken care of it.” The

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