ADVENTURE books online

Reading books adventure Nowadays a big variety of genres are exist. In our electronic library you can choose any book that suits your mood, request and purpose. This website is full of free ebooks. Reading online is very popular and become mainstream. This website can provoke you to be smarter than anyone. You can read between work breaks, in public transport, in cafes over a cup of coffee and cheesecake.
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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » The end of the world adventure by Marybeth Hale (the best motivational books .TXT) 📖

Book online «The end of the world adventure by Marybeth Hale (the best motivational books .TXT) 📖». Author Marybeth Hale

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store. "Now that I'm here, store. What do you have for me?" Mary asked quietly as she looked around. Mary walked around as Sam turned on the faucet in the sink. "Oh my goodness this is working. I'd thought I would never see running water again." Sam said before he grabbed the turkey and cleaned the feathers and took the gizzards out of the turkey. "I'm here!" Mary yelled as she pushed the oven and stove into the apartment and went to go bring the fridge in. "Oh good." Sam said smiling before putting the turkey into a deep pan and moved the stove into the kitchen. "Thank you." Mary said before pushing the fridge in. Sam smiled as he set up the oven before going and putting the fridge next to the pantry. "Now, shoo Sam. I want to cook for you." Mary said before Sam looked at her. "Could I at least watch?" Sam asked before Mary shook her head. Sam nodded and then left the kitchen and then going onto the live camera feed that he had set up while Mary was away.
Sam smiled as he watched Mary start cooking a feast. "Thank you Mary." Sam said quietly before he got up and cleaned his fort. He didn't want Mary to do everything though he didn't know if Mary appreciated him helping her. "Hey, Sam. Can you please put the turkey in the oven when the oven is ready?" Mary asked before Sam went to her. "I would love to." Sam said before he sat at the table looking at the oven. Mary smiled as she kept cooking. "Sam, thank you for helping. I really appreciate it. Even if I don't exactly show it." Mary said as she added noodles to hot water. "Oh, no problem. I will always help you when you need it." Sam said as he got up after the oven beeped. Mary took the cooked noodles and brought them to the sink. "Now in you go." Sam said as he placed the turkey into the oven and placed a timer. "Your a great helper in the kitchen." Mary said before Sam smiled at her. Sam could feel tears building up but then he shook his head to stop him from crying in front of Mary. "You ok, Sam? You are allowed to sit down if you need to." Mary said as she looked at him.
"Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just feeling really happy." Sam said before he walked to the front room. Sam sighed as he looked at his phone. "Your not alone. I'll never be alone again." Sam said to himself as he started to get an idea. Sam leaned back and then looked at Mary. "She does seem familiar, though. I really must be going crazy." Sam said before he shook his head. "So what is the plan for tomorrow?" Mary asked as she got ready to make mashed potatoes. "I don't know. Maybe I'll walk around for fun and then pick up anything i see." Sam said as he started to relax on the couch. Mary smiled and then nodded as she walked back into the kitchen. "This is living great. I never want to see those zombies again." Sam said as a horde of zombies surrounded the building. "I wish I can make sure that you don't have to. But oh well, that's life." Mary said before Sam sat up and then looked at her. "Why can't you? Seems easy enough." Sam asked before Mary looked down.  9

 Mary couldn't answer his question, though she wanted to. "I honestly have no idea. I wish I could know that." Mary said as she grabbed the counter. "Oh ok. Well that's fine. Don't worry about it, hun." Sam said as he layed back. Mary nodded and kept cooking staying quiet as she wanted to tell Sam the truth, though she didn't know how he would react. 

"So. Did you have a job?" Mary asked before putting the finished food into the fridge so tat it would not go bad. "Yeah, I was a taxi driver. Even though I loved getting paid, I hate the people who hired me." Sam said before Mary looked at him as she sat next to him. "How about you? I bet you got good stories to tell." Sam said as he looked at her. "No. I was going to my first day. When everything happened. I was going to be a cashier." Mary said as Sam watched her. He started to get scared as his friend was also going to be a cashier. "Ok, I need to tell you something. I feel like I know. But I can't remember where I met you." Sam said as Mary nodded. As Sam watched her, Mary pulled out a picture of the both of them. "I also need to tell you something. I am your best friend Mary. But I am a ghost." Mary said as she gave him the picture. "Oh my god. No, this isn't happening. My Mary would make sure she wouldn't die." Sam said before Mary looked away.

Mary watched as Sam cried laying on the floor. "I was sneak attacked by a sniper who thought I was a zombie. Even though I am dead, I will keep my promis to always be here for you." Mary said while opening her arms for Sam. Sam stayed quiet as more tears went down his face before the timer went off. "I'm gonna go get that and then we can eat while you ask me any questions that you might have." Mary said before Sam nodded not saying anything. Mary walked away as Sam layed on his side feeling heart broken. "So that's it. I truly am alone. I'm so stupid." Sam said as he looked at Mary and looked away. Mary looked down and sighed as she looked at Sam. "I'm so sorry Sam. I hope you still like me." Mary said as she pulled the turkey out and went and put all of the food onto the table. Sam stood up and went to the table and sat in a chair while looking at the ground. "Can you please talk to me? I didn't mean for this to happen. I know you aren't happy. But we can't always be like this." Mary said while Sam grabbed his food and started to eat.

Sam sighed as he swallowed his bite of turkey. "I dont know what to say. This is why I'm staying quiet." Sam said as he looked up at her. "Well then, ask me questions. I will try my best to answer." Mary said as she made herself a plate and started to eat. "How stupid do you think I am?" Sam said before Mary started to caough. "I don't think your stupid." Mary said before she took a drink of water. " I don't believe you. There's no proof that ghosts exists." Sam said before Mary rubbed her face. "If I take you to my body, will you believe me then?" Mary asked as Sam ate staying quiet. Mary sighed as she sat back and finished her food. She knew that she had to get Sam to believe her though she didn't how to make that happen. 

"Go get your body. If you really are a ghost, then I will believe you. If you are lying to make all of this better. I don't want to talk to you ever again." Sam said before Mary nodded as she smiled at him. Mary was happy that Sam was giving her a chance but she didn't remember where her body was. "I'll be right back." Mary said as she stood up and left the apartment. Sam chuckled as she went downstairs. "She really does think I am dumb. I thought she was my friend." Sam said as he stood up and took the turkey into the kitchen and started cutting it into peices. "Found you, finally." Mary said as she walked to her lifeless body. Mary grunted as she tried to pick her own body up and then looked aroudn. "Aha. Got you." Mary said as she held her body and then she started to walked back to the building. The sun started to set as Mary got closer to collaping.

"I need to get you into the apartment quick." Mary said as she noticed the zombies following her. "No. No. Go away." Mary said as she defended her body and then she ran into the building and barricaded the door before sighing. "Zombies. Fucking flesh eaters. Very annoying." Mary said before she picked her body up. "Now it is time to be with Sam again." Mary said as she started to climb the stairs. "Sam! I got a thing for you." Mary said as she layed her body on the couch. "Well, I'll be damned. You really are a ghost. I'm so sorry for doubting you." Sam said as he held her close. 

Mary hugged Sam tightly as tears started to go down his face. "I'm here for you always. Do not forget that." Mary said as Sam fell to his knees. Mary looked up and then seen the noose that Sam had put up. "Why did you put that up?" Mary asked as she pointed at the noose. "I was gonna come join you in the after life." Sam said as Mary pulled him up. "No don't. You don't want to be dead. Trust me." Mary said as Sam nodded his head while still crying. 


 Mary held Sam as he cried on the floor and then rubbed his head. "I'm so sorry I wasn't able to protect you." Sam said before he started to nap. Mary walked to the Sam's room and then took down the noose that he had up. Mary sighed as she went and opened a window and threw the noose out and sat next to him again. "It's now my turn to protect you." Mary said while rubbing his head.
She knew that she couldn't mess up with him as she did with her life. "No one will try to hurt you. I will see to that." Mary said as she watched the stars shine. Mary layed with Sam and then closed to her eyes and acted like she was falling asleep. Sam quickly and tightly held onto Mary as he was having a nightmare. "I wish I could make you happy." Mary said as a tear when down her face. She felt like she disappointed Sam though she knew

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