ADVENTURE books online

Reading books adventure Nowadays a big variety of genres are exist. In our electronic library you can choose any book that suits your mood, request and purpose. This website is full of free ebooks. Reading online is very popular and become mainstream. This website can provoke you to be smarter than anyone. You can read between work breaks, in public transport, in cafes over a cup of coffee and cheesecake.
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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » The end of the world adventure by Marybeth Hale (the best motivational books .TXT) 📖

Book online «The end of the world adventure by Marybeth Hale (the best motivational books .TXT) 📖». Author Marybeth Hale

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watched her shocked as Mary would usually listen to him and he didn't know what was going on with her. "Ok no problem. That's fine." Sam said as he tried to hold back tears. Mary started to cry quietly when she realized that she pushed Sam away. "Please let me help you. You don't have to tell anyone." Sam said before Mary looked at him. "Actually, that would be amazing." Mary said as she went to Sam before she smiled as they both hugged. "I'm so sorry." Mary said as tears started to go down their faces.
Sam held Mary closed as he forgave her for what she said and then rubbed her back. "Don't be. Everything will be fine." Sam said as Mary placed her head on Sam's chest. "Are you sure? I don't wanna put you in danger." Mary said before Sam chuckled. "I put myself in danger while I'm still alive." Sam said before Mary shook her head. "Hey. Nothing will happen to me." Sam said while making Mary look at him 15

 Sam chuckled as Mary looked away playing with him. "You know you love me." Sam said before he walked away. "Maybe." Mary said watching Sam before he started to laugh hard. Mary smiled while shaking her head while Sam went to his tools. "So, who is going out tomorrow?" Mary asked as she started to pull out food.
"You can. I just want to stay home and relax." Sam said as he knew that he was lying. But he also know that he had sit to do the next day.
Mary smiled as she started to cook, even though she didn't know what she was gonna cook. "Oh ok. That's actually perfect." Mary said to herself as she had a flash back. Sam walked into the kitchen to ask Mary a question but then stopped as he seen her lean against the counter. "Hey, you ok?" Sam asked as he grabbed her shoulder before Mary started to breath heavily. "Oh uh, yeah I'm fine." Mary said as she resumed cutting veggies. Sam nodded a little concerned but then turned around and left. "Please. Stay. I need you." Mary as she put her knife down. "Oh ok. I have a question for you anyway." Sam said before he went and sat down. He looked down when he tried to figure out how to ask.
"Don't be shy. You know that you can ask manything." Mary said as she looked at him after finished cooking. Sam groaned and got up holding his legs closed. "I'm sorry but I gotta pee." Sam said before he ran out of the room. Mary watched him staying quiet even though she wanted to ask what was wrong. Sam walked into the bathroom and then sat on the toilet sighing and rubbed his face. "Sam, you idiot. What are you doing?" Sam asked as he leaned back before becoming quiet while Mary walked past.
Mary went to her room after placing her hand on the bathroom door and then sighed quietly and walked away. Sam pulled a picture of them when they were younger or of his jacket. "Where did the time go, Mary berry?" Sam asked before a tear ran down his face. Mary layed on her bed and then looked outside. "Why do u act like your awkward around me? We've been so comfortable around each other." Mary said quietly as she closet her eyes. Sam left the bathroom and went into the kitchen and then started to eat. Sam sighed as he looked out the window. "Time for bed." Sam said to himself before he got up and went back to his room. On the way, Sam had an idea and smiled as he went and grabbed a peice of paper. Sam sat on his bed after grabbing a pencil and then wrote down the question he wanted to ask her.
Sam left his room and then went to Mary's room and slid the note under the door. He got up as a smile formed on his face before he turned and went back to his room. Sam looked around as he noticed that the hallway was getting really dark. "I should look for some nonscented candles." Sam said before he grabbed his door handle and then opened his door. "Space, sweet, space." He said as he walked to his bed and then collapsed onto his bed. "Oh, yeah. That feels so good." Sam said as he grabbed his pillows before he fell asleep. "Hm? What's this?" Mary asked as she grabbed the note. "Would you like to be human again?" Mary asked herself as she read the note. Mary looked up and then looked around before putting the note under her pillow. "Get ready world. I'm coming for you." Mary said quietly before she started to get ready for her new adventure.
"I have never given that some thought." Mary said as she put her jacket on. She looked outside while thinking of their memories together. Sam woke up and then sat up and act and say next to his door to hear when Mary would leave. Mary went and put her sneakers on while working on blue prints. "Ok. It's a new day. Today will be great. I know that." Mary said as she opened the door.
Mary walked out before Sam left his room and then walked to the kitchen. "Thank goodness. Now I can get to work." Sam said before he started to make coffee for himself. Sam hummed as he started to clean so that Mary didn't have to. 


 He went up to the roof with his cart and his blue prints. "Time to go to work." Sam said as he layed out the tools and his materials. Sam smiled as he started working while looking out for Mary. "I better finish and test this out before Mary gets home." Sam said as he started to work on putting everything in their place. "Should I say yes or no?" Mary asked herself as she pulled her wagon and then walked into an apartment complex. Mary sighed as she looked around.

"Well, what can I get from here?" Mary asked herself as she went to the staircase. She sighed as she walked upstairs as she didn't know what to do. "I do enjoy being a ghost. But I miss tasting spices and delicious flavors." Mary said as she walked into various apartments and started to grab food. "But if I'm a ghost. I have the advantage of not being attacked by those monsters." Mary said as she kept walking around. As she walked into a kids room she had seen a air mattress. "I'll take that." Mary said as she deflated the mattress. Mary got up and then walked to the child's tv. "No child should have a tv." Mary said before she took down the TV and took the DVD player too. Mary sighed as she looked at the air mattress. "I feel sorry for you, kid." Mary said before she placed the mattress into her wagon. Mary walked out of the room and then went into the parents room.

"Oh no." Mary said as she placed her hand on her mouth. "This child was abandoned." Mary said as she ran to the kitchen and looked out the window. Mary screamed as she saw the dead little girl hanging on a rope. "Oh my god." Mary said as she started to cry. Sam looked up and then seen that it was starting to get dark and he stood up and walked inside. Sam looked around as he noticed that Mary wasn't home yet. "I won't worry about her. She is a ghost and she can handle herself." Sam said as he got to the couch and then sat down. "I'm so sorry." Mary said as tears ran down her face. Mary looked up and then grabbed some other snacks for Sam and then grabbed her wagon and went to the floor above. "Oh my God! This is my heaven." Mary exclaimed as she seen swords all around the front room. Mary walked around to see if anyone was there and then ran back to her wagon and took all the swords and katanas that she could find.

"This is truly amazing to me." Mary said with a smile formed onto her face. Mary then grabbed a nearby bag and then loaded the bag with knives and other weapons. "Oop. Time to go." Mary said as she put on the bag and then grabbed her wagon and started to go down the staircases. Mary looked at the ground as she walked to the building as she remembered the little girl. "I'm home." Mary said as she looked up as she seen Sam sleeping on the couch. Mary took a sigh before she shook her head and headed to her room as she tried to figure out how to arrange her room.

"This will be fun." Mary said before she plugged the mattress in and then started filling it. "There we go. Now where to put my new toys?" Mary asked before she seen the office's walk in closet. After Mary set up her TV and her new DVD player, she walked in and smiled as she looked around. "Ok. Time to get to work." Mary said as she grabbed all of her new weapons. Mary walked out a few hours later and then wiped sweat off of her head.

Mary went and turned off the motor in her new mattress and sat on the bed. "Soon, I'll look for sheets and blankets." Mary said as she slowly fell asleep. Mary woke up in the middle of the night breathing heavily before Sam ran in half asleep. "What's wrong? I'm here." Sam said as he held a baseball bat. "Nothing is wrong." Mary said as she rubbed her eye. 

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