ADVENTURE books online

Reading books adventure Nowadays a big variety of genres are exist. In our electronic library you can choose any book that suits your mood, request and purpose. This website is full of free ebooks. Reading online is very popular and become mainstream. This website can provoke you to be smarter than anyone. You can read between work breaks, in public transport, in cafes over a cup of coffee and cheesecake.
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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » The end of the world adventure by Marybeth Hale (the best motivational books .TXT) 📖

Book online «The end of the world adventure by Marybeth Hale (the best motivational books .TXT) 📖». Author Marybeth Hale

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watched the man leave and then went to the baby as she cried. "I'm here, baby girl." Mary said as she picked her up. The baby calmed down as she felt the want for a baby coming from Mary.

Mary smiled as she went and got some regular milk. "Your such a good girl." Mary said as she watched the baby drink the milk laying on the couch. Sam walked in and then looked at the baby. "Um, Mary?" Sam asked as he walked closer. Mary looked at him as the baby fell asleep after burping. "It is a long story but we have to take care of this beautiful little girl." Mary said before Sam shook his head walking away. Mary watched him leave before looking at the baby. "Oh yeah, that's right. I need to give you the perfect name." Mary said as she layed her head back. Mary had a little bit of trouble but then smiled as she came up with a perfect name. "I know what your name is." Mary said as she rubbed the baby's head. "Your name is Kallyn." Mary said quietly before she fell asleep. Sam looked at Mary and then sighed as he sat against his door. "Even though I love you, Mary. I never wanted to be a father." Sam said quietly as he looked up at the ceiling. He let Mary sleep but he wanted to take the baby and leave her somewhere Mary wouldn't look. "No. Don't think that. We should let her have her baby." Sam said to himself as he rubbed on his forehead. "But she brought that thing into my house. Once I make her human. I'm kicking her and the baby out." Sam said as he didn't know that Mary was listening. Mary cried quietly as she couldn't believe that Sam could be so cold. "Fine. If you want me gone. I'll leave." Mary said quietly before she got up and went to her room.

Kallyn slept soundly on Mary's bed as Mary packed. "I knew that we didn't belong together." Mary said quietly as she finished before grabbing Kallyn. "Have a good life, Sam." Mary said silently as she walked to the front door and left while she cried. "I better go out there and talk to her. And make her see reason." Sam said not knowing that she already left.

"Mary?" Sam asked as he looked around not seeing her. He walked around feeling confused on where she was. "Come on. Stop playing around." Sam said as he was getting scared for her. "I guess she went on an adventure." Sam said before he went and finished the elevator. "Great, now that this is done. I should work on the slide going down the stairs." He said before he went back inside. He somehow felt happy that Mary was gone though he didn't know why. Sam sat on the couch and watched TV. 


 Sam fell asleep watching tv while getting the rest he needed. Sam woke up a few hours later breathing heavily as he looked around. "Stupid nightmare." Sam said before he got up and looked outside. "Oh shit! I slept too long!" Sam yelled as he grabbed his hair. Sam groaned a d then walked to the kitchen and started to make some coffee.

"Ugh. I am so dumb." Sam said to himself as the water started to be boil. Sam went and grabbed his cup while he frowned. "I do miss her though." Sam said as he put his coffee together. Sam shook his head and then went to go sit down on the couch. Sam waited for dawn to come to him. "Come on, sun. Rise, I want to go out and grab everything that I need." Sam said as he took a drink of his coffee. Sam looked outside before he smiled. "As long as I'm out there. I might as well find stuff that will fill up her room." Sam said as he got ready to go outside. He sighed as he walked down the stairs as he watched his elevator go down to the ground floor. "At least that works. So I know that I don't need to worry." Sam said as he walked into the lobby.

He walked outside and seen a huge zombie crowd. "Oh no. A horde. I better build some turrets." Sam said quietly as he looked up at some corners of the building. Sam sighed quietly as he started to walk trying to sneak away from the horde. "So much to do. So little time." Sam said quietly before he picked up some beakers and vials. Sam hummed to himself as he walked around and grabbed stuff for his lab and stuff to make his own turrets. "This will take me a while to finish." Sam said as he looked up at the sky. He sighed as he kept walking even as he started to wonder why zombies are not attacking him. "Oh well." Sam said while he walked around. Sam went on with his day while walking on the highway next to the building. "I should get some more carts." Sam said as he looked at all the abandoned cars around him. Sam kept collecting stuff though his cart was getting harder to push. "Oh boy." Sam said as he was starting to have a hard time turning the cart.

Sam grunted as he started to push the cart back to the building. "I hope that the elevator will work properly." Sam said as he gotten closer to the building. "Damn, this is heavy as hell." Sam said as he tried pushing the cart up a hill. "There we go." Sam said before he headed to his elevator. "Let's see if this works." Sam said as he pushed the cart onto the elevator platform. Sam pushed a button and smiled as he watched the elevator go up. "Great. That works. Every little thing is coming together better than I have expected." Sam said as he walked up the stairs.

"After I get everything done. I'll make a elevator for myself." Sam said as he walked into his apartment. Sam groaned as he sat on his couch and then he started to relax. "Mmm yes. That feels so good." Sam said before he turned on his tv and started watching movies. A few hours later, Sam stood up and then walked to the roof. 


 "Gotta get started." Sam said before he started making the turrets. "Mom, if you were here with me. I know you would be proud of me." Sam said before wiping a tear away. "I miss you. And I miss dad. I wish the both of you were still alive." Sam said as he started to cry. Sam missed his parents very much though he felt like they were embarrassing him when he was younger.

He wanted another chance to be with his parents again but he knew that it would not be easy. "I'm sorry mother and father. I wish I could apologize to you both." Sam said as more tears ran down his face. Sam then stood up and then wiped his tears away and then kept working on the turrets. "No I cannot cry. Mommy isn't here." Sam said before he stood up. "Time to work on this inside." Sam said as he looked at the storm clouds that were getting closer. Sam put everything in the cart and then brought the cart into the apartment. "Mary should be here with me. Not with some stupid infant." Sam said as he started putting his second turret together. Sam shook his head as he cleared his mind. "I need to stop and to take a break." Sam said before he got up and went to his room and then layed on his bed. "Though, life without Mary is kinda perfect." Sam said as a smile formed on his face. "Ok. It is decided that I shall forget about that bitch." Sam said as he slowly fell asleep. Sam knew that if Mary could hear him then she would definitely would be heart broken. But Sam didn't care, he was now living his life without her. "Ahhh. Good bye, bitch. And hello happy life." Sam said as he woke up and then he woke up. Sam stood up with a smile on his face as he walked to the kitchen. Sam started to make coffee while looking outside. "Skies are filled with sunlight with not a cloud in sight." Sam said while he looked around. Sam growled a little as he seen a horde get close to the building. "I need to complete the guns here soon." Sam said before he went to the almost done turret on the table. "Ok. I'll have this one finished and then install these two and work on another set." Sam said before he started to work. "There we go. All done. Nothing to it." Sam said after he put the finishing touches and then wiped his head. "Whoo, it's hot in here. I better open the side room window." Sam said while walking to the window.

No one knew how excited Sam would be to live in the zombie apocalypse. Even if he knew that it would be very lonely. "Now I have to get these onto the roof. That will be very fun." Sam said as he carefully placed the turrets in his cart. "I hope I can find a second welding kit." Sam said as he walked to the roof more. "Here we are. Your new home." Sam told the turrets before he went and set up the turrets. 

Sam looked over the city as the sun started to go down. "Goodnight, wonderful city. I shall see you tomorrow." He said before he put the empty cart onto the elevator and turned around. "Tomorrow comes a new adventure for me." Sam said as he sat on his bed. Sam started to get ready for bed even though he was too excited to sleep. "Remember, Sam. You need sleep and you will get sleep." He said as he brushed his teeth and started to rinse out his mouth. Sam raised his head as he heard a weird noise coming from the living room. "Hello? Any one here? Don't move too fast. I have a pistol." He said as he walked out of the room. "Sam, you gotta stop scaring yourself." He said to himself before he turned the safety on the pistol. Sam walked back to his room and sat

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