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Book online ยซTHE ENEMY by Gui Mwamba (best romantic books to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Gui Mwamba

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 Chapter Twenty-Five





Howdy, Ben ist nice seeing you. So how are Micah and everyone at the palace?" I asked. "Well, good evening, Lord Williams, this is the second time I have picked you up.

Um, and of course everyone is positively okay. Since now you are coming to celebrate Christmas with us in Denmark, we can't wait for you to tell us how you usually celebrate the holiday such as Christmas.

What gifts usually give to one another with your family. Boy, I am excited." Ben laughed. I was looking at Ben without losing any of his details or being distracted.

He looks away in embarrassment. "Ugh, I am sorry for talking too much. But it just that I am must zip it and put it in my pocket." Ben shrugged.

"I beg your pardon? And listen, Ben, I'm might be Lord Williams, but  I am a human being just like you. I am not important than anybody else, I am just a simple man like you.

Do you understand? And yes I will tell everyone about how we usually do at Christmas. How we give and I receive gifts from my brothers and sisters." I said.

All right then if you insist then it is a promise." Ben responded. Following him smiling very brightly because it was my first time seeing Ben smile very brightly.

'Whoa, I never believe such a man could have this kind of smile on him. Because his face always seems serious whenever I see him.

Oh, well, he is like me,' I thought.  Besides, it was cold in Denmark and snowing a little which covered everything in white. I mean houses, rooftops, Christmas trees, cars, and every that were exposed outside.

Ben was doing quickly as he pays attention to any coming traffic into the lane he was driving in before the think fog would lift and we couldn't see anything.

'Lord Jesus, protect us from any fatal accident and lead us safely to meet everyone at the palace,' I prayed. When all of a sudden, his phone rang as he took out to answer it.

"Williams?" Micah called. "Yes, Micah?" I said. "I am so glad that you are coming to spent a Christmas holiday with us," Micah excited.

"Yeah, of course, I am Micah. I believe its time we spent Jesus' birthday together. Don't you think so? Furthermore, where are almost there, henceforth hold your horses!" I teased.

"Huh? I don't have any horses!" Micah puzzled. Yeah, I know but still, hold your horses." I laughed. "Why you? I will get you. Just you wait when you arrive!' Micah snapped.

"Oh no, I am in trouble with Her Royal Grumpiness. Besides, how are Queen Esther and the rest of your relatives?" I asked. Well, everyone is fine, but I can't believe that Caesar will come to our Christmas holiday event.

Man, this such and why can he just leave me alone? I'd already told him that I am in love with someone else, why can he just leave  me-!" Micah paused.

"My goodness, if it isn't Her Royal Highness, Princess Micah. My, its such drag being in love triangle." Interrupted the voice. "Says who Leah?" Micah snapped.

"Says me you jerk!" Leah snarled. "What is that all about Leah? What I even have done to deserve this? Continually, I am the oldest and your cousin, so why won't you just be a good little girl and beat it out of my face!" Micah shouted.

"What was that? You got some nerve talking that way to me. Just because you are the crowned princess of Denmark, it doesn't mean you have to put everyone on your-huh!" Leah grunted.

She lost her balance and fall on her knees frighten while Micah walked up to her. "That right you should be on your knees, Leah. Because I don't know where you get this information from, and I am not trying to put myself above anybody else.

And just remember I am right to be the Queen because both of my parents are royal blood, but you-you are a half little cousin!" Micah said.



Chapter Twenty-Six




And just remember I am right to be the Queen because both of my parents are royal blood, but yours are not little cousin!" Micah said.

Alright, alright cousin haha I was only just kidding and you seem like you still the same," Leah whimpered. Well, well you haven't changed a bit yourself, Leah. And how is everyone?

For instant Aunt Louisa and Uncle Sam of Williamsburg?" Micah asked. We are all fine cousin and his your man Lord Williams coming?" Leah asked.

"He is. Oh, I was just talking to him when you barged in and began saying nonsense. And it seems like Williams already turn off his phone.

Goodness gracious, I am doomed!" Micah answered. Leah and Williams just broke in laughter hard. Yup, screwed you right, Micah!" I teased.

"Hey! Why you-?" Micah roared. "I will get you for sure," she laughed. Both the royal girls laughed hard when the Queen, her daughter Louisa, and Leah's baba came to see what was the commotions about.

Continually Leah was younger than Micah, she was just nineteen years of age. Light skin tone, brown eyes of a deep chocolate color, and long black hair.

Her father was Lord Sam was just a commoner white man who came for business in Denmark, and furthers his educations. And Louisa was in that school that Sam was attending.

So it was love for the first sight when they encounter one late evening in the library at school. Since then one would get in their way of getting married to each other.

"Micah- Leah are you girls alright?" Asked Sam. Micah and Leah exchanged looks before they would answer the question. Yeah, Sam, we are it just that my cousin Leah was happy to see me.

Since it been for years we haven't seen each other. Well, when I was living in America of course," Micah replied. "Yeah, you are positively right.

By the way, where the man you told us about to me? And sorry we didn't have time to come and meet him, now since we have free time and it is Christmas holiday, we got free time to come see him," Louisa said.

"No-no, it is alright aunt and boy I am glad that you are here. I mean you have finally arrived!" She replied. "Good-good then I will see you later niece when your man showed up," Louisa smirked.

Micah nods back while Louisa and her husband walked away. Micah remained with her little niece Leah, and they were having a good conversation without stopping.

When the two girls were talking to each other, Sarah barged in. "What on earth, Sarah? What's wrong with you, have you been chased by the ghost?" Leah snickered. 

Sarah blink here eyes when both of Micah and Leah broke up laughing. "What? Why you two laughing? Sarah asked. Well, you should see the way you were blinking you're eyes when I ask you been chasen by the ghost!" Leah responded.

"Huh, you are so mean. You meany!" She shouted. "Whoa-whoa, girl calm down, haha. "We were only just kidding so what's up? And what is the rush?" Micah asked.

"Well, I was hoping to see Williams. Am I late? Am I late again?" Sarah frowned. "Micah look at her with curious eyes then smile very brightly.

No, kiddo, besides, Ben is picking him up henceforth he is on his way to the palace. I am glad that Williams is coming to spend Christmas holidays with us," Micah said.

"I see, and I need to meet this kind of a Williams guy!" Leah smirked. "Oh, you will Leah, I promise you won't insist him," Micah laughed.

At some time elsewhere, Caesar comes in the palace with his aunt name Mistress Elisha. She was the kind-hearted woman, who loves her nephew, and like whatever Micah chooses.

"Good evening, Your Majesty, could you know where I would Micah be?" Caesar asked. "Whoa-whoa, son, that was quick and seeing Micah won't be necessary," Elisha answered.

"But Aunt Elisha, i want to see her now. It is for the longest time since I sent my eyes on her?" He reasoned. Later on, he walked into where the girls were.


Chapter Twenty-Seven




'C-Ceasar what-what are you doing here?" Micah asked. "Well, I want to see you silly. So how have you been? Boy its been for the lost time," Caesar replied.

"Yeah, it as but sorry I believe you are already late. So I don't want to put Williams into the stress again. Henceforth it would be good if you just leave me alone," Micah said.

Somewhere that late evening, Ben and I drove into the parking lot. Ben get down from his and came to open the door for me. I came out and stretch my legs.

"Oh, thank you--thank you very much, Ben. Finally, it is stretching my legs in time!" I excited. Ben just looks at me with the bright smile upon his face.

Following him leading the way and tag along behind him at the point, we walked in the palace hallways. Queen Esther and the rest of the royal noble family were inside the dining huge room.

So was Micah with the young man who immediately notices just because I remember the demon named Gadreel taking his form. When in any minutes, I would walk in.

"Your Majesty, Queen and the rest of you all royal noble people, I present to you, Lord Williams!" Beamed Ben. Everyone stood up almost immediately when I walk in as Micah brightly smile at me with overjoy.

"Well, well it's about time since I see you're facing, Williams. I am glad that you are coming to spent Christmas holidays with the royal family," Micah squealed.

"I am sorry, am I in the wrong room? Please, Ben, this isn't the right one. Please would you lead me to the right one?" I asked. Ben stares at me confusingly, then smiled and laughed at some time.

Goodness-gracious, Lord Williams, you reminded me of someone." He laughed. "And who is that? Oh, wait a minute is that possible to be Micah's father?" I suggested.

"Hmm, I beg your pardon? And you're quite correct." Ben smirked. "Yeah, I guess and I will take that as a compliment," I answered. 

Although, exchanged look in confusion but Micah broke in laughter.  "Well, Leah, meet the guess I told you about," she said.  "Goodness-gracious, he is charming.

Where did

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