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Book online «THE ENEMY by Gui Mwamba (top business books of all time txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Gui Mwamba

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Is To live is Christ, to die is gain is this worth it?—is this is the message of the letter?

  Yeah, believe so it is because it is another descriptive of how we will suffer for His namesake.

   Just Jesus himself the Author of our Salvations died for our sins. As a Lamb taken for the slaughtered.

   He was captured, beaten terrible, crucified, died and the third day He raised from the dead.

  Just like is Matthew 24: 9 says, “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you:

   And ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

  We all know that death does not say excuse me or pardon.

Therefore, our lives should be lived to Him, through Him, for Him, with Him, about Him—everything should be about Jesus. 

     Sixteen to twenty-two-year-old has been raised by her single mother. Anna, who later on died after got shot years. As she yearns for acceptance in the world, she finds herself alone in.

Not until she discovered Lion something she couldn’t except to be. With her meeting, a charming man after her grandmamma from her Aunt Elyssas mama who pushes her into the boy's changing room. 

   Who knows what she is looking for, heading there with him will she meet her baba. 

"Hey, Dumisa who that girl which Mvuela is sitting next to?" Asked Queen Shilanda.

  Well, just a newly comer, Your Majesty from America. “I don’t know a lot about her because Prince Mvuela hasn’t introduced her to me.

  All I know is that she came yesterday. Anyhow she is our royal guest I think.

   Possibly a Duchess’ or a Duke’s daughter. And her mother or father might be richer than we expected actually,” answered Dumisa.

   â€œA Duchess? A Duke’s daughter? And she came from America?” Shilanda panicked.

  â€œObviously, of course, because she is African. Or probably she is Mwambazian herself—you never know, your Majesty.” Dumisa said.

  â€œUh, this is the moment I have been waiting for. To make this girl lure him to fall in love with her.

  This is what the plan I am wishing to see,” Queen Shilanda frustrated.

  Christmas was going to be tomorrow and Mvuela would return to America to further his work as an agent.

   Micah, it is her American name but {N'yebo that’s her African name in Zulu}

   Therefore  Micah will stay with us in Mwambazi for a while.

   Although I was exiled when I was a young man for being goofball and always bring shame to my family.

   And wasn’t taking things seriously as a crowned prince with Nyuki the woman who I was in love with betrayed me.

   Well—by falling in love with my little cousin by the name Mushonta.

  I never dare and promise myself to never fall in love ever again. 

  Met this extraordinary vibrating magnificent gorgeous woman. 

Henceforth since my father is gone, I am only allowed to come to Mwambazi on holiday.

  Though he was sad of been gone, he was a tough little man.

  "I believe this cookie is delicious? Let me have some!" I pleaded.

   Michelle whacks my hand. "Ow, what was that for?" Asked me. 


Mr. Grabby Hands no touchy-touchy! Besides, the cookies are not for eating quite yet!

And you have to wait until tomorrow then you will have a full bag of your own. Got it?" Micah growled.

"Ouch, but Christmas it is miles away. Do I have to wait till Christmas, “Cried me?

"Yes, and Mvuela, you are such a cry baby! And sorry Mr. Sweettooth, you have to wait till Christmas, “Said  Micah.

   "Aww, you meanie!" I scolded. When Micah was about to blow, she interfered with the Queen.

   â€œHum, Mvuela, you haven’t introduced your friend to me. Who is she and where did she come from?” Asked the Queen.

“Er—mama, I am so sorry for my bad manner. Well, this is  Micah Montee and she is a new friend of mine from the United States.

   She came here for her ubaba hunting who is been here for the longest time. That he forgot about his daughter and wife—isn’t that awful?” I asked.

   Yes, it is, son, and she kind look familiar,” answered Shilanda. And I am sorry for not asking if she would stay here.

   Since she got nowhere to go, so I was hoping if she would stay with us,” I explained.

   â€œYes, she would, ‘she called,” and Michelle dear?” “Yes—Your Majesty? Replied Micah.

   You are welcome to our humble Palace,” Shilanda asked,” and I believe King Dumisa had shown you’re new room?” 

   â€œY—yes, Your Majesty, he has,” Michelle gulped.  “Good—good, now I have a business to take care of, so see you later,” Shilanda grinned.

   Michelle looks at the Queen in disbelief, but I didn’t know that she was royalty.

   Furthermore, it was getting late outside and the Palace’s servant finishes decorating the Christmas tree that night.

   Immediately, they all went to their beds, so is Gandu, my little brother. Aren’t you tired too Mvuela?” Asked  Micah.

“I am not sleepy!” I yawned.  Micah broke laughing hard. “Yeah, right, Sleepyhead—just go to bed.

Besides, tomorrow it is Christmas,”  Micah smiled.

“No can do, “I insisted, “I can’t leave a guess alone in the living room.”

“Oh, how kind of you,” she said,” even your mama, the Queen, she is a kind-hearted woman,” Micah said. “Oh, thank you for say that,” I yawned. Causing  Micah to laugh again.

   When all of a sudden, Micah and I looked at each other for a moment.

  Hearing  Micah’s heart thumping a little bit faster, as sleepiness took me like a heavy laden.

   I collapse on  Micah’s shoulder but I pushed her hard that she fell on the sofa.

I laid my head on her chest, as her head turn a bright red color and I heard her heart thumping even faster.

   â€œHey, hey, Mvuela, get off me! Mvuela—Mvuela?”  Micah called.

   But it was too late because I was already snoozed off, which made her have no choice but to sleep with me on the sofa.

   â€œEr, this sucks!”  Micah grunted. ‘Here I am trying to find my baba, ’ Micah thought.

  â€˜Instead—instead I am beginning to fall in love with this man even more,’ she continued, ‘man this sucks.’

   The next morning Queen Shilanda was wandering around the living room with King Dumisa, she saw both Micah and I sound asleep on the sofa.

 Micah was looking at a photo of her papa before she dozed off too. Henceforth, she dropped her photo on the floor.

“Well—well, what we have here, Dumisa? It seems like my son is in love after all.

And er—what is this?” Whispered the Queen.  As she covered both of us with a warm blanket she was covering herself from the chill cold that early morning.

I continued moving up without realizing that I was sleeping with a woman.

   Queen Shilanda and King Dumisa both looked at the photo, and Dumisa was a marvel to noticing himself being on the photo.




Realizing having a daughter and she is right into Mwambazi, knowing who is she—he is afraid to meet her.

  With Queen Shilanda, encourage him to not
be afraid, will she forgive her baba.
   â€œWell—well, what we have here, Dumisa? It seems like my son is in love after all.
   And er—what is this?” Whispered the
Queen.  As she covered both of us with a warm blanket she was covering
herself from the chill cold early morning.
   I continued moving up without realizing that I was sleeping with a woman.
  Queen Shilanda and King Dumisa both looked at the photo, and Dumisa was a marvel to
noticing himself being on the photo.  
    King Dumisa saw himself on the photo with a happy little girl in his hands and the
bright young black woman standing to their left.
  Looking at the sleeping Micah, and was shocked to see his daughter growing up.
  â€œWhat? Anna—Anna, my lovely wife. I am so—sorry for leaving you,” cried Dumisa in
  What? Do you know her? Who is she? And who is that little girl in your arms?” Asked
Queen Shilanda.
  â€œWell, that’s my daughter named Micah Montee her American name but in Zulu is Nyebo.
And this is my wife Anna who I left in America.
 I heard that she was killed years ago,” Dumisa broke.  “Now my daughter is here.
  I don’t know what I am going to say to her or explain why I took a long time to
come home,” Dumisa shuttered. 
   â€œDumisa Montee, get hold of yourself!” Snapped Shilanda. “Yes, Your Highness—I mean Your Majesty.” He stammered. 
   Well, Nyebo is here looking for her baba.  I am sure she will be happy to finally, find you,” Shilanda said coolly.
   â€œOh-oh, well, if you say so—then I will wait for her here. Unless she wakes up!” King
Dumisa said.
    â€˜Um, phew, I finally meet my daughter. I—I, wonder what am I going to say to her so
she might understand my reason for taking so long in Mwambazi.
   Er, oh-my—oh my, what to do—what to do—what to do,' Dumisa thought. Still looking at
the picture.
   Micah opens her eyes with a big yawn but surprised to see me above her. 

  Her heart beats even faster when she saw a man looking at her. It beat even faster.
  "Um, sorry for asking--how long have you been sitting there? And isn't that my baba's
picture? Besides, why are you smiling—? 
  Wait, could it be—could it be? No way?" Micah squealed. 
 "Yup, it is your old man Nyebo Montee—I am your old man, Dumisa said, "Girl, you have grown
quite into a young lady.
    Anyhow, how did you meet Prince of Mwambazi?" Dumisa asked. "Well, baba—into
the church.
   I was pushed by grandmamma into the boy's changing room, order me to find a suitable husband, but I ended into be trouble but Mvuela here come to my rescue.
   And guess what happened next?" Nyebo asked. 
    "I have no idea!" Dumisa answered. "Well, I got in really big
trouble--with him because I was beginning to become a thorn his flesh.
    And told me that he will sit with me but I have to changed the topic. Then out of
nowhere after church, he was a charming man I couldn't resist to hug him. Yet Mvuela hates hug but he didn't mind me hugging him all the time.
       Ever since that day, I loved him a lot, “Nyebo whispered. “Aww, isn’t that sweet?” Dumisa teased.
     I just want to be want to back to work on my company henceforth, I am going to live with Aunt Neema Montee, so am I might I work,” Nyebo snapped. 
  â€œWell, wow you went into a lot and who take care of you when you’re mama died?”
Dumisa asked.
   â€œWhat?—you know about that?” Nyebo asked. “Yes, I do and I am so—sorry that I didn’t come
to your mother’s funeral,” Dumisa begged. 
    â€œNo—no—no, baba, don’t be sorry. You have reason to be overseas. But I am glad seeing you alive once again.” Nyebo squealed. 
  Woke up screaming when I discovered myself on top of Micah. 

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