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Chapter 8.

Diana's POV

She shook her head and nudged my shoulder. "Stop exaggerating. You don't eat much. I'm going to make you finish that sandwich."

Gosh, she knew me too well.

I took my handbag from her and we both walked along the the corridor holding each other hands.

"Let's have lunch in Shed restaurant." Emily's eyes glowed in enticement. "Gosh, I miss their chicken and waffles."

I also wanted chicken and waffles for lunch, but I had to maintain my diet. Sometimes, I wondered why I wasn't like Emily who doesn't diet but was still slimmer than me. 

We were walking through the corridor when Emily's iPhone beeped. She stopped walking and brought out her iPhone form her fancy small peachy handbag. 

She squeaked and looked at me smiling broadly. "Diana I…"

I knew what she wanted to say so I cut in. "Ivan wants to see you now, right?"

She nodded and grabbed my hands. "Don't worry, tommorrow we will have lunch together, I promise." She raised her pinky finger up.

I crossed my arms and shook my head. "You said that yesterday."

She blinked her eyes, guiltliy. "Well… I didn't know Ivan will want to have lunch with me. Wait, since we can't lunch together, we can have dinner together, okay?"

I smiled. "Sure."

Emily iPhone beeped again. I pointed at it and looked at her. "It seems he is too eager to see you. You should go now, don't worry about me."

She smiled and hugged me. "You're the best!"

She kept her iPhone in her burkin bag and dashed out of the company.

She turned, and waved again, and I waved back.

"Make sure you have lot of fun." I mouthed to her. 

She winked and nodded her head before stepping out of Modern mode. 

I was contemplating either going back to my office and ordering my lunch or going to Shed restaurant when I heard a woman's high-pitched voice.

"Hey Dominic! Come back! A gentleman should open the door for a lady!"

 I walked to the entrance door of Modern mode curious to see what was happening.

A young man in a fitted gray shirt and black trousers was walking in my direction. His hair was tousled, standing rigid on each end and the breeze gently blew it about. He wore a frown on his chiseled face and walked gracefully in a composed manner. I thought he would excuse me until he turned back to glance at the company car park.

Mistakenly, I bumped into him and lost my footing, I staggered as I tried to find my balance. My body convulsed and my ankle twisted and I rapidly descended into the ground. My back was almost hitting the floor when suddenly a firm hand embraced my waist, stopping me from my downfall. 

I looked up and saw the young man looking deeply into my hazel eyes. The surrounding faded away and it was only his chiseled face I saw. Being this close to him, I noticed even the slightest detail. He has a smooth jaw and well tanned shiny gloden brown skin that made him more handsome. I gulped when my eyes met his amber eyes. It was a bottomless desert and I was spontaneously falling into it. 

A strand of hair fell across his forehead, his forehead furrowed into a frown and his  chocolate eyes looked worried.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded and looked at his neck. a bruise-like mark rippled across his neck.

 I chuckled. Who goes around displaying his rosy hickeys?

The hickey guy furrowed his brows. "What?"

I shrugged and pointed at his neck. He touched his neck and immediately his eyes widened as he realized what I was implying. He quickly straightened up his collar, hiding the hickeys.

He scratched the spot at his neck with sweaty hands and flickered his eyes away from mine. His cheeks became crimson red. "Em…"

He eventually pulled me up. I felt a warm sensation tingling over my body as I stood close to him. 

He looked around, biting his bottom lips. "Well, it's a hic… Mosquito's bites." He said and uneasily cleared his throat.

Damn, he is so cute.

He smiled and his eyes brightened up making him look ten times more handsome. "I'm glad you're okay. I'm sorry for bumping into you." He said politely.

I was about to reply to him when a woman walked into our midst, blocking my line of view.

"You should have opened the door for me!" The lady said, looking angry. She must be his girlfriend. The lady's face looked like she was in her twenties except for the small wrinkles underneath her eyes.

The young man looked at her in a bored manner. "You have hands."

She brushed her hair and glanced at me with disregard before she held the man's hand.

"Okay, whatever. Let's go."

They both walked away, the young man whose name was Dominic turned and smiled politely at me before walking away with the lady.

Even as he walked away, I could clearly picture his smile. It was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.



Next update is tomorrow, stay tuned.

Also, I noticed some of you are confused as to why I am updating some of the chapters again. Some of the scenes aren't written to my satisfaction, so l have decided to rewrite it.

I hope you understand and continue to stick along with the journey of their story.

Also, thanks for the 92,700 reads on the book one of this book, perfect deception. I know some of you came here after reading perfect deception, so I'm grateful.

Once again, thank you.

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