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Book online «Perfect disguise by Elizabeth A (best books to read for teens .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth A

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Chapter 28.


Dominc's POV.

I checked my GPS to be sure I was at the gate of the Lawson's family mansion at Beverly hills. When I was very sure it was it, I honked my car and waited for the gate to open. Diana had told me to pick her up from her house. She'd said it would be more believable if they were to arrive at the meeting together. Initially I had thought that we were going to go in our separate cars and meet in the park lot before going to the meeting together. 

Beyond my car was a huge black gate with a decorative pattern on it. The walls were so tall that it was impossible to see anything behind it except from the trees and the giant lion shaped fountain that poured out water from the mouth of the lion's mouth. 

Suddenly, the gate opened and I saw two security guards standing by the opened gate holding what looked like a gun under the moonlight. I drove towards them and stopped when a guard raised his hand.

One of them approached me and I quickly dropped my hands from the wheel in fright. I hadn't thought she might have guards in her house and the realization that they are loaded sent my heart beating fast. 

I've I done something wrong?

"Who are you looking for?" The guard question jolted me from my thoughts.

"Em… I'm looking for…" What should I call her? Diana or Miss Lawson?

Gosh, maybe I should just turn back and tell  Diana  to meet me at the meeting venue.

The brightness from the streetlight shone on the guard's face and I noticed his hands were touching the bottom of his gun.

I gulped and felt my hands shaking against my lap. "I'm looking for… Diana Lawson." 

Thankfully, he nodded his head and walked away with the other guard. I drove through the pass way for a few minutes before I saw the mansion from a distance. It looked so magnificent. There was a board pool at the side of the pool and various deck chairs are around the pool area. At each side of the mansion stood a big vase of green flowers and herbs. 

There was a lawn at the front of the mansion and various luxurious cars were parked at the garage. I parked my car in a free space and got down. 

Majority of the mansion was covered with transparent glass so through the opened golden curtains I could see some of the interior design. 


I stood before the entrance door and raised my hands to knock, but the door opened and a maid wearing a blue uniform appeared at the doorway. 

"Please come in, Miss Diana is waiting for you in the dining room." She said and led me to the dining room.

I saw Diana sitting at a chair before the round golden dining table. There was some glass jar of tiny fishes and a vase of tulips at the center of the dinning table. She was checking something on her phone. She raised her head and looked at me when I walked into the dinning room. She looked beautiful. She had some makeup on, but even without make up she was beautiful. She has perfect eyes, a nice nose frame, well toned skin and nice shaped lips. Her brown skin glowed underneath the shade of the chandelier and her eyes seemed to be a smoldering golden flame and I felt the heat radiating across my skin. 

She smiled and stood up. It was then I noticed her dress. She was wearing a nice v- shaped black dress with silver sequin, it blinked as she moved towards me.

"Dominic, it's good to see you." She said and pecked me on the cheek.

The part she pecked tingled in excitement and I stood there shocked like a deer in front of a headlight.

"Thanks Molly, you can leave." She said to the maid and looked at me oddly. Her eyes silently observing my clothes.

"What's wrong?"

"What the hell are you wearing?"

I slightly frown. I was confused by her question. "Clothes?"

She chuckled and shook her head. She waved her across my clothes. "I can see that."

I looked at my clothes, I was wearing a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket and pants. I actually considered my dressing very accurate for the occasion. 

"I don't see anything wrong with my dressing." I said flatly.

She crossed her hands across her chest. "You are going to an official business meeting as my date and you decided to dress casually?"

I gulped and smoothened my jacket in an embarrassed manner. "That's… Em I don't have any suit." 

She laughed like I was joking, but frowned when she noticed I didn't laugh along with her.

"Are you serious?!"

I slowly nodded and discomfortingly cleared my throat.

"You need to get a suit."

I arched a brow at her. "Why?"

"It's simple. It's because you can't be dating a designer and still have zero   taste in fashion."

I actually wasn't a fashionista, I don't follow fashion trends and always dressed as I please. 

She went back to her seat and beckoned at me. I sat across from her at the dining table. There was a file on the dining table, she stretched it towards me. I opened it and realized it was a contract.

"This is the contract. You can read the subject of agreement and sign here" she pointed at the signature side.

I nodded and read it carefully. I noticed she had added the rule of not falling in love in the term and termination of the contract, but I didn't see the act of not showing any form of PDA in the subject of agreement. 

I looked at her. "You didn't add what I told you."

She leaned closer and looked at the contract. "I added it. Check the terms and termination."

"It is not that, it is the exhibition of PDA."

"oh, I didn't add that."


"Why? You can't be asking me that. We have been acting as a couple for a year, so we have to show affection towards each other."

After a moment of hesitation, I picked up the pen and looked at her. "Okay, but no kissing."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, just sign the contract."

I eventually signed the contract and gave it back to her. I just hoped I was doing the right thing. 

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