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Book online «His vicious revenge by Yarmia Tariq (i can read with my eyes shut .txt) 📖». Author Yarmia Tariq

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Chapter 34

She retreated her arm back. He was moved by her reaction.

"I'm sorry" he said to her.

"Don't ever dare to do that again" she said in her most stern voice, she was even surprised at herself for saying that, before now she didn't even knew she could speak like that to someone.

"I'm sorry it was not my intention. If you don't mind can I drop you home? I would like to make it up to you, I want to propose something to you. I hope you'll consider it" he said bowing to her in Respect.

His words did not just sounded promising but honest. She didn't wanted to accept the offer but she was afraid to travel alone. She had no other choice, at least she once met him before and know about him a little now.  

"Okay then we'll talk about it in the way" she said hesitatingly and turned around on her feet.

He smiled victoriously and followed her behind. He lead her the way towards the car. 
They both sat on the front seat and he closed the car door.

Gerard kept roaming on the road, in search to find her. But she was nowhere to be found. He even asked the passersby but no one knew her. He grabbed his hair in frustration and smacked once again on the steering wheel, hurting his hand. 
An idea popped into his mind and he headed straight towards home.

During the way, he made a call to his assistant, not Clara this time. He picked up at the first ring.

"I want you to find a woman around this area, check all the CC tv cameras and report it to me where she is. I am texting you the address" he said and cut the call.

He wrote the address and texted it.


"I want you to make my portrait, I'll pay you as you'll like. You will have to come at my office and make my portrait live" Stephan told her on the way.

"I don't want to work at the moment" she replied calmly.

"But why's that?" He asked in curiosity.

"I have some personal problems" she replied sternly.

"Anything you want to share? You might feel light after that" he said with interest.

"No its completely fine, I'm alright" she replied stopping the conversation.

Looking at her expressions he realized that she was not interested in continuing the conversation, so he kept quite rest of the journey.

They reached home, and stopped the car in front of the gate. She was about to get out when he stopped her.

"Here is my card, just ring a bell when you made up your mind to paint a portrait for me. I will be really glad to hear from you" he said, forwarding his card towards her.

Although she knew she will never call him but she took it out of respect. They said their goodbyes and she went inside.

Nanny was still beside Lisa, trying to make her sleep in her room. She went there and instantly took out Lisa out if the cot. She kissed her wholeheartedly on her forehead, and hugged her dearly. She was her flesh, only person in her life whom she loved dearly now. 
She lay with her on bed and closed her eyes. She was now in peace, as her only daughter was in her embrace. She didn't realize when sleep took over her.

Gerard parked the car in garage and headed inside. Crossing the lounge,  the maid came and told him that Alaya just came and she is sleeping in the room. The news sparked his senses and he was shocked to the core.
He almost ran to his room and opened the door in hurry. She was lying peacefully in the bed, sleeping. His eyes ran down from her face to her feet. And he found bruises there. He didn't know from where she got these bruises but he immediately took out the aid box from bathroom cabinet. He sat down at her feet level and applied the ointment.

She stirred in her sleep, and finally opened her eyes when felt a tingling feeling on her wounds.

"What are you doing?" She asked getting up slowly, making sure not to wake Lisa.

"Just applying ointment on your feet, where did you got these bruises?" He asked with concern.

"Don't do it I'm fine" she replied trying to retreat her feet back but he grabbed it in time their eyes met. They looked into each other for a while.

"I think I owe you an explanation" he said still maintaining the eye contact.

She remained silent and just looked at him.

"It's not true what you saw today, and I don't know what you assumed about me but believe me Alaya I'm loyal to you and my daughter. I can never think about ditching you. My life completely changed after you came. I had a relationship with Clara before you, we were even physical but when I made you my wife, I didn't even lifted an eye towards her. What you saw today is completely coincidental, she always dress up like that and I am used to so I never asked her to change it. I hope you'll still believe me. And I made my decision that I will promote her to another company. This way there will be no more contact between us" he explained everything to her with a innocent face, he really looked guilty and apologetic.

"I again want to apologize for whatever I did to you until now, even I gave a thought to talk to your parents and tell them the truth. So your father can understand your situation I put you in" he apologized humbly.

"Whatever I saw today, I might be wrong about it. But I can't take this anymore. You have to make some boundaries between you and other women. I don't want anyone to come between us. Coming this far, I don't want anything to be ruined now" she said to him with concern and mentioning her insecurities.

He took her hand in his both hands and kissed it.

"I'll make sure, it never happens again. I love you Alaya. I want you to trust me, never leave me like this again. I almost thought I ended my life with my both hands. I was so worried when I didn't found you, I felt like my soul left my body. I want if we ever have a misunderstanding again, we sort it out with mutual understanding" he confessed in front of her, with tears in his eyes. He looked adorable to her eyes. And for the first time she felt the urge to kiss him passionately.

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