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Book online «Perfect disguise by Elizabeth A (best books to read for teens .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth A

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Chapter 32.


Diana's POV.

I couldn't take my eyes off him as he came out of the dressing room in a stunning gray suit. He walked in a stealthy and noiseless manner with a refined composure. Shiny black hair laid smoothened backward, showing the perfect contour of his face. Pecks of unshaved hair stuck out of his jaw making him look more handsome than cute. Then his smoldering amber eyes locked with mine and my breath caught in my throat. I flushed and tried all my best not to avert my eyes. It was hard to resist. I lowered my eyes and focused on his full lips. 

How will it feel when it grazes over my skin

He smirked like he could see the dirty torture he was doing to me. I averted my eyes and stared elsewhere. I pretended to take a sip of my coffee.

The gray suit perfectly brought out his masculine perfection. It outlined his lame muscles that protrude downward from his hands unto his legs. The collar stood firmly around his neck, the grayness of the suit made the black hair that was sprinkled along his jaw blacker. 

I ran my eyes over his face. His amber eyes glowed showing the reflection of the  dim light in the car. 

My heart skipped a bit when he locked eyes with me again.

Gosh, he looked…


We left the store and entered into the Mercedes. I drove in silence with an undeniable lustful attraction gravitating us together. We finally arrived at the meeting venue. It was at Flemming's steakhouse and wine bar. The restaurant stood tall and proud with multiple transparent walls. Thin wooden pattern carved out designs on the wall exhibiting a rectangular box exterior design on the wall. 

My eyes scanned the restaurant searching for a particular face. Among the crowd sitting at their specific tables, I saw his curly coal hair. I didn't need to see his face before I could recognize him. He has a magnificent appearance that made it look like the room revolved around him. He sat at a table close to the wine stand. I was expecting to see a lady beside him, but he sat alone looking engrossed on his phone. 

I straightened up and slung my glittery handbag over my shoulder. All I have to do was maintain my calmness and conceal my actual feeling and I would get through the business meeting. 

Dominic tilted towards me. "Where is he?" 

I jolted. I totally forgot I was with a date. I recomposed myself and looked ahead of me at Liam. "That's him."

He followed my gaze and nodded. "Okay, let do this then."

He walked toward Liam, but he stopped and looked at me. He stretched out his hands, his amber eyes focused on me. 

I sighed, trying my best to remain calm. This was the restaurant Liam and I had our first date. It was at this place he had asked me to be his girlfriend. Still, I wasn't coming here to meet him as one. 

Blissful memories of us sipping wine and spending peaceful moment getting to know each other flooded through my mind. It seemed like he had chosen this venue to mock our previous relationship. 

I took a step forward and held his outstretched hand. "Alright, let's do this."

As we approached the table holding each other' hands, a look of surprise and pain swept through Liam's face before he masked it up with a frown. 

 I thought I had imagined it, but I didn't. He looked irritated with my sight. If I was to be specific, he was glaring at our enjoined


He dropped his phone. "I'm very sure you were told to come alone to the meeting."

I smiled aiming to provoke him and looked at Dominic. "Well, I wanted to, but he insisted that he wanted to meet you."

Dominic arched a brow at me. I could clearly see the confusion in his eyes. I patted his hands signaling to him to just play along.

 Liam brows narrowed and he rested his hands on the table. "Why does he want to meet me?"

I forced a smile and cupped my hand around Dominic's arm, pulling him a little close to me. Immediately, Liam's eyes focused on our intertwined hands. What was that look in his eyes, I wondered, was it jealousy and regrets?

I smiled sweetly, ignoring the way Dominic was trying to remove his hand from mine. I know we agreed not to show any form of PDA, but that's impossible. I wanted to make Liam jealous and convinced I wasn't crying over him. 

"I told him I was having a meeting with my ex, that's why he insisted he wanted to meet you." I tightened my hand around Dominic's. 

I looked at the empty chair beside him. "What about your girlfriend, Sasha? I thought you were bringing her to the meeting."

He looked at me with a serious expression. "Sarah isn't my girlfriend. She was just someone who wanted to date me, but thanks to you, we couldn't even have a first date." He said sarcastically.

He arched a brow at Dominic. "Who is he? Your boyfriend?"

Dominic finally let go of my hands and sat down at the chair across Liam

"Yes, he is my boyfriend." I dropped my handbag on the table and sat beside Dominic. He looked uncomfortable and was fidgeting with his hands on the table.

I mentally shook my head. I can't believe he wasn't even making an attempt to play along with the disguise.

"And?" Liam's voice went a little higher, sounding very curious.

 "Alright. lest I forget, let me formally introduce him to you."

I looked at Dominic and smiled at him. His eyes wavered before meeting mine, he looked like a deer frozen at the sight of a headlight. I placed my hand over his on the table. "I would like you to meet my Ex, Liam Otieno. He is one of the directors at Sinox' textile company."

Then I glanced at Liam. " Liam, this is my boyfriend, Dominic. He is currently the CEO of Stevesoft, I'm very sure you have heard about how massive the company is."

He shook his head. "I can't believe you broke up with me just to end up with this." He nodded his head toward Dominic, distastefully.

Dominic fisted his hands underneath mine and frowned. "What are you trying to say? You think you are better than me because you were able to become one of the directors at Sinox's?" He burst out at Liam who looked equally perplexed at him.

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