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Diana's POV.

We met up at the shore of the sea. I got down from my car and saw Dominic leaning on his car in a relaxed posture. He wore a T-shirt covered with an unbuttoned shirt and a pair of black pants. His hair combed to the back and a shaded spec resting on his hair, it was hard to take my eyes off him. Dominic was one of those types who are attractive and hot without even attempting it.  He was looking at his phone.

 I smiled and walked up to him.

"Hey, Handsome," I greeted him fondly. 

He looked up and his gaze softened when it landed on me.

His face morphed up into a smile. "Wow, you look very beautiful tonight."

My smile widened and I took a quick look at his appearance.  "Well, you look good too, sweetie." I said in my most adorable voice. I felt like I had achieved my goal when his fair cheek turned crimson.

His eyes twinkling, he stared at me with fondness. "Did you just call me," He blinked twice. "Sweetie?"

I laughed out loud and nodded. Gosh, he looked so cute whenever he was shy. 

"Yes, Sweetie."

He chuckled and rubbed his chest in an adorable way. "Oh my gosh, you are making me feel very shy."

I blinked with feigned innocence. "Why, Sweetie? Do you want me to call you honey?"

He shook his head. 

"No, I love it when you call me Sweetie," he touched his chest, "it makes my heart beat very fast."

I embraced his hands and looked at him. 

"So shall we start going, Sweetie?"

He placed his hand on mine and nodded. "Yes, dear," he patted my hand and started walking towards the harbor. "Let's go and make a lot of memories."

At a distance, we saw the yacht anchored by the harbor. We rented the yacht for the whole night. 

I walked very close to Dominic and breathed in the misty fresh air. There was just this soothing calmness settling in you whenever you are by the sea. 

I glanced around the harbor. It was peaceful. There weren't any birds chirping in the sky, but the warm glow of the streetlight and the waving sound of the sea created a lovely Ambiance. There were a lot of ships of various sizes lined up in vertical order along the shore.

Walking closer to the other side of the Harbor, my fancy heels dug into the sand. I managed to balance my strides while also reminding myself to never wear heels to the seaside. The wind rushed through the harbor causing  my hair to billow across 

my face. I brushed it backward and stared ahead at the yacht. blue and white stripes rippled around it. It looked incredible from afar.

 I glanced at Dominic and smiled. Tonight will be one of the best night of my life. It was my first date with Dominic. Actually, every moment with him was the best moment of my life. He has a way of brightening up my world without even lifting a finger. It has to do with his gentle and calm nature. He was so calm and caring that  it was impossible not to fall for him. 

The harbor was so intriguing that we wanted to observe and revel in its beauty. I pursed my lips as we walked in silence.

 When did I start having feelings for Dominic?

 Was it the first time I saw him walking before me with a cute frown pinched on his face because Chloe was disturbing him?

I chuckled, he looked so cute that day.

To be honest, it was the softness of his gaze and the calmness in his gait that drew me to him that day. 

He anchored his attention on me. "What are you laughing at?"

"I just remember when I first saw you."

"Oh, when I bump into you?"

I was actually the one who bumped into him because I wanted an excuse to talk to him. 

"Can I confess something?"

"Yes. What's it."

"That day, I actually bumped into you on purpose."

He arched a brow at me. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. I wanted to get your number, but Chloe ruined my chance."

He laughed at my last statement and climbed onto the wooden stairs of the harbor. He turned and stretched out his hand to me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. He didn't drop my hand and we walked close to each other holding hands. 

"That's so accurate. Chloe used to ruin my chances with girls." 

I wasn't surprised, Chloe was so possessive over Dominic. It was so weird because they weren't even dating.

"Is that why you haven't dated anyone for the last three years?" 

His hands stiffened and I realized I shouldn't have said it out loud. I knew the real reason he hadn't dated anyone for three years.

 He was trying to move on from Annie and here I was ruining my first date with him by reminding him of her.

"Dominic, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you that question."

He looked down at our entwined hands and shook his head. "Don't apologize, you didn't say anything wrong."

I nodded, but deep down I wondered if he was truly over Annie. He loved me and I was ready to make it work out with us, but  I couldn't help feeling like he was using me to get over Annie. I was aware of his intentions, but sometimes I felt he was just using me to fill up the void in his heart. 

My hand tightened within his grip and I gazed at the yacht we were approaching. Although, this was our first date as a couple yet my heart was getting heavy. 

I sighed. 

Will Dominic have accepted me if Annie didn't break his heart? 

Annie had never dated Dominic, but she was still able to make him feel heartbroken. Annie didn't mean to hurt his feelings. I had noticed how she was around Chad, she doesn't look like the type who loves breaking men's hearts. 

Dominic halted and I looked at him, confused. He raised his hand and cupped my cheek. 

"What are you thinking about?"

My eyes swept up to his face. Tgen, I darted my gaze to the sea. I didn't want him to notice the uncertainty in my eyes. 

He noticed.

He rubbed my cheek with his thumb and brushed my hair backward.

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