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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Normal Dead Life by Rashel Jordan (books you have to read .txt) 📖

Book online «Normal Dead Life by Rashel Jordan (books you have to read .txt) 📖». Author Rashel Jordan

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“Come on, Anastasia Psyche Spiros! You can do better than this!” my friend Valary Irvine yelled as we raced on the empty, open road. My other friend, Ines Bonheur, or Nessie, was too busy laughing from adrenaline to say anything. It was Saturday night, and we were all alone, so we decided to go as fast as we could in my car down Old Oak Road. This road was lined with trees, and was also famous for its forest full of white-tailed deer. I knew it was too late even before Val screamed for me to stop. The deer jetted across my line of sight and I knew it was too late. But, it was plain instinct to push the brakes with all my might and turn. And then, the trees were everywhere. Soon, all I saw was the tree inside the front of my car. The last thing I heard was Ines screaming my name as the darkness swept over me.


I remember the night of my death like it was yesterday. And that’s probably because it was yesterday. Ines said that we had crashed and I died. And then, I just kind of… woke up. No pulse, no blood flow, or anything. When I got home that night, since I was wearing black, you couldn’t really see the blood. So, my parents don’t even know I’m dead. It was weird because this morning my mom said I looked a little pale an asked how I felt. And you know what I said? I said, “Mom, I feel dead.” And went to my room. And my mom didn’t even know the difference, since everyone thought I was Goth (Can’t a girl like black?), she thought I was joking. One thing I learned about being dead was that I couldn’t gain weight. I know, I know, I’m dead, why would I gain weight?. But, I had to make sure.
Anyway, Val and Ines said it was really creepy when I came back, like I died and then fog suddenly appeared and washed over us and when it was gone, my eyes opened. They’re still freaking out, I think. I have absolutely no idea how to tell my family. How does that even come up in a conversation? But yeah, I guess this is my dead life now, if that made any sense.
“Psyche! Come down for dinner!” my brother, Zackary yelled. I groaned. I really didn’t want to eat. But, I trekked downstairs anyway and sat down next to my brother.
“So, does anyone have anything exciting to say?” mom asked.
Oh, yes, I died yesterday. Yeah, like they would believe that.
“I asked Sabela to the prom yesterday.” Zack said. Oh, Sabela Maria, my brother’s girlfriend. The most popular (and stuck up) girl in school.
“And what did she say?” dad asked. I rolled my grey eyes and poked at my lasagna. Sabela practically bathed in Zack’s popularity. If she wasn’t dating Zack, she just be another one of those wannabe cheerleaders.
“She said yes. I also heard that little Psyche here was asked to the Prom, too.” Zack added. I glared at him, but he just grinned. Both of my parents looked at me with wide eyes, like they couldn’t believe it.
“Why didn’t you say something!?” mum asked.
“Because I didn’t say yes.” I muttered. The hope in my mother’s eyes died.
“Why?” my dad asked.
“Why not?” I said back.
“It’s not like she can’t get another date, mum” Zack said. My mum blinked in confusion.
“Oh, Psyche didn’t tell you? She gets asked out on a daily basis.” Zack smiled. My dad gasped.
“Is this true?” mum and dad whispered at the same time. I nodded slowly. Sometimes, my parents creep me out. I guess it’s one of those types of nights…
“Well, I’m done, so… bye.” I stood up and dumped my food and put my plate in the sink and bounded up the stairs.
One I was in my room, I jumped into the shower and turned my radio on. My favorite song had just come on and I started to sing along.
I had to stop because I got stop in my eyes. Once I rinsed my eyes and my hair, I got out and dried off. Then, I put my pj’s on and slipped into my bed. Right before I went to sleep, I turned on my alarm clock.

Are you pregnant???!!!

I almost started screaming bloody murder when my alarm went off. I fell out of bed and wiped my eyes, and picked out an outfit for the day. I picked out black skinny jeans, a white fitted t-shirt that stopped right above my belly button, and my black Taylor’s. I left my black hair down, after I combed it, and added some eye liner and lip gloss. My black cross finished of the look.
Once I was satisfied with my look, I got my skateboard, went downstairs to grab an apple, and went out the door. Nessie (Ines) and Val were also out front with their skateboards. Somehow we all chose the same outfit; except Val had a pink top and Nessie had a purple top.
“Hey, guys.” I nodded to them as we started off towards school.
“So, did you tell your family?” Val asked. I gave her the look she deserved while I pumped my legs twice.
“What?” she asked, pumping her legs.
“Think, Val. Hey, mum, I’m dead now. How would that sound?” Nessie said. I nodded.
“My mum would think I’m just in a phase.” I added.
“Oh.” Val said. I nodded slowly at her as we entered the school parking lot. We jumped the steps into the building and rolled down the halls toward our lockers. When we passed the principal’s office I yelled, “Hi, Zahia!”, and kept going. Once we were at our lockers, we stopped skating.
“What do we have today?” I asked.
“Earth science, math, gym, lunch, art, study hall, and English.” Nessie said. I cursed mentally.
“I didn’t do science homework.” I groaned. Val and Nessie groaned.
“Mr. Jackson is going to eat you alive.” Val said. I nodded in agreement. The poor bloke had just recently gotten divorced from a cheating wife, so he was a little unfair to the girls in class. I waved goodbye to them as I headed to my death. I cracked a smile. Oh, yeah, I thought, I’m already dead.

At lunch time, I got in line and smiled. It was a good day for me, no detentions, no ISS, or tardy slips. I sighed and got my tray and put a salad, an apple, and water. I paid for it and sat down at my usual table to wait for Nessie and Val. As I was eating, my best guy friend, Byron Kilburn, AKA Cookie, sat down next to me.
“What’s up, luv?” he asked, slinging his arm onto the back of my chair. I smirked at him.
“Nothing.” I said. He gasped in mock surprise.
“You haven’t gotten in trouble yet? What is the world coming to? Are zombies going to come rushing through the cafeteria doors?” Cookie asked wildly. I laughed. The only zombie here was probably me, or as close as you get.
“Ha ha, very funny,” I joked.
“So, have you gotten into trouble yet?” I asked, already knowing the answer if his smile was anything to go by.
“Detention for destruction of property.” He sighed proudly. I snorted and took a sip of water. When I looked back up, Val and Nessie were just sitting down.
“Did you tell him, yet?” Nessie asked. Well, gee, can anyone say mood pooper?
“Told who what?” Cookie asked. I looked at him.
“You have to promise not to scream, or tell anyone.” I said.
“Oh, my, God! You’re pregnant! Who is it? I’ll kill him!” Byron said, his face contorted into an angry mask. I raised one brow, signaling him to calm down.
“Are you pregnant?” he asked after taking a few deep breaths.
Cookie let out a breath of relief.
“I’m dead.” I said. He blinked and looked at all of our solemn faces around the table. And then he blinked again.
“What do you mean by “dead” “he asked slowly.
“Dead, as in, no heartbeat.” Nessie said. He blinked and then hugged me. Really tight. When he let go I had to suck in gulps of air.
“How?” he asked quietly.
“Trees.” I answered. He raised one brow.
“What can I say? I’m a tree-hugger.” I said with a smirk. He sighed.
“You were speeding again, weren’t you?” I nodded.
“I told you, time and time again, you were going to get yourself killed.” he reprimanded me. It was my turn to blink.
“Well, that went well.” Nessie yawned and bit into her sandwich. Val nodded and dug into her sloppy Joe. Cookie and I shook our heads at the same time and laughed.
“I know what my goal is today!” I shouted randomly. My friends all looked at me expectantly.
“I’m going to get detention.” I said. They all sighed.
“How?” Val asked. I pulled out a can of spray paint. We all shared identical looks of evil. It was vandalism time!

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