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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Life isn't the same (Still editing ) by Aaliyah (english books to improve english TXT) 📖

Book online «Life isn't the same (Still editing ) by Aaliyah (english books to improve english TXT) 📖». Author Aaliyah

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I was sitting next too my twin sister Lisa. She had black hair , blue eyes skin so pale it could be the color of snow. She was skinny and she was 4'12. Me on the other hand , I was pale too i had green eyes and my hair was black too. I was alway the party type of girl and so was my sister. "Lisa were going too a party today." I told her. "Okay , imma get my hair done today ." She answers. Im getting ready too go on a lunch date with Ethan. I had my hair in a ponytail , a black dress with white leggings and black uggs. I had smoky eye shadow look and pink lipstick on . The doorbell rang and i went too open it . "Hey Ethan." I said and hugged him .Ethan is was my bestfriend for 13 years , he had brown hair tan skin and hazel eyes. He had s blue shirt with jeans on and cute sneakers. " How are you monkey?" He said. "Great." I answered and we left too the park . When we got there i went too the swings and he sat on the other one. " I missed you a lot Ethan. " I told him and smiled . " I missed you too Manda a lot." He answered and smiled back ." Wanna go too a party tonight ?" I asked. "Who's party is it ?" He asked. " Alli's I heard she throws the best parties in town and besides it'd be way awesome if you came along ." I told him . "Oh Alli she is hot! I'm so going !" He told me . We stayed there till it was 6:39 just walking around . "Ethan we should go too the spot were we met ! " I suggested . I ran there and he followed . " It look perfect here ." He told me . it look amazing the stars were up and it was just perfect i thought. Two hours later I was making out with my bestfriend Ethan , i never thought in a million years i'd be making out with Ethan . I mean he is just my bestfriend ! Just then my sister called . " Hey Mandy , where are you we have too go too the party." She said over the phone. " Alright be over there soon." I told her and hanged up . "Ethan we gotta go too the party." I told him . We both got up and walked back too my house and met Lisa , then went too the party. When in went the house it smelled like weed. "Oh my god is Amanda ! You look amazing! " Alli told me. Alli and i had been friends for 3 years then stopped talking. She was lightly dark skin and tall and she has short wavy hair. And she had a perfect body "Thank you ! You look beautiful like always." I told her. " We should hang out more!" She responded." "Okay , i'll give you my number. Its 646-834-923 , We can do something next week if you'd like " I said and smiled. "Alright, thanks." She responded and left. When she left me i went and got something too drink. I found my fave drink ever a "Bloody Mary" Its strong for me so by time i drink half of this bottle . I started to chug instead of drinking and all i heard was " CHUG ! CHUG ! CHUG ! " Over and over so annoying but i finished the whole glass and ask for some vodka. I got back too vodka bottles what i didnt ask for but yay ! All of a sudden i heard " chug! chug! chug! " All over again and thats what i did , by the time at the end of the second bottle i had drinks stacking up by me and i just drank them. But then i stopped around my 6 bottle. I was so drunk that i know. I started dancing on random people it was funny then i saw Ethan and started dancing on him , we kissed and started making out. " Lets go up stairs." He said and smirked. So he tooked my hand and lead me up stairs. We began to make-out , shirts were taken off and we had sexay time. It was morning and i had a hang over. I ran over to the bathroom and began just throwing up , non stop. I felt someone have there hand on my shoulder and I was going too turn around to see who it was but i didn't i just stopped because i knew who it was it was Ethan . I stopped vomiting and wash my moth and flushed the toilet and went out of the bathroom. "Can you give me a ride? " He asked me. "Alright lets go." I told him and we left and went too my car. "So did we..have fun?" He asked . "Yes , please don't tell the others, okay?" I told him. "Alright.' He told me. i drove him too his house and went back to mine. Few hours later he called me and i didnt answer. I just went to bed.


I'm back home and i feel sad. "Why isn't she talking too me? It was just one mistake... if i could take it back i would." I said too myself. A hour later Max came in. He's my best friend we've been bestfriends since we were kids. Maxs was brown with hazel eyes and he was 6'9 . "Sup man?" Max said. "Well nothing , just thinking ." I replied
"About?" Max said looking up at me .
"I hooked up with Amanda " I said quietly.
" You what? " Max was shocked.
" I hooked up with Mandy and it as a mistake. I really didn't want too. " I sighed as i told Max.
"Look man just come with me too their place and you will sort thing out, Maybe it'll make thing better. " Max told me .
"Alright.. " I waked out of the door and Max followed me . We walked all the way too there house and i knocked on their door."Who is it?" Lisa asked. "Its Max and Ethan. " I told her. She unlocked the door and hugged me and Max. " Hey guys." She said. " Hey babe face." Max said too Lisa. Max and Lisa were a thing but broke up and stayed friends. But everyone know they so like each other. " Hey Lisa wheres Amanda? " I asked . "She went out too get something too eat Ethan." She told me. " Thanks bugs bunny" I smiled and took a seat on the couch. Amanda walked in. " What are you doing here!?!" She yelled . "E-I.. I just wanted too talk about what happened. Is it okay if you come to my place?" I asked her. "Fine but if you try anything i will kick you ." She replied. We drive too my place and i opened the door. And sat on the couch. " Look i'm really sorry i didnt mean for this too happen." I looked at her with a sad face . " If this is going too ruin our friendship tell me now." I added. Amanda look scared like she was hiding something from me . "Look.. Ethan .. I really don't want this too ruin our friendship. Okay.. Look i have something too tell you .." She replied. " Your prego? " I asked. "How'd you know? " She asked. "Your belly is much bigger not trying too be mean but yeah and that night i was going too ask if you could be mine. But the party and everything." I told her . She came and sat on my lap i kissed her and asked her too be mine, she said yes .
6 months later my twins were born. They were small but healthy. Katy and Jacob were born. "Their so beautiful." Lisa told me and Amanda and smiled. " I know."Amanda and I told her and smiled back. Amanda was holding them she couldn't believe she brought them into this world. I smiled at the sight of my two kids. "Me and Max have something to tell you guys" Lisa announced. " What is it ?" Amanda said and smiled."Me and Max have been dating for a while , and i might be preggo" She told us all and smiled. "Really?" Amanda asked. "Yes." She responded. "Aww! " I said to everything. Hours later we brought back the babies home and they slept , cried , pooped , peed . And i help do everything.


"Lisa we need to talk." Max said. "Alright." I responded and sat on the couch. "Alright , so I loved this girl for about 13 years." He said. "And i don't want to be your boyfriend anymore." He added. I looked at him and just started crying. "I want to be your husband, look i can't live without you, will you marry me?" He said and got down on one knee then got out the ring. "Oh my god ! Yes yes yes !" I said to him and kissed him passionately. He smiled and kissed back then put the ring on my finger. Two days later.. "Come quick i can't walk." I said to Amanda on the phone. She ran over here and helped me up. "What the hell happened? She asked. "I guess i was just here at the wrong time , and i guess I lost my baby." I told , tears gushed from our eyes. It was quiet for a bit and i was taken to the doctor. " She was in a fight , but i don't think she hurt badly , i think theres a chance the baby is dead." My sister said and broke down in tears. I was just sitting there crying my eyes out . Wondering why does this

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