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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » A Deal With The Devil by Sophie J Brain (e book reading free .TXT) 📖

Book online «A Deal With The Devil by Sophie J Brain (e book reading free .TXT) 📖». Author Sophie J Brain

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She could feel his hot breath on her neck as he pushed himself in, doing her best not to cringe she moved her face to the side. Big mistake as she turned he used the opportunity to kiss her, why was she doing this again? Each week she swore she would find another way and yet she always found herself back in the same situation and even though she knew she had to do it for the sake of her daughter it didn't make it any better. After about 10 minutes of him pumping her, groaning and slobbering all over her, he pulled himself out and grabbed her hair.

He was hurting her again and he knew he was, his dick was getting a little firmer each time she whimpered, he pulled her up and kissed her hard, his tongue going down her throat, this lasted for about five minutes before he roughly spun her around and pushed her so she was bent over the desk. “Oh, Jennifer I'm going to enjoy this” he muttered as he slowly entered her arse

She grunted slightly as she felt him slide deeply into her butt, it was hurting, it always hurt but Jen had to do her best not a cry, if she was weeping he would do for longer. This is for Caroline Jen scream in her mind, all this pain and suffering was so her daughter could have a better start in life than her, so she could turn out differently. Ever since Jen was young she had been a target for bullies, the overbearing bastards would always choose her for their twisted mind games. “Oh Jen” he moaned as he slammed into her “oh you are so good, you dirty whore” Why did she always let him do this to her? Why didn't she just take a stand and say no? Tell the men in her life that she was better? Was it because deep down she knew she was nothing more than a dirty slut, branded this way since the age of 13

She felt herself unclench as he took his hard cock from her arse but before she had time to relax she was back on her knees and his cock was in her mouth as he used her hair to push her so his dick went further and further into her mouth, it tasted foul and the stench was horrible, she doubted he had washed for a few days.

“Oh suck me good” he moaned like she had a choice in anyway, she felt his hand reach down and touch her boob squeezing hard with delight and then she wasn't sucking him anymore but had been pushed back down onto the floor, his lips were on her nipples licking and sucking while his fingers violently abused her pussy, it was all hurting but she could do nothing about it, if she did then her daughter wouldn't be going to best school and wouldn't turn out differently from her.

Then he was on top of her again kissing her neck and entering her pussy, pounding her and moaning. “Oh, Jen you are the best” he grunted “Oh yes fuck me, move those hips you bitch” She made a feeble attempt to move and his hand slapped her face “do it properly or not at all you slut, ah who needs you?”

Jen shut her eyes and laid perfectly still as he pushed into her, thrashed in and out of her until she felt him tremble above her “oh fuck me Jen” he moaned before collapsing on top of her. Another week was finished and she had another week before she had to come back and let this slob maul her again and make her feel like a piece of shit on his shoe. “Oh Jen” He mumbled as he kissed her and got up “you are such a nice slut”

He rolled off her and picked up her clothes, he sniffed them quickly before tossing them at her “Get dressed and go” he spat “you are making the room untidy”

She slowly got up being careful not to move her thighs too quickly, they seem to be constantly bruised these days, she got dressed as quickly as she could, anything to be out of this place but as she reached the door she heard him call out her name.

She turned around and faced him, he was a beefy man but Jen could still see where he was once attractive, his black hair was still that little bit too long and his body gave the appearance of superiority that supported his nature. Dreading the next words from his mouth she watched as he picked up a pencil from the desk and began to fiddle with it, completely mesmerised by the slight movement of his hands. “Keith” she answered almost defiantly, he hated when she called him by his first name.

His face went red but he did little else to show his anger “I almost forgot to mention the school fees are raising from next term”

Her heart fell to her stomach, she couldn't even afford the fees as they were now, how was she supposed to afford anything higher? She needed to make sure Caroline got a better start in life than she did, “But Mr Burton you know I can't afford anything more than I am already paying”

Burton stood up and stalked around her like a vulture circling their prey “Its 'Mr Burton' now you want something from me, is it?”

“I have nothing else to give you and you know that” Jen said softly “Please you must be able to do something I'm begging you”

“I do love to see you when you beg” his eyes sparkled with an evil delight as he backed her into the door, reaching behind her to lock it “funny last time I believed you were on your knees”

“Mr Burton please” Jen begged “You cannot want it again, we agreed to one hour each week, you just finished, you cannot be horny again”

Burton slapped her face, then used her backside to pull her to him so she could see just how horny he was “Our agreement was for me to help you out with fees as they stood before, they are now rising and I think perhaps we should raise your end of bargain. Say two hours every week, perhaps even two days a week for two hours” he threw her roughly back into the door

“Mr Burton that isn't fair” She whispered

“Fair?!” he laughed “you forget my dear that I have something over you, you want that daughter of yours not to grow into a dirty whore like her mother and I am the key to that dream, so I don't have to play fair”

Jennifer felt her eyes sting with tears “Please just help me”

Burton began to undo his trousers as he leaned over and licked her ear, softly, he knew she hated that, once his hard cock was fully exposed he whispered “Get onto your knees and beg for me Jennifer, and enjoy it this time”

Chapter One


Chapter One

Jennifer is thirteen years old and is about to meet someone who will change her life for ever.


Jennifer Gilmore made the same walk home from school every day, she passed the same trees and the same houses and it took her the same amount of time. One late March afternoon however Jen would take longer to get home, as she turned into Jackdaw lane she banged straight into a man.

“I'm so sorry” she cried out immediately despite the fact that it was her that was sprawled on the floor and not him, who looked magnificently calm looking down at her with a twinkle in his eye, she looked down and saw with utter embarrassment that her legs were wide open, she closed them quickly.

The man smiled and held out his arm “Would you like a hand?”

She smiled gratefully and took his hand “Thank you so much, I'm so sorry about that I should really look where I'm going”

No one said anything, he was too busy looking at her and she was too busy looking at him, as she had been speaking that twinkle in his eye had caught her attention and she had been mesmerised by it. He wasn't an old man but almost certainly in his thirties. His hair was greying slightly at the edges and his eyes looked like they held a world of knowledge.

It was at this point that Jen realised that she had been so busy studying him that she had not noticed he was doing a good job of studying her and the look on his face was nothing short of approval, what he approved of however Jen had no idea.

“It’s no bother” he finally replied, his voice as smooth as silk “no one was hurt”

“I can daydream horribly” Jen said feeling a need to explain herself “No one is usually on this road”

“Perhaps I should buy you a coke for the inconvenience of my presence” He smiled “It is the least I can do”

Jen felt her face flush “Oh no that's ok it was me that bumped into you”

He smiled and Jen felt her stomach flutter “in that case make it up to me by letting me spend the afternoon in your company”

There were many reasons why she should say no, he was a stranger and surely someone at home would miss her. Jen frowned, actually, her mum and her new step dad Colin were always so busy these days that they probably wouldn't miss her, she looked back up at his mysterious gentleman and once again found herself transfixed by that twinkle in his eye, she felt like she could get lost in that twinkle, slowly she nodded, after all one small afternoon of adventure couldn't hurt too much.


As the weeks went by Jen found herself bumping into her mystery man more and each time they went for a bite to eat. She soon found out that his name was Phil and after a bit of time she came to trust him completely. By the end of their third meeting he knew everything about her, it never occurred to Jen as she finished telling Phil all about her that she knew very little about him, all she thought about was how much he must care for her to listen to everything.

Seven weeks after their first meeting Jen walked out of school to find him outside, he had never met her from school and this was a wonderful surprise “Phil” she called as ran up to him “what are you doing here?”

“Well my dear I thought perhaps we could go somewhere else today” he answered cryptically

“Oh?” she frowned “Is there anywhere near here then? Colin says all the places around here are dumps”

“Colin is probably referring to the restaurants” he replied “I am referring to my house”

“Your house?” Jen echoed.

Without answering Phil grabbed her arm and started leading her out of the school building towards the neighbouring village.

“Phil wait” Jen laughed enjoying it all despite herself “Where are we going?”


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