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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Fallion's Search (Play) by Luke Matthew (i have read the book .TXT) 📖

Book online «Fallion's Search (Play) by Luke Matthew (i have read the book .TXT) 📖». Author Luke Matthew

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Fallion's Search

Fallion (23)- main character of the play. He tries to find hints about Mauve’s disappearance.

Anderson (20)- expert about people’s mysterious disappearances.

Oliver (16)- the youngest in the group. He gets involved on the look of Mauve by accident.

Daniele (23)- waitress in the café who gets involved on the look for Mauve.

A’van (20)- hotel worker who wanted to help Fallion.

Marv Hill (70)- old man who is also called “The Wizard” because of his great knowledge.

Mauve (16)- the one who everyone was looking for.

Paul (26)- was the cause of Mauve’s disappearance.

I’van (20)- Paul’s best friend who tries killing Fallion.

Robert II (20)- rich man who gets killed during the look-out for Mauve.

Back-up Characters

Calvin (21)- English gangster who tries to slow down Fallion for the search.

Eli (18)- Calvin’s back-up buddy in case there’s trouble.

Cole (22)- Calvin’s back-up buddy near the end of the play.

Candia (22)- farmer woman who gets shot during the last scene.

Setting: London, England. 7:54 a.m. December 13th, 1874.

Current Setting: Fiskon’s Public Library.
(Oliver walks into the room with Mauve.)

Mauve (blank look): Just go to that man’s counter and pick the book out, I’ll wait right here.

Oliver (approaches Anderson with a blank look): Sir, pardon me. I heard about the book “Thy shall die in the rain”, and I really love it! Is there any chance of this book available for rent?

Anderson (smiles slightly): Son, I have never heard of the book. Please wait, I’ll go and peruse the papers to see if we have the book.

Oliver (smiles): Thank you sir! (Turns to Mauve and nods in agreement)

Mauve (whispers and looks at Oliver): Remember, beg for the book if necessary.

Oliver (confused): I am not very good at begging Mauve. You should have asked for the book anyway.

Anderson (approaches Oliver and smiles): Sorry young sir, we don’t have such a book in this library. You’ll have to check the other ones around.

Oliver (Gets down on his knees): Please sir! I really need that book, my friend Mauve over there made a fair deal with Gretchen. And in order for that deal to remain as it is, he’ll need that book for Gretchen in order for Gretchen to give him the money!

Anderson (looks down at Oliver confused): Pardon me? I don’t recall Gretchen giving money to anyone.

Oliver (looks down): Yes… It was a secret, it was a small deal!

Mauve (approaches Oliver and Anderson): May I interrupt? The deal was that I get what Gretchen wanted, and she will give me a fair deal of money for the new home I would buy in the south.

Anderson (confused): How old are you?

Mauve (looks at Anderson): 16 sir.

Anderson (looks at Oliver): Well, I cannot get the book for you, I apologize. But Gretchen is less likely to give away money, even to beggars.

Oliver (looks at Mauve): How much was she giving you?

Mauve (smiles at Anderson): 20 pounds.

Oliver (awkward): 20 pounds will not get you a mansion!

Mauve (looks at Oliver): I wanted a small home in the south, my friends live there.

Oliver (smiles slightly): The houses there are mostly made out of dirt and are filthy and are filled with bugs and other weird animals!

Anderson (looks at Mauve): Look, you cannot take money from Gretchen or anybody. That’s against the law around here.

(Paul enters the room with a small handgun)

Paul (aims the gun at Mauve): Not when I’m around! Young man, you come with me, we will discuss this money problem.

Mauve (looks at Paul, confused): I can’t…

Paul (cocks the gun): It’s either yourself or the very money!

Oliver (looks at Paul): Is that a real gun sir?

Anderson (looks at Paul): What in the name of London is going on here?!

Paul (aims the gun at Anderson): I just want the boy… Give me the boy!

Mauve (confused): Why me? I didn’t do anything sir.

Paul (upset): Yes, Gretchen’s money! That money will be mine!

Anderson (looks at Paul): It’s only 20 pounds, now put the gun down!

Paul (shoots the gun at Anderson, and hits his left leg)

Anderson (falls down in pain): Ah, ah, ah the pain is burning my leg!

Mauve (worried): Oh dear, oh dear! Please don’t hurt me!

Paul (looks at Mauve): All I want is you for now, so the money can go to me!

Mauve (looks down): I am not going anywhere! Oliver, run to the authorities and get help!

Paul (aims the gun at Oliver): You don’t want to get shot kid, do you? I think not! Sit back and watch me take your friend!

Oliver (looks at Mauve): Mauve! I think he wants to rape you!

Paul (looks at Oliver, angry): What? No! I just want the money! (Paul grabs Mauve’s forearm and drags him through the door)

Mauve (cries): Stop, what do you want?!

Oliver (gets up and tries to run after Paul): Mauve, wait! (Oliver runs outside to get some help and bumps into Fallion)

Oliver (looks at Fallon): Oh great sir which stands before me, my friend has been stolen, kidnapped. I need help!

Fallion (turns around and looks at Oliver, whilst taking the cigar out of his mouth): Can I help you sir?

Oliver (worried): Not me, my friend! He was taken by some stranger with a gun!

Fallion (smiles at Oliver): Sure buddy, I could help you… If you’re willing to pay.

Oliver (confused, backs away a little bit): I don’t understand… We don’t have much time sir! (Oliver tries to run but Fallion grabs his arm)

Fallion (looks at Oliver): We can’t rush this, once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Oliver (looks at Fallion): You don’t understand! I just want to find my friend!

Fallion (nods in disagreement with closed eyes): We cannot rush this young sir, things like this are not supposed to be rushed!

Oliver (confused, looks down): You cannot understand that a human being is out there, kidnapped?! Ugh, it is probably too late anyway!

Fallion (looks down at Oliver): Look, I will help you find your friend, let’s get a small drink first and plan this.

(Fallion and Oliver go and enter the café on the block.)

Fallion (Walks into the café with Oliver and sits in the empty table): Well, what do you think we should do?

Oliver (looks at Fallion confused): I don’t know sir, that’s why I came to you! Look I’m sorry if I am raising my voice but this is serious sir!

Daniele (approaches Fallion and Oliver): Can I help you gentlemen?

Fallion (turns his head to Daniele and nods in agreement, smiles): Yes, please. Get this young sir and me a mug of hot coffee.

Daniele (writes down on the table, and then looks at
Fallion and smiles): Anything else sir?

Fallion (smiles): No thank you miss, please bring the coffee once it is done.

Daniele (smiles and looks at Fallion): Yes sir.

Oliver (looks at Fallion): Sir, we cannot sit around. My friend could be anywhere! Do I really have to pay you for this search?

Fallion (looks down at the table and looks at Oliver): Alright, well, first off, do not call me sir, my name is Fallion, and yes, a payment will be required for this “search of yours”.

Oliver (looks down at the table worried): Fallion, we cannot sit around. We must take action!

Fallion (rubs under his nose and looks at Oliver): Well, you’ll have to pay me first. I need the money a lot, and I’ll need at least 12 pounds.

Oliver (smiles slightly): 12 pounds eh? Well, I promise you that you’ll get your 12 pounds after we find Mauve.

Fallion (slaps the table and looks at Oliver): Deal, what’s your name again?

Oliver (looks at Fallion and nods in agreement): Oliver. O-L-I-V-E-R, Oliver.
Daniele (approaches Fallion and Oliver and smiles): Here’s your order gentlemen. (Sets coffee on the table)

Fallion (looks at Daniele): Pardon me miss. But have you seen a man, with a kid? The kid was…

Oliver (looks at Daniele): 16. And the man’s name was Paul. He had dark hair with dark eyes and a black jacket.

Daniele (smiles and looks at Fallion): Indeed, I have. The man ordered a small cake with coffee beans I believe. What was the kid’s name?

Oliver (leans towards Daniele): Yes! His name was Mauve. Could you tell us where they went?

Daniele (confused): I am not sure sir; I believe the man said he was heading down to Stonehenge.

Fallion (slaps the table): Ugh that’s miles away from here!

Daniele (looks at Fallion): But you can stay at the Makson hotel around here.

Fallion (looks at Daniele): Alright, well do. We’ll stay at the hotel.

Oliver (looks at Fallion): Fallion! We don’t have money!

Fallion (looks at Oliver): I have some pounds. Relax…

Oliver (sits back relieved then looks at Daniele): Hey… How can we get to the hotel you mentioned?

Daniele (looks at Oliver): The hotel is to the right, up the small hill, between 2 buildings, across the street.

Oliver (looks down at the table): Thank you.

Fallion (looks at Daniele): Well, we’ll need your help. Will you come with us?

Daniele (looks at Fallion): Sorry sir, I cannot. Work still isn’t over, sorry.

Fallion (looks at the table): It is fine, no worries. Let’s go Oliver, we’ll find your friend. First, we must crash at the hotel. Thank you miss, we’ll be on our way. (Shakes Daniele’s hand)

Oliver (looks and smiles at Daniele): Yes, thank you miss! (Oliver turns around and walks out the front door with Fallion)

Daniele (looks down at the coffee then at the door): Wait gentlemen, you forgot your! Never mind…

(Daniele walks back to the kitchen)

(Fallion and Oliver arrive at the Makson hotel)

Fallion (approaches the counter and looks at A’van): Hello sir, we’re on a little mission and I would really need a hotel room with my little friend over here.

A’van (looks at Oliver for 2 seconds, and then looks at Fallion and smiles): Yes sir, I will tell
Anderson to check if we have rooms available. Now let me hear about your little mission sir.

Fallion (looks at A’van and smiles slightly): We are on a little run here so we would appreciate it if you would just hurry up with the room please.

A’van (looks at Fallion with a blank look, and raises his hands up slowly): I... I’m sorry sir…

Fallion (nods in agreement looking at A’van): Well, sir listen… My little friend and I are looking for this kid…

Oliver (looks at A’van): Yes indeed! His name was Mauve. He’s only 16; he has dark, slightly long hair.

A’van (looks at Oliver and smiles): Sorry sir, I haven’t seen him.

I’van (approaches Fallion and looks at him with a sharp look): Looking for a boy? My friend Paul made a new friend named Mauve.

Oliver (looks at I’van worried): You better not be kidding sir!

I’van (looks at Oliver): Ay,

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