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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » Broken by Navaura Campbell (libby ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «Broken by Navaura Campbell (libby ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Navaura Campbell

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really. truly relate to until Uriel. 


As she stared at Gina, the fear the encompassed her reached to the bottom of her soul. No way, no how would Gina meet Uriel or interact with him. 




Denise threw the used wash cloth in the sink and uttered a sigh as she plopped herself down on a chair that was placed at the table in front of her. As she glanced around the kitchen she admired the gleam of various appliances, the bright display of checkered flooring in the kitchen and the neat presentation of every item in its proper place. Organization was definately a strong suit of hers. As she glanced at the area, her mind couldn't help but flicker back to thoughts of her daughter. She would like to offer her some type of condolance, some type of wisdom, some type of solution for her current situation, but it was not a task that came quick to her. She'd never dealt with any guy she loved cheating on her. She'd never dealt with a bestfriend who'd been the perpetrator and managed to get pregnant by her own boyfriend. She genuinely felt at loss as to what to say to her 15 year old.


As her mind drifted to Jordan, she knew that if there was one thing she couldn't take it was infidelity. Infidelity was a subject best not talked about because just the mere thought made her angry. She knew that would be a killer for her. Something she would never be able to accept or let go. The response to this thought unnerved her. She quickly thought about the letter she'd received from the local middle School. A meeting had been set up with James Lorhen the School principal to go over everything needed for the first day of school. 


She thought about how to tell her husband about the letter and how to tell him that she'd accepted the position. She knew that accepting this position would upset their "happy" life but felt it was necessary. She also knew that he would have a fit at the idea of her being pregnant and working, but the truth was, he didn't understand the lonliness she felt, the isolation associated with the fact that all she ever did was clean and quite frankly, she was tired of it. She felt as if she was more than a mother. She had found a way to express that. In such a way she knew ultimately he would have no choice but to be happy about it. Denise glanced at her watch. It was twelve noon. Nap time was calling.


As she was about to go to up the back stairwell to her bedroom, she heard the answering machine go off, indicating that someone was leaving a message. "Mr. Williams, this is Gina Harrelson, I'm calling to see if you heard anything back from that detective you'd hired to look into my cas. I would like to set up a meeting with you at your earliest convienence."


Denise felt her cheeks burn with irritation and an adrenaline rush began her thumping heart. There was something about this woman that she didn't like, something that stroked a sincere dread in the pit of her stomach. As she thought this, her body began trembling and she closed her eyes, trying to still her body into a quietness but it wouldn't work. She worked herself into such a frenzy that she picked up the phone and dialed her husband's work number.




Jordan was going over a document of charges he'd compiled for his previous client bill of service, when his phone rang. Glancing at it, he saw that it was Denise. A smile captured his face and heart as he picked it up


"Why the hell are you doing this Jordan?" Denise's voice was loud as she yelled at her husband.

Jordan's demeanor straightened and he dropped his felt tip pin on the desk. "Excuse me?" He inquired. His tone confused.

"Why did you give that girl our number. Our home phone number?"

Jordan furrowed his brows, "What girl?"

"That girlI who's case you are working on, that Gina girl "

Jordan sighed, "Stop yelling at me. What's your problem? I gave her our number in case of an emergency."

Denise's breathing was heavy over the phone as she clenched the phone in her hand. The dread she felt in her spirit was difficult to deal with, "You've never done that before, so why start now? What the hell is so special about this girl?"

Jordan could hearl the anxiety in his wife's voice.  It was so strong, it caused his heart to drop in his chest. "Denise, this is strictly work related. There's nothing going on between Ms. Harrelson and I."

"But why do you need to share personal information." Denise inquired.

"Denise, have you had a nap yet?"Jordan interjected, looking at his watch.

"Don't try to passify me Jordan, I'm not a child, you can answer my question."

"Denise you are tripping. I told you there is nothing going on between my client and I. My number is for emergencies, incase she can't get ahold of me at the office. Now you need to take your butt and go lay down."

"Jordan, I don't agree with this." Denise stated, her heart pounding harshly against her chest. If this was so innocent, why did she feel the opposite?

It was then his voice became calm yet authoritative. "Denise,  how long have we been together?"

Denise steeled herself, knowing that when he used that tone, it melted her heart and she couldn't have that. "That's besides the point. People get married everyday and one partner decides the other is boring or lacking something and then things go from there."

Jordan felt the smile in his heart before it broke through his chest and eventually found it's way past his throat and out of his mouth. "You really thought this through huh?" He leaned back and propped his feet up on the mini stool that rested beneath his deask.

Denise felt a small break in her resolve at his sweet laughter. "Of course I did." She stated.

"So one partner decides to try something new huh?"


Jordan shook his head as he felt every part of him come alive. This woman excited him in a way no other woman could. Just a thought of her made his mind race, "Does that mean you wsh to try something new Denise?" His tone was so sultry that Denise felt a heavy fog place itself over her mind and her ability to think became irratic. "Jordan, are you trying to manipulate me?"

He inquired, "Is that what you want?"

Denise bit her lip and put her arms defiantly across her  chest. "You know what I'm talking about, Jordan. That woman has no business calling our home."

Jordan licked his lips, "Is that right?" His drool was playful yet seductive."

Denise's breathing became loud, "You're being a jerk right now Jordan. Don't try to make this anything other than what it is." She shook her head and furrowed her brows. That didn't even make sense to her.

Jordan didn't speak, he went silent. This let her know he wasn't going to entertain her thoughts. She also knew it meant he was reigning in his own form of control.

"I know you hear me Jordan." Denise stated, her tone slightly wavering.

Jordan felt the tightness that began in his chest constrict in his heart. He whispered, "I love you Denise. You know that."

Denise tried to grasp for air as her heart sped up. She tried to tell it to calm down, but it just accelerated more.
"You should be honest with me Jordan. I know you like that woman."

"She's descent but she's not you, Denise. I can live without her but not with out you."

Denise exhaled sharply, "Why do you always do this to me?"

Jordan pulled his tie loose from around his neck as he felt the tingles in his body began to slightly subside, meaning his blood pressure was turning back to normal. "Do what Denise?"

Denise closed her eyes, "This, I feel like you are constantly deflecting any topic I think is important."

"Only when you bring stupid insinuations like the one you just tried to me. You know how I feel about you Denise. Unfortunately for you I have been in love with you since we first saw each other. I don't see any other woman the way I see you."

"You say that now Jordan, but I'm telling you..."

Jordan could sense the fear underneath her words. "Denise we are going to grow old and die together. We are going to have our kids and grand kids and great grand kids together in our home."


"But Jordan, I'm telling you, I have a bad feeling about this girl..."

"And I'm telling you I'm not going anywhere. I don't care how beautiful or sexy another woman is, she doesn't compare to you. Do you understand that."

"But Jordan..." Denise felt her heart melt and the resolve she had broke. She couldn't explain it, but there was something different about this girl. There was something different about his behavior and all though she heard the words he spoke and understood his love for her, she couldn't help but feel like he couldn't see the forrest for the trees. The one thing about Jordan was that he was always optimistic in his love for her, always willing to over look the negative, always willing to work through their problems, no matter how big or how small, but the one thing he could never seem to grasp was when something was directly in front of his face. He couldn't see how subconsciously little by little he was compromising, but she did. Just the slightest difference was enough to speculate. "Jordan, do you trust me?"

Jordan nodded his head while answering, "What kind of question is that?"

"I know you love me Jordan and I understand you think that's all you need, but please listen to me. Be careful with that woman, ok?"

"Are you jealous of Gina, De-De?"

"She's beautiful, Jordan, too beautiful." Denise felt her heart break as she admitted this.

"Denise you are the woman I love, the woman who has my children, the woman who has my heart and soul. The woman who I would never give up ever in my life."

"That girl is crazy beautiful Jordan and even I can see that."

Jordan sighed, "You have nothing to worry about."


Denise sighed. If there was nothing to worry about, she wouldn't be feeling this way. There was something about that woman that showed Denise that a no would not be enough to deter her. She was like a siren and whirlwind all in one. She was not what Jordan suspected.  Jordan underestimated the prowess nature of a single woman. As she remembered the beauty in her head, Denise began to contemplate what she could do to keep Jordan with his family. She was his wife, he chose her and although he didn't know it, this woman was a neuclear threat. It made her smile at his innocense.


He was such a beautiful soul that he couldn't see that a war was starting to brew. Although she'd promised herself she'd never fight over a man, she understood that he was no man, he was her husband and although he tried to hide it, he was quite susceptible to beauty. He loved anything that displayed it's own sense of beauty, pride, and adoration. He didn't see the red haired girl as a threat yet but that's because she wasn't trying, but when things progressed to that point, it would be difficult for him. Denise knew what to do in this case, because when she was in her 30's she watched Garrett and her mom go through this, except Garret was the one fighting for her mother. In the end, her mom didn't leave him, not because she hadn't thought about it, but because Garret noticed the withdrawl and instead of giving up he approached the issue head on.


Denise went upstairs and decided that she would talk to Vicki when she picked up Vanessa today.






My mom was talking to Aunt Vicki and although I had no

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