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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » New Kings by Charity Oliver (e reading malayalam books txt) 📖

Book online «New Kings by Charity Oliver (e reading malayalam books txt) 📖». Author Charity Oliver

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what?" I asked him.


"I have a big drop off going down, there's a rumor going around saying that they plan to attack us at the spot. I need you guys to deliver the package to another location tomorrow night." CJ explained to us.


"OK, why didn't you send someone else?" Zaylin asked with a cold expresssion on his face.


"Because you to are the only people we can trust, can I trust you Zay?" Jaydan asked Zaylin. It was quiet for a min until Zay shook his head yes.


"You can trust me Jay." He said in almost a whisper.


"What about you Trey, can I trust you?" Jay asked me.


"Yea, What do i look like messin up my paper." I said with a laugh.


"I knew there was a reason I like you. Kid you got soul. How bout that you got a new nickname man." CJ said with a laugh.


Zay and me left and once we got to the car we just sat in the car for a few.


"Yo man this is the perfect time to throw him over." I told Zay.


"Hell naw man he just waiting for us to slip up. We earn his trust but we haven't earn his loyalty or respect. Tomorrow will perfect to prove were loyal and he would respect us more, then give it a month or two we willl be able to take him down." Zay explained to me.


"We will see." I repiled.


'Ok, and do me a favor bro drop me off to my girl crip." Zay asked me.


"Yea no problem, I should hurry and get you there before she beat your ass." I respond with a laugh.


"Nigga you mad at me cause your girl ain't putting out, damn that is that hurt. Shit I would be mad to." Zay said with a laugh.


"Man forget you, I can get pussy if wanted from old girl anytime." I responed.


"Yea right, that girl would cuss your ass out then dump you." Zay said with another laugh.


"Man get the fuck out my car." I repiled with smile.


"Yea I'm leaving." Zaylin respond.


"Ay Zay don't forget I will meet you at the spot tomorrow." I said before driving off.


I dropped Zay at his old lady house then went to mall to check out some more chains. Once i got there I went inside the store and saw some cutie in a tight short black dress, who had long straight hair and some sexy big hips and lips. I walked over to shorty and we hit it off immediately.Next thing I know we back at my place and shorty made it worth while, especailly when she went down on me.




When I finally got home is was 3'oclock in the morning. I jumped throught my window so my mom wouldn't hear me come in. I shut the window back, then the lights flicked on. I realized I wasn't alone, I turned around slowly with my hand on my gun for safety and saw it was my mom standing by my door.


"Damn mom you scared the hell out of me." I told her.


"You scared me to Zaylin. You want to know why?" She asked me.


"Cause i came throught the window instead of the door?" I asked her.


"No, cause your narrow ass has been gone for pass 24hrs without letting me know if your safe." She said.


"I'm sorry ma you know how me and Trey get when we hangout." I told her well getting ready for bed.


"Stop lying to me I was on the phone with Trey mom and she said he had some girl up in the room with him, so where have you been?" She asked me.


"No where just been chilling so just drop it." I repiled while getting into bed.




"Love you ma, good-night." I told her while closing my eyes.


"Don't do it Zay please don't." She begged me.


I got up and stared at her with a confused look on my face.


"What are you talking bout?" I asked.


"You don't thing I know what you and your brother be doing, your father Richard was in a gang to, so please stop lying to me. And I know bout your little girlfriend." She repiled.


"Nobody's joined a gang, and I was with Porsche  all day. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Can I go to sleep now?" I responded.


"Yes, and don't bring no child up in this house you to young to be having kids at the age of 16 boy. And I'm to young to be a grandma." She told me.


"Trust me, I don't want no kid either." I repiled while laying back down and closing my eyes.


 Cassie cut off the lights and left out the room. I lay down thinking how the hell did she figure out that I was apart of  TTG. Then of all the things she could say she brings that dead beat man name out of her mouth. I can't remeber a time when he called or send a letter on our birthdays or holidays. The last time I saw him was bout three years ago when he promised to be apart of our lifes for good, then two weeks later took all of our money and left us in debt. I swear if I even seen that man again I would kill him. 


Couple of hours later I woke up and got ready to pick up the package from the ware house. I texted Soul to let him know that I will met him at the drop off. When i pulled up at warehouse CJ and Jay was waiting outside, I parked the car and walked towards them.


"Wassup Zay." CJ greeted me .


"Nothing much, wassup with you man." I repiled.


"I'm great, I'm just worried about you and Soul not messing up this deal." CJ responded.


"Didn't I tell you not to worry man we got this." I assured him.


" I hope so." Jay said while handing me the package.


After I took it Jay walked away. I know things been different since I join, to be honest I really don't care how he feels. All I want is the power and money. I dabed of CJ and walked back to the car, the only thing on my mind was to make sure Trey was ready for this. I finally pulled up at the spot after 45 mins of driving. I quickly text Trey to see where he was at. A figure on the othe side of the road move closer to my car for safety I grabbed my gun just in case shit got crazy. When the figure was in front of my tinted black 2017 Chevorlet Tahoe, my gun was sitting right in my lap, I rolled down the window to get a better look. Staring me right in the face was a gun, all I hope was that soul was somewhere nearby ready to blast this nigga.



Chapter 5: Unexpected

 "Ay man who the fuck is you?" The guy asked.

"Nigga who the fuck is you?" I throw back at him.


The guy opened my door and pulled me out, before I hit the ground and I stood up while pointing my gun directly at him.


"Yo man dont make me ask you again." I told him.


The man lowered his gun and threw it by feet, I picked it up still holding him at gun point. I bend down and picked up the gun, when I stood up another gun was pointed right at my head.


"If I was you, I would drop those guns before you got hurt." The second guy said.


"Naw nigga I'm straight but you on the other hand ain't go live to see tomorrow." I told him.


Before he had the chance to blink, I snatch the gun right out his hand and had him on his knees with both of the guns pointed at each of them.


"I'm only going to ask one time who sent you. If i get no answer I will make sure y'all both have a closed casket, so start spelling." I demanded them.


"Man we here to meet someone." The one on the ground said.


"Who?" I asked.


The guy behind me ran up and tackle me on the ground both guns flew out my hands. They both picked up the guns and pointed them in direction. In my head the only thing I'm thinking is where the fuck is Trey.




"Please Trey just stay for five more minutes." Sasha begged me.


"I got to go sexy  but I'll catch you later ok." I responed to her. But she wouldn't take no for an answer, before I knew shorty just start kissing me while taking off my shirt. With out even thinking i threw her on the bed and got on top of her. Just when things where getting tense my phone went off.


"YO" I said in the phone, still kissing up on Sasha.


"Soul how did the drop off go?" CJ asked him. 


I quickly got off the bed and check the time. Fucking I forget about the drop off, CJ was still on the line trying to get my attention.


"Soul you there man?" CJ asked.


"Yea man I'm here." I whispered in the phone.


"So are you going to tell me how it went or are we just going to sit here on the phone all day?" CJ asked irrated.


"Oh the drop off went really good man." I repiled while putting on my clothes.


"Good, tell me why Zay ain't answering his phone?" CJ asked getting more irrated by each second.


"His phone dead but he just drop me off man, but don't worry ok. All you need to do is focus on what's making you mad." I respond while putting on my shoes and grabbing my keys.


"What's making me mad is that Jason or Rick never sent me the text that they got they got the package." CJ threw at me.


"Ok man don't worry I will go back to the spot to see if they still there, So contact you later." I repiled while hanging up the phone.


"Yo shorty where's my wallet?" I asked impatiently.


"Right here but you can get it back once you make up for answering the phone during our time." she repiled.


"Not palying with you, give it to me." I told her.


"I will give you something alright." Sasha responded playfully.


I grabbed her by her arm and snatched my wallet our her hand. I quickly walked out the house and got into my car. Sasha ran out the house right behind him in nothing but her painties on she stood right in front of the car. I jumped out the car and walked over to her.


"Move before I run your ass over, and I'm not playing either." I told her.


" No you promise me this wasn't a one night stand Trey I'm not going anywhere." She said holding her ground.


"I lied and you need to be out my house before I come back." I told her while walking back to the car. I restart the car and moved the car forward so she could jump back and moved out the way. When she realize I was serious about running her over, she quickly step aside so I could go. I sped to the drop off spot as quick as I could. All I was thinking if something happen to Zay it will be all my

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