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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » New Kings by Charity Oliver (e reading malayalam books txt) 📖

Book online «New Kings by Charity Oliver (e reading malayalam books txt) 📖». Author Charity Oliver

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man." Soul repiled.


That time i got mad I stood and threw the water they gave me at the wall.


"Where the hell where you when I was fighting for my life? Huh and where the hell where you when we were supposed to drop off my sister (code for package)?" I yelled at him


Everyone in the holding cell was looking at me like I was crazy, even the police where staring at us listening like it was some kind of show. I know Soul was sorry but I could never forgive him for ehat he did to me.


"Man I did forget about the dropping of your sister and I'm sorry, but once I remebered nothing was going to stop me from having your back man." Trey told me.


I went and sat next to him I knew what he said was true, and at the end of the day he has been more of a brother to me than Jay. But he would have to earn my trust back. A couple of hours later somebody post our bail, and had it taken off our record, we all walked out side and saw CJ and Jay leaning aganist the car.


"What the hell is y'all problem?" CJ asked in a irrated voice.


"Nothing" Trey repiled.


"You got a lot of nerve speaking to me Soul, where the hell were you at during the time of the drop off?" CJ demand.


"No where important." Was all he said.


"Your luck that Ghost wasn't hurt or I would have killed you myself." Jay repiled.


I looked at Jay and saw he was serious, I knew that things between has been different lately but to hear him say he still cares made me kinda remember the days I looked up at him as a kid. 


"I'm fine, and stop ganging up on my bro." I responded.


"Fine but you two are coming with me." CJ said.


We both got into his car and we where driving out in the middle of no where. I knew either CJ would kill Soul for being dishonest or Kill me for disrespecting him, either way somebody was bout to die out here tonight. He stopped the car and got out and leaned on the hood of the car. We just sat there for awhile watching him very careful.


 "Bro tell me you grabbed your gun from the station?" Trey asked me.


"No but I know where one is at. Be my look out." I repiled.


I put my hand under the passanger seat and grabbed the gun, the only problem was that there was two of us and only one gun. It would be very hard to guess who would try and kill. I hand the gun over to Soul knowing that if he got the chance he would take the shot. He tucked it into his pants and put his shirt over it.  We got out of the car and stood right in front of him. 


"You boys are like my sons you know that." CJ said.'


"Yep." Me and Soul said at the same time.


"Good and it hurts me to know that one of y'all aren't really focus on the fact that  I own a  business and I need professionals." CJ explained.


I knew who he was talking about, the only person who has been being careless for the past years now, and dosen't care for the gang life anymore. CJ saw going to kill my brother.


"What the hell did you do to Jay?" I asked.


"Your brother hasn't been really focus on the gang as much as before, and you are doing the same so making a example out of your brother should do the trick." He said with a smile.




 After getting bail out of jail, CJ told me and Ghost to take a drive with him. Everyone knows that if your going to take a drive with him make sure it's not in the middle of no where. And being here with him right now I know that either Zay or me will be burying the other tonight. When Zay asked about Jay I had no idea that CJ would do that to him, knowing that this was about to happened. I pulled out the gun and shot him in the hand and stomach. CJ phone flew out his hand and he hit the ground, me and Zay walked up to him.


"Thanks for everything but I think we got it from here." Zay said.


Before CJ could say anything I lit him up with bullets.  Zay went around and got the shovels we begin to dig his grave. Once we finished with everything we had to make it seem like a rival, Zay told me he would handle that part for us while I make it seem like CJ dropped us off hour ago. I grabbed Cj phone and begin texting people on the drive back and called off the hit on Jay.


"What's next?" I asked Zay


"Well the gang now goes over to Jay." He respond


I waited for him to finish the sentence but that's all that he would say. I know that Zay would never  kill his brother and I don't expect him to all I need him to do is remove his brother from the throne. Zay dropped me off five blocks away so no one would recoginze CJ car. I went to my girl house cause it was only three blocks away from me, I knocked on her window and a light flicked on.


"Where the hell have you been in the past three days?" She questioned me.


"I'll explain everything if you let me in." I told her, she opened her window to let me. Once inside I started to kiss on her, but she pushed me away.


"Where that little trick at Trey?" She asked with her hands on her hip.


"Who talking bout?" I asked while walking closer to her.


"I know bout Sasha you two timing jerk." She screamed at me.


"Yea I slept with her cause your not putting out anymore" I said defensibly.


"Cause i'm not trying catch anything with your hoeing ass." She said angrily.


"Well i'll make it eaiser for you we done shorty." I said while climbing back out the window.


I heared her screaming my name but I just kept walking home like I didn't hear a thing. Once I got home I jumped in my car and went for a drive to clear my head and think of way to get rid of Jay if needed. I was driving on the highway once I saw that girl that I wa dancing went at the club. 


I pulled up next to her and she got into the car. I knew tonight I was going so pussy after all. I couldn't wait either.

Chapter 8: New Kings

I woke up got dresss and headed out side to my baby. Once inside the car I drove to the warehouse to see did anybody find out about CJ yet. When I pulled up I saw Zay car , I parked right next to his ride and went striaght inside. Right when I walked in I saw everyone in a group meeting.


 "Thanks for finally joining us." Jaydan said.


"No problem" I repiled and everyone kinda laugh, but stopped once Jay gave them a look.


"As we all know that CJ is missing but his car was find on the snakes territory last night on fire. I want all of you to be on the lock out for him until then Your looking at the new leader. And my second right hand will be Soul and Ghost. If you can't reach me get with these two and I promise you I will get info faster. Does everyone understand." Jay explained.


We all shook our heads yes then went back to making the money. Me and my boy second in command is a stepping stone to what we really want, Can't wait till we get to become the new leaders.




After I dropped Trey off five blocks down I had to think of a good place to take CJ car. The only place I could think of was the Snakes, there are our rival gang and it would be easy to fram them for his murder. I took the car to one of the neigborhoods they mostly try to leave us a message. When one of our guys go missing there bodies are always here on the news so this would be perfect. I drove with lights off to make sure no one could see me. Once in a good enough spot I grabbed the gas and poured it all over the car and set it on fire. A car drove up and saw it explode and right when that happen some of the gang members start coming around to see what had happen. I was hiding behind the tree to make sure evertything goes to plan, once I heard the sirens coming I disappered out of sight and went home to crash. Once I got home my brother Jay was waitting on me.


"Where have you been?" Jay asked corncern."


"Out with Trey where else." I repiled irrated.


"Look I know we haven't been the same  since that inccident but I would like for us to go back to the old days." Jay told me.


"There's a reason while they called them the old days." I said and walked striaght into my room.


Once I was in my room my girl ended up calling me, so I anwser the phone.


"Wassup baby" I said.


"Wassup where the hell have you been I have been waitting on your ass for the pass hour." She shouted through the phone.


"What are you talking bout?"


"Our date or did your forget again." She repiled irrated.


"I'm sorry but I prom---" But before I could fiinish she interrupted me.


"Forget this you don't give me any time anymore and this relationship isn't the same anymore and i'm tired for competing for you love, i'm sorry." She said then hanged up the phone.


I really didn't care that she broke up with me cause she wasn't on her A-game in bed anymore.I went striaght to slept after that phone call for hours until Jay told me we have a meeting to go to and if I'm not there, I'll have hell to pay. I got dress and got into my car and drove to the warehouse. Zay explained to us what happened to CJ and that me and Soul were second in command. Once everybody left the room me and Trey went outside for a smoke.


"Only one step close." Soul said.


"Yep and to think that you almost blew that shit." I said with a laugh.


"Yea I will take credit for that, last time I let a bitch run me over." Trey respond.


"Except for your old girl." I repiled.


"Nope broke up with shorty last night, she doing to much. But i did get laid by that girl I was dancing with a the club" He explained.


"Damn bro the crazy girl"


"No the one she was fighting, bro that girl gave me the best head."


"A least you got some last night. While my girl broke up with me last night ." I told Trey.


"Really man why?" He asked.


"Cause I wasn't giving her all my attention.But I htink the really reason is because I wouldn't take her on a shopping spree no more." I said with a laugh.


"Why not bro?"


"Cause shorty spent

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