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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » New Kings by Charity Oliver (e reading malayalam books txt) 📖

Book online «New Kings by Charity Oliver (e reading malayalam books txt) 📖». Author Charity Oliver

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Ten mins later I arrived at the spot and saw that Zay was being held at gun point. I jumped out the car and sneaked around them so they couldn't see or hear me coming. There was tree about 5 feet away from them so I went and hide behind it, I looked at the ground and saw what looks like Zay gun and picked up. Right when the guys turned there back on Zay to look inside the truck I ran up to Zay and gave him is gun, we both ran up to them and pointed the guns to the back of there heads.


"Yo man who the fuck are you and why in the hell did you have my homeboy at gun point?" I asked madly.


They slowly turned around and drop there weapons, the guns didn't even faze them.


''Our partner CJ will come lookin for y'all the moment I don't send the text." One of the guys said.


"Hold up are y'all Rick and Jason?" I asked curiolsy.


"Who askin?" The second guy asked.


"We where the one's CJ sent to drop off the product." I said while lowering the gun.


"Oh Y'all soul and Zay?" We shook our heads to let them know."Man our bad for holding you to gun point." Rick repiled.


"It's all good." Zay responded.


Me and Jason had went to the car so I could give him the package and he can give me the money. Once the exchange was over Jason pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to CJ to inform him the deliver was made.


"Ay kid what's your nickname?" Jason asked Zaylin.


"Zay, why?" He repiled irrated.


"Because man you move like a fucking ghost. i didn't see you even take that gun out my hand, right Rick?" Jason asked.


"Hell yea man. Lucky for you your homebody came as soon as he did, or we would have shoot your ass up." Rick respond with a smile.


"Yea luck me." Zay said while lighting his blunt


"Speaking of timing why where you late? The boss told us we would see a Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT, that's how we would know that y'all were the right people." Rick explained.


"There was a issue at my place I had to take care of." I lied to them.


Rick and Jason shook there heads to let me know they understand. Zaylin just looked at me like who knew I was lying and walked away. I was going to follow him but decide against it, he probably  needed some time to calm down. I knew that I fucked up big time and that if I hadn't show up when I did my best friend would be dead over some bitch I just met.

Chapter 6: Wrong Place

 The next day I went over to Zaylin house to make it up to him. I blew the horn to let him know I was outside waiting on him, couple mins later he comes outside and get's in the car.


"So I decide to have a bro night to tell you how sorry I'm truly am." I explained to him.


"Man we good, I already told you this." Zaylin repiled.


"I know what you say but I still want to make it up to you man that wasn't cool on my part." I told Zay.


"Damn man you over there gettin soft as shit." Zay respond with a laugh.


"Bro fuck you I was trying to do the right thing, but forget." I told him.


"Damn Soul if you going to have mood swings I should've just went to my girl house.' Zay said with a smile.


"Forget you nigga, last time I do shit for you." I respond with a laugh.


"Yea right will see." Zaylin repiled.


Me and Zay did some much that morning. I took him to the strip club, cause I knew no one would be there that early. After that we went to the mall to buy some new clothes to wear to the club tonight. I had everthing planned to the V.I.P Section, to the girls, and the alcohol. Tonight was going to best night of my boy life, and hopefully me doing this for him would make it up to him. I feel terrible but tonight all that is going to change.

 By the time 12' o clock me and Zay where on the way to the club. When we arrive I gave the valet my keys an we went inside for a good time. We walked in and was lead righ to the V.I.P Section of the club, girls were already in there having the time of there lifes.


"So you had everthing planned out to the max?" Zay asked.


"Hell yea man tonight we party like the Kings we are." I repiled.


We dab off and went to drinking, smoking, and dancing the night away with the hottest girls in the club. About two hours later I felt someone tapping my shoulder, I turned around and saw Sasha standing there with her hands on her hip.  So many thoughts where running through my mind, the main one was that this bitch is going to get me cased up.


"Trey why haven't you returned any of my calls?" Sasha whinned.


"I've been busy what are you doing here?" I asked her.


"It's my girl birthday and she told me some guy wanted a bunch of the girls in V.I.P Section with him, so we decide to go. But why are you up here?" She asked me.


"Me and my homeboy are hangout in our V.I.P Section." I respond.


Next thing you know I saw Zay bring up Jason and Rick. I knew my night was going to get fucked up. I grabbed Sasha arm and led her away fronm all of them and into the corner.


"Listen I promise we can talk bout it later but I need you to go now." I told her.


"Why so you can cheat on me?" She asked.


I looked at her like she was crazy. How can I cheat on her when we ain't together. But I had to play the part until she left.


"Look baby no body going to cheat on you. I promise my boys over there it was just us, with you here I broke it so can you just chill out please." I begged her


"Fine but your paying for me and my girls drinks tonight." She demand me.


"Ok that's fine." I said.


Sasha went over and grabbed her friends and left the V.I.P Section. I walked over the Zay, Jason. and Rick with drinks in my hand, quickly hand one to everyone. 


"Nice little area you got." Jason said.


"Thanks, I just wanted to have a little privacy from everyone." I repiled.


"Yea this spot is perfect." Zaylin said while taking another shot.


We all start taking shots then all three of them got up and start dancing with some random girls. I sat there and drinked some more until some girl came up and sat in my lap. She took the glass out my hand and poured the shot down her thoat, she laugh after she took it and kiss me. We stood up and went on the dance floor, the girl started to grind up while kissing my neck and I didn't stop her. Before I had the chance to blink Sasha came up and pulled the girl off of me and slap her. All eyes was on the three of us in the whole section. Zay, Rick, and Jason came up and helped me pull the girls apart.


"Yo ladies what the hell is going on?" Rick asked the girl I was dancing with.


"This Bitch just came up and hit me, she luck y'all pulled us apart before I could whip her ass." The girl repiled.


"Baby girl why did you try to fight her?" Zay asked Sasha.


"Cause she was all over my man." Sasha repiled proudly.


Zay looked at me and I knew what he thought was going on. But only if he knew the truth of what happened.




After last night events Trey had some plans to make it up to me. He was really mad at his self because he knew there was a chance I could've died and it would have been his fault. I told him a thousands time that we good but he wouldn't take that as anwser. So went to the strip club and had all the girls at our display, we spent about 1k in there. Then my boy and me had to get some new threads to show off at the club tonight. Trey had shut down two sections of the V.I.P. area for us and it was full of girls and alcohol, we had a blast. Then some girl had walked up to Soul and they started talking I didn't think nothing of it. I saw Rick and Jason on the floor so I decide to call them up and have a drink or two. Everything was going good until a fight had broke out between these girls, seeing that Trey was up in the mixed I knew one of the girls was tripping for no reason of a dude that couldn't care less. I took the matters into my hands so that shit wouldn't get more out of hand.


"What's your name?" I asked the girl claming to be Soul girl.


"Sasha." She whispered.


"Listen Sasha why don't we go some where private and talk this out." I respond very slowly.


"I'm not going anywhere until Trey tell me why the hell he left me last night and why he is here with some hoe?" Sasha yelled arcoss the room.


Something inside of me clicked just then. Soul was handling something last night and she is standing right here. He would've let me died over a piece of ass, my best friend choosed pussy over me. I don't know what came over me, I pulled out my gun and aim that shit at Soul, shots where fired and hopefully I hit my target.

Chapter 7: Locked Up

The police came and shut down the club. All of us ending up getting kicked out of the club for good and we ended up getting booked downtown. In the holding cell I just sat there thinking about how Trey fucked me over. Jason and Rick sat right next to me, they both though Soul was fucked up for doing that to me. Soul was just laying his head against the wall on the opposite side of the room. 


"I'm sorry bro." Trey said looking at me.


"Yea, well I'm sorry that I trust you." I respond.


"I did fuck up big time but your like my brother and I will always be there for you

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