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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖

Book online «My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author Shivani Sharma

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(Stella P.O.V)

I wake up early morning feeling happy and fresh.


*Good morning lovelies,* Sally my, wolf said to me looking quite happy today.


"Good morning Shally, what happened, you are looking quite happy today?" I ask her.


"I don't know Stella, I feel like something good is going to happen today," Sally said while wagging her tail inside my mind.


"And what it can, be?" I ask her.


"Well, I don't quite put my finger on it, maybe finding our mate or something since today is Nikkie's birthday party and many alpha's and betas are going to come here to celebrate it with us, maybe one of them will be our mate," she said looking excited.


"I don't know Shally, but let's hope, they were because I really want to find my mate, I have gone in many mates hunt camps and travel many places but can't able to found him, and almost give up on trying finding my mate, " I said with a sigh.


"I know, my love, and I can understand how you feel, but trust me we will find him, I can feel he is not that much far away from us," Shally said smiling at me.


"Thank you, Shally," I said while smiling at her.


"Stella, are you still sleeping in your bed, get up and get ready, we have a lot of things to do today," my mom said while knocking on the door.


"Coming mom," I said while getting out of my bed and walking towards my closet, I chose a nice but, casual dress and get inside the washroom to get ready. I brush my teeth, do my business, and get inside the hot shower, after that, I apply the body wash on my body and shampoo in my hair and wash under the shower. After a shower, I get dress and walk downstairs to the kitchen to help mom and marry prepare breakfast for everyone.


After breakfast, I help dad and Cole to finish the last preparation for the party and let marry and mom to prepare lunch. After lunch was over, I was heading to my room to have a nap before the party but, Cole stops me on my way.


"Stella, I and dad, have to sign a new treaty between me and, Alpha Caleb, would it be okay if you and mom check that everything, was done, and nothing is left for the party?" Cole asks me while walking towards me.


"Sure," I said while smiling at him.


"Thank you, here is the list of all the things, you have to check," he said smiling at me and handing me the list and walk away to his office. I look at the list and started checking everything.


"So all the decorations are done perfectly, the food buffet is arranged, DJ is here, the bar was full with the drinks, the waiter is here to serve, tables are arranged, the nameplates and crockery are arranged in the table, stall of sweets are arranged nicely on the table, good we are finished," I said with a sigh and go to my room to have some rest. 


I wake up after 2 and half an hour and walk towards my closet, I select the dress I was going to wear at the party and put it in the bed and walk towards the washroom to take a much needed hot shower. After taking a shower, I get dressed and put up the light makeup and walk downstairs, to see the guest had already started to arrive, and mom and dad are attending them and join them. After talking with some guests, and meeting my friend, mom come towards me and told me to bring the cake in the living room.


Just as I started to walk towards, the kitchen I smell the most intoxicating smell in the world. I smell grapefruit and mint.


"Mate, Mate," my wolf Shally shouts inside my head while wagging her tail in excitement, and I turn to meet the most beautiful eyes in the world.


"Mine," we said at the same time. He excuse himself and walks towards me, and I too start walking towards him, I heard my mom calling for me, but I did her deaf ear and, keep walking towards him.


"Hello, beautiful, I am Torak, Alpha Torak Campbell, and you are?" he asks stretching; his hand for a handshake.


"My name is Stella," I said while putting my hand on his for the handshake and feels the sparks running all over my body.


"A beautiful name, for a beautiful woman," he said, and plant a kiss on the back of my hand, making me blush.


"Well, I hate to interrupt you guys, but don't you have something to do Stella," mom said while walking towards us.


"Oh sorry, I almost forgot, please excuse me," I said still blushing at him.


"Sure," he said, and I walk towards the kitchen to bring the cake in the living room. I can't believe I have finally found my mate, I thought with a smile on my face.


I help the cook to arrange the cake and bring it in the living room while calling everyone to gather around the cake to cut it. I give the knife to Nikki and stand beside her and sing the birthday song with everyone. I feel someone looking at me and look up to see Torak looking at me and blush under his gaze, making him smirk at me. I turn to see Nikki is holding a piece of cake in front of me, I take a small, piece of cake and feed it to her, and she feeds it, back to me.


One by one everyone comes and gives birthday wishes and the gift they have brought for her to Nikki, Torak also come and wishes her, while we stand beside her and I kept glancing at his way time to time, and he saw him smirking at me knowing that I keep looking at him.


"Why don't you go and spend some time with him," mom asks me.


"Is it okay with you guys, if I leave you guys here alone," I ask to them.


"Of course, we are here for her, besides your not a birthday girl, so you can leave us," mom said while chuckling at me, I thank her and walk away from them. I look around for Torak but, I can't find him anywhere, suddenly I feel someone grab me from behind and drag me, then pin me on the wall. I open my eyes to see it was one else but Torak.


"Torak," I said but, he shut me up while putting his finger at my lips.


"Shh, don't tell anything I have waited so long for you, I have tried to found everywhere, but I wasn't able to find you, now you are here, and right in front of me, so I didn't want to waste any more time and claim you as mine," he said and close his eye and move closer. I close my eyes and move forward, for a kiss, as soon as our lips touch each other, I feel the sparks running all over my body.


I have heard the pack's members talking about their first kiss with their mate and how it feels like, but it was much more than that, and I am happy to feel it for my self, that I have finally found my mate. When he kissed me my entire body tingled with fire, I felt a jolt of electricity surge through my body. I never knew I was incomplete until this moment. I can see us growing old together with our children and grandchildren.


We get separated to take a breath for a second, then kiss again. Torak pushed me back to the wall and try to lift me up, while still kissing me, I lift my self and wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.


Soon the kiss becomes heated, and I withdraw to get some air and feel Torak kissing and sucking my neck and, I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from moaning loudly at the party.


"Wait, wait, Torak, ahh," I said while holding a moan and pulling away from me.


"Torak," I almost shouted at him and looks, around to see no one is looking at us, and I sigh in relief when I saw no one has heard us. all thanks to loud music at the party.


"Torak," I shouted at him and pushes him away while panting heavily.


"What happens? Why did you push me away from you? Did you don't want me anymore?" he asks looking hurt and I feel my heartache seeing him like this.


"It's not what you think, I stop you because I don't want anyone to see us like this at the party, or heard us moaning and grunting in the party, would you be okay with someone else seeing me nake and you ravishing my body, " I ask while smirking at him to cheer him up.


"Mine," he said with a low growl and kiss me again passionately.


"Exactly, yours, then let's go to my room to continue our deed," I said between the kiss, he nodded his head at me and let me go. I hold his hand and about to walk towards my room when I heard a loud explosion happen outside of the packhouse. We look at each other and walk to the living room to see what happens, to see everyone looking startled.


"What happened, Cole?" Nikki asks, Cole, looking worried.


"The vampires, Rogues and dark witches have attacked us," Cole said to her.


"Shit, get the kids, woman, and those who can not fight with us to the safe house," dad order the few warriors inside the packhouse and they follow it. 


"You should go with them too," Torak said to me.


"No, I am going to fight beside you," I protest against him.


"No, you won't, I don't want to lose you, have just found you, Stella"

 he said while holding my face in his hand and looking worriedly at me.


"I know, but I can look after myself Torak, after all, I am a warrior and the daughter of an Alpha too," I said smiling assuringly at him.


"I think Torak is right, Stella, and I want someone to stay with them to assure them and protect them, and I know I can trust you with it, if not for us do it for the scared pack members," dad said walking towards us, I look around to see people running here and there looking scared.


"Fine," I said with a sigh, peek on Torak lips and help warriors to take the woman, children, and elders to the safe house for their safety.

Attacked by vampires - 2


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