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What is the genre of drama in books?

Read online books Drama in English at worldlibraryebooks.comIn literature a drama genre deserves your attention. Dramas are usually called plays. Every person is made up of two parts: good and evil. Due to life circumstances, the human reveals one or another side of his nature. In drama we can see the full range of emotions : it can be love, jealousy, hatred, fear, etc. The best drama books are full of dialogue. This type of drama is one of the oldest forms of storytelling and has existed almost since the beginning of humanity. Drama genre - these are events that involve a lot of people. People most often suffer in this genre, because they are selfish. People always think to themselves first, they want have a benefit.

Drama books online

All problems are in our heads. We want to be pitied. Every single person sooner or later experiences their own personal drama, which can leave its mark on him in his later life and forces him to perform sometimes unexpected actions. Sometimes another person can become the subject of drama for a person, whom he loves or fears, then the relationship of these people may be unexpected. Exactly in drama books we are watching their future fate.
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Read books online » Drama » My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖

Book online «My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (romance book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author Shivani Sharma

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(Nikki P.O.V)


After I finish, healing Stella, I resume fighting, and we fight together, having each other back, but suddenly they disappear from there.


"What in the hell just happened?" I ask no one in particular.


"My guess is, when they notice they are losing the war, they decided to retreat and disappear from here," Emma said while walking towards us.


"Are you guys, okay?" Cole asks while walking towards us.


"Yes, we are fine, but what about you and others?" I ask him.


"Yes, we are fine," Rose said while walking towards us with Mike, Ryan, and Kelvin.


"Who are they?" Mike asks while looking at the white witches of mine and other covens.


"They are the witches of mine and other covens whose coven were destroyed by the vampires and the rouges," I said to him.


"Is everything okay, here?" one of the Alpha's asks while walking towards us.


"Yes, I am glad that you're okay," Stella said while smiling and walking towards us.


"So, am I," the Alpha says, and they kissed each other, and Rose clear her troth. They pull away, and Stella looks away while blushing red and the Alpha Torak if I remember his name only smirks at her.


"Stella, won't you introduce your mate to us?" Rose asks her while raising her eyebrow at her.


"Oh, right, everyone meets my mate Alpha Torak, and Torak meet my mother Rose, my father Mike, my brother Cole and his mate Nikki," Stella said while introducing him to all of us, and he shakes hands with us.


"But Nikki, didn't they all died in the attack a few centuries ago?" Cole asks me to get back on the topic at hand.


"They are the witches who leaves the coven before the attack and who survive the attack, they all come here to help us deal with our enemies," I explain to them.


"And also to find our real leader who is no one else but you Nikki," Dave said to us.


"Can anyone explains to us, what in the world is going on here, and why did they attack us?" one of the alpha's, said while walking towards us with other alphas.


"It is a long story," I said to them.


"We have all the time in the world," alpha said to us.


"Let's go inside the pack-house first, and I will explain everything to you guys," Cole said and orders the warriors to send the dead bodies to the morgan and injured to the pack-hospital and report him about the casualties. Then he orders, the warrior who was with the woman, kids, and elders protecting them to bring them all back to the packhouse.


"We will go and help the doctors, healing the injured people," Dave said to me and disappeared from here with others. Cole led us inside the packhouse while ordering his beta to check on the people who were in the packhouse and show the guest to their room so they can get some rest.


Then he led all the alphas with their mates and second in command, me, Mike, Rose, Stella, Kelvin, Emma, and Ryan to the conference room and explains everything to them, and their faces were worth to see when they learn everything, it was so funny that I had a hard time to control myself from bursting out laughing at them.


"I see, but why was he is after her?" One of the alphas asks Cole.


"He wants her for himself for her blood and wants to have a child with her so that he can control the world, using the power of that child as an ultimatum weapon," It was Emma who answers their question.


"What about the white witches who helped us, didn't you think that after knowing that they are alive, Alok and his army will try to hunt them down again for their powers?" Alpha Flowereance asks us.


"You are right, they will so I have decided to take them with me to my mansion, it was protected, with best protection spells cast by moon goddess herself, they will be safe there," Emma said to them.


"Besides, I need their help to complete 10% remaining training of Nikkie," Emma said to them.


"Then, what di you want us to do? You know that we have to deal with them in one way or another?" Alpha Torak asks her.


"Yes, I have thought about that, want you guys to talk with your allies, and asks them to help us, and made some more allies, just in case we need backups. However, I don't think we are going to need that, but just to be sure, and if they decline you guys then tell them about the consequences, about what will happen f they win the war, I am sure they will understand and will help us," Emma said to them.


"After I was done, with her training we will hold a meeting in my mansion and discuss the strategies to win this war," Emma said to them. We stayed for some time discussing the war and other things, then everyone expects me, Emma, Ryan, Kelvin, and my family.


"Where did they put Alisha?" I ask Cole.


"One of the warriors told me that he had put her on the guest room beside our room," Cole informed me.


"Good, I will Erase her and her family memories about it and teleport them to their house in the morning," I said with a sigh.


"Well, there goes with the world best party ever," Stella said while pouting at us.


"Don't worry Stella, we will have many birthdays, and other things to celebrate maybe when I take over my Luna positions, well only if we were able to survive this war, " I said the last sentence under my breath, but I guess Cole heard me because he tried to comfort me.


"Don't worry Nikki, there is no way that we are going to lose this war, even after having the other withe witches to help us," Cole said while holding me in his arms. I smile at him and kiss him on his cheek. Then we say our good night to others and go to our room.

The day after the attack


(Nikki P.O.V)


I grab my clothes from the closet and walk inside the washroom to take the much-needed shower while Cole's mind links the omega and tell her to send the dinner to ours and other rooms. After a shower, I get dress and out of the washroom and walk towards the window. While Cole walks in the washroom, to take a shower.


I stand near the window gazing outside the window at the moon, lost in my thoughts when I feel someone shaking me while calling my name.


"Huh?" I ask while turning to see Cole looking worriedly at me.


"Nikki, are you okay I have called you five times but, you didn't respond to me, so I get worried about you is, everything alright?" he asks worriedly.


"It was nothing, I was just thinking that, won't it be easy if we can keep an eye on our enemy and know what they are planning to do, then we can plan according to it and win the war," I ask him.


"It was a good idea, but how are you going to do it?" he asks me.


"I have a magical owl that Trevor gifts me at today, with a camera and mike attached to it so that I can see and hear everything my enemy was doing," I said to him.


"Cool, then what is the problem?" he asks me.


"The problem is I don't know where they are and how to find them?" I ask him.


"Then why don't you ask Emma about it?" he asks me.


"Good idea, I will do this, first thing in the morning, why didn't I think about it?" I ask myself.


"because you worry too much, anyway, did I tell you, how beautiful you have looked at the party and how much I love you?" he asks me.


"No, you didn't," I said with a pout. Before he can say anything to me, my stomach cut him, off with a growl, and I hid my face in his chest in embarrassment while he chuckles at me. Then someone knocks on our door.


"Alpha, I have brought the dinner for you and luna," one of the Omega said while knocking on the door.


"Just in time," he said while smiling at me and then walks towards the door to open it. 


"Thank you," he said to her and comes inside the room the food trolly.


"Let's eat something first," he said while making me sit on the bed and serve me food, then he serves himself. After finishing dinner, he mind-link the omega and orders them to take the trolly away.


"So, where were we? Oh yes, I was telling you how beautiful you were looking at the party and how much I love you," he said while answering his own, question.


"You were looking like an angel walking down from the sky when you walk down from the stairs. I feel the luckiest guy in the world, to have you as my mate," he said while tucking me in the bed and get beside me.


"and I have no words can describe my love for you, I love you to the square of infinity," he said while kissing me on my forehead.


"I love you too," I said with a yawn.


"Now sleep, my love," he said while closing my eyes with his hand, I put my head on his chest and fall asleep in his arms.


The next morning I wake up early in the morning to see Cole sleeping while holding me tightly in his arms. His long eyelashes touching his cheek, his hair covering his godly handsome face, which I gently move away from his face.


"He looks so cute and adorable while sleeping like a baby," I whisper to myself while looking at him.


"Really?" he asks and opens one eye to look at me as a smirk form on his face.


"I will take it back, you don't look cute and adorable at all instead you look like an old man," I said and control, myself from burst out laughing when I saw his face.


"Take it back," he said faking an angry face and voice and I shake my head as no.


"Take it back or else," he said, trailing off.


"Or else what?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.


"Or else, I will tickle you," he said while coming closer to me, and I moves away from him. He moves closer and hovers over me then starts tickling me.


"S....St...Stop it," I said between my laugh while trying to push him away from me.


"I will after you take it back," he said while still tickling me.


"I will, I will, but you have to stop tickling me first," I said while laughing, and he stops tickling me.


"I am waiting, you know," he said while smirking on me, and I show him one finger, asking him to wait for a minute while panting heavily. I move over the edge and get down from the bed.


"I take it back," I said, and his smirks got

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