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Read books online » Education » Victims. by Elizabeth Aldam (book recommendations for young adults txt) 📖

Book online «Victims. by Elizabeth Aldam (book recommendations for young adults txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Aldam

Meet the victims.

They do not exist anymore, they were murdered.


They wanted to live, just like you and me.


They did no harm to anyone while we can`t say the same about our species.


They were used by humans who claim using others is wrong.


They were enslaved by humans who say slavery is wrong.


They were treated violently by humans who speak of love and peace.


They were murdered by humans who say killing is wrong.


They were eaten by humans who could have done without their corpses and yet refused to do so.



Inside the is hell in there and it is hell outside. No one deserves this.


The blood of these victims floods the Earth and renders us all guilty.



 They did nothing wrong, yet they are treated like criminals. They only had their lives and that was taken from them.


 They were gentle, mild and innocent and only met harshness and cruelty.

Pictures of despair.



 Why? Why this cruelty with the most innocent creatures on Earth? We preach love and peace and only bring about destruction.

Exhaustion, pain, fear-



This is how they travelled to their deaths, afraid, in pain, exhausted, without any food or water.




They travelled for miles to be murdered. This is the reward their exploiters gave them for the profit they got from using and abusing


them mercilessly, year after year.

Turned into objects.



This is not "bacon", these are sentient, intelligent beings used and exploited all their lives for mere greed.

Taste and greed, the "motives" for the Animal Holocaust.


They had feelings, interests, likes, and dislikes. They had established bonds with their peers, bonds of affection and companionship.


All these were purposely ignored and trampled on, just to turn them into objects to be disposed of without a second thought.


They were murdered to satisfy the palate of the supposed to be the most evolved species on Earth.



Arrival at slaughterhouse.

They arrived, scared and alone in their fear, at the place of murder. They were made to get off the trucks among shouts of abuse.


Then they were led to the pens where they barely had water. They were given no food, lest their digestive processes altered the 


final product. 


They spent their last night there and at dawn, they were led to the death chambers, where they were made to wait again to be




Do not worry, they had already stopped crying when they were on your plate.




Text: Elizabeth Aldam.
Images: Elizabeth Aldam.
Cover: Elizabeth Aldam
Editing: Elizabeth Aldam
Translation: Elizabeth Aldam
Publication Date: 06-28-2019

All Rights Reserved

in memory of the innocent cows and pigs murdered by humans who then protest over the violence in the world.

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