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Read books online » Education » The death of the innocent. by Elizabeth Aldam (most inspirational books .txt) 📖

Book online «The death of the innocent. by Elizabeth Aldam (most inspirational books .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Aldam





This is a book about the victims of the "poultry industry".



These victims do not exist any more but their lives mattered to some of us as something else than profit.




They were unique beings, with their own interests and affection and they were destroyed for mere gluttony and greed.



My respect to the Buenos Aires Chicken Save activists who bravely accompanied these innocent beings in their



last moments before they entered a deeper hell than the one they were already in for belonging to a nonhuman species.



My heartfelt thanks to these same activists for their permission to use their pics in this book.




The Victims.



This is how they came to the slaughterhouse, crammed in baskets, after being used and abused all their lives, to end up murdered,

to end up on plastic-covered trays, plates and eager mouths.


None of them deserved this, they were treated as not even the worst homicide maniacs were treated. They were used as objects

and disposed of as such.


All this was carried out by murderers paid by hypocritical societies, societies infected with cognitive dissociation.


All this took place with the approval of “good people” who claim “love and empathy will save the world”, “violence is bad”,

“Thou shalt not kill”.


These are the victims, the ones who would have never done to humans what humans did to them. These are the ones whose

deaths weigh heavily on the whole human species.  


Their lives were seen as irrelevant, their affections and interests ignored. Their lives mattered only as commodities from which to extract the most at the minimal cost. All this was carried out by family men and women, all this was celebrated by authorities as the “blooming of industries”, all this was blessed by the religious as “food”.


All this was carried out efficiently, smoothly on the surface.

But it was not smooth, it was not swift. Murder never was, never is and never will be.




They kept trying to comfort one another but it was of no use, good citizens had already decided they had to die for gluttony and greed, two things branded as “capital sins” by pious religions. Seems they are not sins when applied to other species...



They died in terror, in despair, in extreme suffering. They died because they were made to die, just remember that when you bite into your “chicken sandwich”, your "Cesar salad" and all the dishes you enjoy because they are "tasty"...death is never tasty to the victims!


If you value your freedom...why don`t you respect theirs? If you protest against violence, why do you make them victims of your violence? If you hate being used, why do you use them?



How would you like this on yourself, your family, your friends?



And the trucks kept coming, one after the other, filled to the top with their sad cargo. The industries of death never stop.

The death of the defenceless, the death of the innocent. Bred to be the meantime in Sunday school…”Thou shalt not kill…”Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you…Seriously, would you like this?


Text: Elizabeth Aldam
Images: Images by the Buenos Aires Chicken Save. Included in this book with their permission.
Cover: Image by the Buenos Aires Chicken Save. Included in this book with their permission.
Editing: Elizabeth Aldam
Translation: It is in its original language.
Publication Date: 03-28-2020

All Rights Reserved

Dedicated to the countless victims of the industries that feed the Animal Holocaust and to the activists of the Buenos Aires Chicken Save.

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