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Book online «Ultimate Blogging Guide by Roger Keyserling (interesting books to read TXT) 📖». Author Roger Keyserling

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Keeping Upbeat!

As online sellers we often work many many hours very hard. We have to go back and edit things that we've already done because we found out we did them wrong. There's a lot of things that happen that can be very frustrating and aggravating. We can get returns that we know are not really returns.

Even when these things happen it's easy to maintain a very good attitude. Look back at the things you've already done to see how you overcome obstacles how you learn from your mistakes. Then look forward and figure out ways to improve on what you're doing now. If you're thinking is right your attitude becomes right. The hardest thing is when a big obstacle hits that you were unprepared for. So the best way to keep a good attitude is to try to be prepared for more things. Try to think ahead and think about what things could happen. Plan, think, and figure out ways to prepare. For example if you're selling a product don't think every single product you sell is not going to have a return or have damaged in shipping or actually just be damaged from the factory in new in the package that does happen. In your business model prepare for those things set aside a certain amount to be returned lost and shipping etc. If you're preparing your less frustrated when these things happen.

The sound of Cha Chings from doing the best you can is a good feeling too.

Most of all try to set realistic goals for yourself. Don't beat yourself up when you can't do something you thought you could. Work every day don't put your work off and then it becomes a chore. Plan it all out to be done in small increments.

It is important to remember as sellers to enjoy what we're doing. I always make a point every day to go on Facebook or a social media site and enjoy conversation, or a post for the enjoyment of the interactions available. I always make sure that I do that, then go right back to work so I can list list list.

It's important to enjoy what you do not only for your own peace of mind, but it does make you more effective at doing your job. You get more things done in less amount of time; because you enjoy what you're doing. You're not waiting, hesitating or dreading; you're enjoying your work. If you know it or not that feeling will come through in your listings, and how you as a seller appear to your buyers.

This is even more important when dealing with buyers in email. I make sure I do not show anything but a good attitude, to keep upbeat with all communications. This has helped bad situations become good on a few occasions.

Hard work and good customer service and proper business planning will make things go easier but no matter what there's going to be complications just work through them try and be happy that you can. Do it and know that you can do it!



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Text: Roger Keyserling
Images: Commons Licence and Roger Keyserling
Cover: Roger Keyserling
Layout: Roger Keyserling
Publication Date: 05-24-2020

All Rights Reserved

Those Who Write

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