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Blogging Process

Simply put, a blog is a tool that can help develop an online presence, attract leads, and engage with an audience. It's often a series of editorial content centered around a central topic that demonstrates industry expertise

Most of a blog's traffic is driven organically -- in other words, consumers will search for something on a search engine and click on your blog if it matches their intended topic. However, there are a lot of organizations competing for your audience's attention, so it's important to create awesome content of value.

Keywebco's ultimate blog guide.

In this post, this ultimate, step-by-step guide, we’ll share tips used by professional writers to create spellbinding posts that are adored by thousands. You’ll learn the secrets to crafting irresistible headlines, seducing introductions, captivating advice, and motivational closings.

In case you are organizing to start a new website or if you already have a site, but it doesn't help you turn your visitors and potential buyers into real customers then you should pay attention to your blog using these tips.

Improve your online visibility

Believe it or not, internet searches have shown that blogging can play a vital role along with outbound links in the highest website ranking on search engines. Blogging is more important because it helps create crucial backlinks when other webmasters link to your website due to a well written and useful blog.

Rank highly in search engines.

In the era of intense online competition, all website owners hope to get higher rankings on search engines like Yahoo Google and Bing as they can get N visitors from their first page rankings on search engines by the keywords they point to. But blogging on the site can make or break your business because merely getting visitors isn't enough for any business. These visitors must become real buyers for any business to be successful.


A written blog can help very well because it makes your visitors stay longer on the website and follow them to take action by fascinatingly providing all the information. It answers visitors' questions or gives them with the solutions they are looking for, and guides them to take action.


Promote the goodwill of your website

In addition to this well-written blog, you can improve the goodwill of your website and therefore, your business intent. It also helps make your website accessible and makes people visit your site over and over again.

How to get the best blog for your website

Any site must have an excellent and unique blog. When developing a website, make sure you have a great blog for your visitors. However, you must ensure that your blogs are correctly optimized so that your website tops search engine results pages. There are three parts of your blog that you should focus on to get the best results from your SEO campaign, blog title, content, and resource box.

Blog title

It is vital that you correctly optimize the title of your blog. That is because it is one of the first elements of a web page that search engines recognize. In case you need your blog to rank higher, put your keywords in your title as much as possible. But make sure your keywords naturally match the entire title. It will help both search engines and readers get a rough idea of ​​your blog topic.

It's also vital that your title is error-free because it will give you the quality of your blog entirely. No matter how amazing your blog is, if the reader detects a small grammatical error in the title, they will think that your blog is not worth reading.

Blog body

In addition to the title, your blog's content is another crucial factor to consider if you aim to get first place in Google's search results. Make sure to use the correct keywords your readers are likely to use on search engines to find information related to your content.

Using the right keyword density is an essential aspect of writing an SEO blog. Using a lot of keywords on your blog will make them look spam and can lead to SEO blocking, which means your efforts will do you more harm than good.

It is also vital to ensure that your keywords are naturally relevant in your blog. It should make sense with the rest of your blog content. Remember that your primary target audience is real people. So make sure your entire blog is not only keyword-rich but also readable.

Resource box

The resource box is your chance to introduce yourself to your readers and tell them what action to take after reading your blog. It's called a call to action. In case your readers like your blog, they will save a few minutes or so to look at your resource box. And if you give them a compelling call to action, they will click on the links that will direct them to your website.
Readers love a unique prospect written in an authentic style. To engage, write about your thinking and even feeling. If your blog posts are a series of news feeds and promotions, you will be losing your blog readers.

Blogging is a great way to earn passive income, but you'll need a systematic approach to writing content quickly in order to produce high-quality content with a limited amount of time to invest in your site.

This is a systematic approach for creating high-quality blog posts.

Steps To Blogging

Step 1: Decide what you want to write about Step 2: Narrow down the topics with the most potential Step 3: Check if you can rank Step 4: Write an outline Step 5: Write a rough draft Step 6. Get feedback Step 7. Revise your draft (repeat as needed) Step 8. Format and upload your post Step 9. Polish your title and URL


Blogging Thoughts

 The rise of social media, video sharing, and streaming (YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) seem to have replaced blogging, but that is not the truth – Blogging has only evolved. It works in a different way in some aspects and has different results but all viable. 

Although you can easily start a blog on Medium, Blogger, Tumblr, or And they’re great options if you just want to launch your blog in the next half hour.  I started this way and did very well, however easy as it is to start a Website blog is best in my opinion. Plus you can send a blog from your website to others including Wordpress.


Let’s look at the benefits:

There are fewer design details to bother with. You can use pre-made themes, or customize them a bit. On Medium, there’s only one theme, and you just roll with it. You don’t have to worry nearly as much about site or server maintenance. There’s a whole team of people working on that for you, and willing to help you. These platforms are often integrated with social networks and social features. This can help you to grow your blog’s readership faster. If anything technical goes wrong, it’s never your fault. Blogging on these platforms is often just… faster.


As mentioned above Keywebco had started on medium and had a publication with a few writers too. I had an issue with the medium service on a few things and basically when I changed to my own website blog I had a year's worth of posts to take down and manually write.  Not good or a good use of time because all traffic does not transfer so 1000s of readers had to be earned again. That's a bit of my past blogging experience.


Here is why

you have to look closely at the Terms of Service. When you’re on one of these platforms, you do not have complete control over your personal information or blog posts. Some don’t even let you make proper backups.

Your blog can be summarily deleted; that has happened to people. Your personal information can be given away without your knowledge; that has definitely happened to people. If you’re making money but the company doesn’t feel like being part of that, they can effectively shut down the online part of your business.


If you just can’t think of anything to write or if you’re stuck, just write about whatever pops into your head. After writing for a while and then looking back over what you wrote, you may have a much clearer idea of what to write about and how.

Do you have tips about how to do something? Then break them down into easy steps perhaps even in a bulleted or numbered list form.

Ask questions and get the audience involved. The more readers comment, the better the blog.


Think about these things to establish your goals:

Can you determine your “why” for writing? Who will your content focus on and specifically target? What value will your content bring to readers? Is there a specific tone of voice you’ll deliver your information with? Are there key metrics you want your blog to help achieve? What action should your user take from your blog (i.e. download, sign up, register)?


Hubspot Has A Great Articles on blogging


Important Points

Create blog posts that serve your larger company goals. Write as you would talk. Show your personality; don't tell it. Make your point again and again. Start with a very specific working title. Use a specific post type, create an outline, and use headers. Use data and research to back up the claims you make in your posts. When drawing from others' ideas, cite them. Take 30 minutes to edit your post. At a certain point, just publish it. Blog consistently with the help of an editorial calendar. Focus on the long-term benefits of organic traffic. Add a subscription or membership to your blog and set up an email newsletter.


Attention-grabbing headline

A good blog post is about one topic, one story, one idea. Not 57. Not 101. Just one.

Before you begin blogging, figure out what you want to write about. Choose a mock headline to give yourself some structure (you can always change it later), and start writing.

Good titles are interesting, descriptive, and engaging. It should read like a magazine headline or a TV newsflash, daring the reader to click the link.


Interesting supporting points

This is the body of the article. It’s the “meat” of the post — what will back up your main topic or argument.

Every story you tell or idea you share needs to have a supporting rationale, something the readers can sink their teeth into. They don’t all need to neatly fit into a three-point argument or a seven-step process, but you can’t be all over the place.

Consider what you want to say and how you will back it up. A great way to organize is to

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