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Book online «Playboy's Mistress by Raeesa Emery (manga ereader .txt) 📖». Author Raeesa Emery

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In the morning when she woke up then she was in a loose hoodie and a note was present on her study table in which Ivan has written something and he has written-

" Don't you dare share anything which happened in between us to anyone if I get to know then I will make your life living hell and yeah, don't try to be smart because I am watching you, my eyes are always on you. Tonight you fainted that's why I am letting you go but next time when I will return then I will continue from there where I had left. " 

That's the reason she didn't tell anyone what happened to her, well this is a city. Who will believe in her?. He is rich, a night prince and she is poor, a fisherman's daughter. But no worries today she is leaving her apartment and now no one will bother her. But what about college?.. He will be present in the college but for that, her teacher will be there for helping her. This is the only ray of hope keeping her hope of education alive. She wants to study and be a businesswoman. 

From childhood, many women used to say that she isn't beautiful and that insecurity always kills her confidence of not fighting against those people but she is very good in the study so she fights against everyone who tries to snatch her dreams. She has heard, how her neighbours used to give her father suggestions that why are you letting your daughter study, don't waste money but her father never pay attention to those people then why she will stop. She will fight against everything, everyone for her dreams and in her enemies now Ivan is present. 

She wiped her tear when she remember his touch, how his filthy hand was touching her body. 

•• " Wow. " His voice echoed in her head and she cringed hard. She let the tear of disgust fall. 


She put the last book in her bag and sighed while pulling the zipper of her bag. That's when she heard a hard knock on her door. She checked the time and it was 10 PM. Who is at this time?. 

" Next time when I will return then I will continue from there where I had left. " His written words roamed in front of her eyes and she immediately moved back in fear. He is here. The Devil is here. 

" Ember, open the door. " Hearing his husky deep voice from the other side of the door she shivered badly. His voice was full of anger. She took her phone and started to search for a number in her contact. 

That's when the door of her apartment opened and Ivan walked in. Looking too much angry. Looking too much dangerous. He entered her bedroom and found her dialling someone's number. 

" Kitten is being smart. " Ivan said with a smirk. 

" No, No. " She mumbled hoping someone receives her call but before her phone was in Ivan's hand. 

" No, give me my phone!. " She shout but Ivan didn't listen and smashed her phone on the floor. 

" Go and gather the broken pice. " He mocked and she saw the broken piece of her phone. 

" No. " She looked at the broken piece of her phone, tears of fear and anger is already streaming down her eyes. 

" Were you planning to run?. " He asked looking at her zipped bags and she saw him in fear. 

" I didn't tell anything to anyone then why are you here?? " She asked in fear and he clenched his jaw and next he smirked. 

" For taking what's mine. " He said and next she was in his arm. 

" No, leave me... Help!!. " She shouts for help. 

" Scream how much you want... No one will save you from me. " He said darkly and walked out of her little apartment. 

" Please leave me... What wrong did I do to you that you are doing this to me?.. Please leave me. " She pleaded in her cries and Ivan ignored her. She saw her surrounding. No one is here. Three bodyguards are around a black van. 

Ivan:" Open the door. " He ordered and she struggled more but moaned in pain when he tighten his hold more. 

" Leave me you mother fucker. " She said pushing him and next he smirked. 

" Why would I fuck my mother when you are here... Tonight I will fuck you that hard that you will forget your every cursing word. " Ivan said and hearing this she started to struggle more. 

" I am sorry, please let me go. " She pleaded and Ivan chuckled. Getting into the van he threw her on the seat and hovered over her while his bodyguard shut the door. 

" One word about letting you go and I swear to God I will forget who is here, and here at this moment, I will RUIN you. " He whispered and she cried silently looking into his eyes. 

" Please let~ Ahh. " She moaned in pain when twisted her hand which he was grabbing. 

" I am not joking sweetheart. " He mumbled making her go silent. 

" Let's go, driver. " He ordered. 


Her little fist is continuously hitting him on his back but he isn't feeling any kind of pain. They are here in his penthouse. Carrying her on his shoulder. She was not hearing what he was saying so he thought to carry her. 

" Please, let me go. " She pleaded again in her cries. 

" What I have done to you that you are doing this to me. " She cried hard and Ivan took long strides to his bedroom. He opened the door with a loud thud and shut the door with the same attitude making her cry in fear. Coming near the bed he threw her body on the bed. 

Her body bounced on his million dollars bed while he saw her with anger. Unbuttoning his shirt's upper three buttons he pulled her ankle making her lie on the bed and him hovering over her body. 

" No, leave me!!. " She shout in fear pushing him back but he holds her both hands and pinned her over her head. 

" One night, I had asked for only one night!!. " He shout and she closed her eyes in terror. 

" I was giving you everything then why the hell did you reject my proposal?. " He shout and she flinched hard. 

" Because I don't want you anything!!. " She shouts in her cries. " Leave me. " She struggled for freeing her hand. 

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