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Book online «Playboy's Mistress by Raeesa Emery (manga ereader .txt) 📖». Author Raeesa Emery

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Ivan's face turned right feeling a sharp slap on his left cheek. He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw controlling his anger.

" She died waiting for you, we had called you many times. Where the hell were you?. " His paternal grandpa Raphael Black roared. His paternal grandpa aka Raphael is looking too disappointed and hurt by his grandson's this act. 

" I am sorry. I was unconscious at that time that's why I didn't receive the call. " Ivan replied softly, his gaze fixed on the floor. He is in black pants, a white shirt with a black coat in black shoe looking devilishly handsome. 

" Because of Alcohol, right?. " His grandpa asked and he didn't say anything. Last night he lost his paternal grandma and the most hurtful situation was then when his grandma was asking for Ivan, his grandpa's man, Ivan's dad called him many times but he was unconscious at that time so he couldn't know about his grandma being in hospital and her asking about him. 

" I am sorry. " He replied this time looking into Raphael Black's eyes. His eyes have already swollen up because of his crying. He fvcking lost his grandma and couldn't make up time for meeting her for one last chance. Even though he hates his father and paternal grandpa but he loves his paternal grandma and maternal grandma- grandpa both. 

" Get lost. " Raphael said in anger. 

" No, please... I want to be present in my grandma's last rituals. " He pleaded and Raphael clenched his jaw. He was shaking in anger and wanted to kill Ivan at the same moment, at the same place. 

" I said get lost. " He replied in anger. 


Ivan saw his grandma getting buried... Rain's droplets are socking him from head to toe. No tears have left to cry. He still remembers how his grandma used to feed him when his mother left him in this cruel world with her womanizer husband. He still remembers how his grandma always used to call him Ivu for showing her love and care but now who will call him Ivu?, now who will feed him by hand?. He is 25 years old grown-up man but till this time his grandma used to feed him by her hand and just because of this he doesn't know how to eat properly by using his knife and spoon that's the reason he doesn't like to eat in restaurant or hotels because he thinks that people will call him illiterate by seeing his ill manner of eating. 

He wiped the tear which fell from his eyes while reading the last prayer for his grandma. He loves his grandma a lot. His grandpa is just in front of him looking at him. His father too saw him. They know by which conditions he is going through. 


" Where are you going, Ivan?. " His dad asked following his son who has his jacket in his hand. 

" None of your business dad. " He said. Seems like he is angry. 

" You aren't going anywhere. " His dad ordered and Ivan take out his car keys and a beep echoed in the area indicating that he has unlocked his car. 

" And why so?. " He asked without turning back. 

" Because grandpa needs you. " He said and Ivan clenched his jaw in anger. He turned around in anger and took long strides towards his dad, Alexander Black. 

" No one needs me, who wanted me has already gone so stop showing your fake love. " Ivan said in anger and his eyes landed on his grandpa who is seeing him already from far. 

" Tell your father, now I don't have any kind of relationship with him and I don't want any penny from his property. " Ivan said and a tear rolled down his eye. 

" What the hell?... Have you lost your mind?. " Alexander said and Ivan turned around to leave. 

" Ivan listen to me, Ivan!!. " His father roared but he didn't pay attention and sat in his car. 

" This car was given by my maternal grandpa. " Ivan said loudly and drove off from there. As soon as he got out of the area his eyes started to let go of tears. He started to cry. The dam finally broke. 


He saw the starry sky with his doe eyes. He is sitting on his car's front part looking too broken and exhausted. Only one thing is running through his mind and that is how he didn't pay one last visit to his grandma. Oh yeah, because he was drunk. Too much drunk. But why he was drunk?. He never drinks like that. Like that, he will lose consciousness. That's when he clenched his jaw in anger when the realization hit him hard that he was drunk because of one girl and that girl is none other than EMBER, EMBER WILLIAM. 

Thinking this he immediately got off from his car and got inside his car. Just because of that girl he was drunk. If she could have given herself to him then he didn't use alcohol for removing his tension. Oh goodness, his great tension is she. He got drunk because she troubled him. Tonight he will take his revenge. Tonight he will make her cry in agony. 

He turned his car and drove off to the place where Ember lives. 


" Yeah Papa, I want to change this apartment... Actually, in this apartment a lot of rats are present and they are ripping my book so I am thinking of leaving this apartment. " She said softly looking out the window. She is talking to her papa about leaving this apartment because she doesn't want to take any kind of risk of living here when her alive nightmare can come anytime to visit her. Today she didn't go to her college because she wasn't feeling well, well her body was feeling a lot of pain. 

" Really? are you coming to see me?. " She asked in excitement. " Okay, so should I pack my books?. " She asked and smiled getting her father's response. She immediately started to gather her books that's mean her father is ready to let his daughter change apartment. 

" Okay papa, see you tomorrow then. " She said and disconnected the call... She is looking too much happy. Well, why she wouldn't be when her papa is coming to meet her. She turned and that's when her eyes landed on her bruised lips and remembrance of the night started to roam in her head making her body get goosebumps and feel a shiver. She take out vaseline and applied it on her lips for healing. 

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