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Book online «My Addiction by Ida Gonzalez (e manga reader TXT) 📖». Author Ida Gonzalez

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Chapter 31. Pain


"We are here! Everyone be on the lookout." I listen as Fabrizzio speaks into the earpiece. We all suddenly stop suddenly on the road and Fabrizzio quickly orders us out of the vans.

"What's up, Fabrizzio?" I ask him as I watch him adjust his vest and reload his gun. "We'll go in on foot from here. We can't let them see us."

"Follow the plan, please, and if you're afraid, you'd better stay here." He looks at the three of us. I shake my head.

"No one is afraid Fabrizzio." he replies to which Iam and Leonardo nod as well.

"Good. Stay on alert, and wait for my signal. " He ordered.

Fabrizzio is different when he's in combat, he's an intimidating guy, he doesn't waste time, he's cautious and stealthy.

"I don't want failures!" he orders again. "We'll go ahead Alonzo and the others will follow us." he speaks with his right hand, while he makes signs with his hand that only they understand, they both look at each other, as if with their eyes they tell each other everything they need to know.

We stay behind them, we have no experience in this, suddenly the shooting starts and my hands sweat. Fabrizzio and his men move into the property, watching them from a distance. And the shooting starts and that's when we realize it has begun.

"I feel like a mobster." Iam jokes in the middle of the shooting, while Leonardo lets out a laugh, we see Fabrizzio's signal to enter the warehouses.

This is something new for me, I never had the need to confront anyone, but when it comes to Paula, I'm willing to give my life for her. I realized a long time ago, she is very important to me. "Be careful and shoot anything that moves." smiles Fabrizzio quickly running towards one of the desolate warehouses with a pile of containers.

"I don't want anyone alive! " he orders viciously. Fabrizzio, he is a dark and lethal man, but he has always been my soul brother. We enter cautiously but with my heart and pulse racing. I hope it's her, otherwise this will all be in vain, but my heart tells me that if it's her, they have her here.

We took cover from the gunfire, I won't deny that I was afraid of dying, because after all that's not the idea. I shot killing one, killing two, God! This is pure adrenaline, I had never done anything like this, and I never imagined doing it either. My chest was shaking and in my head the noise of the bullets crashing against the containers that covered us, while I killed two, Fabrizzio and Alonzo had already killed more than twenty. This is their daily bread, this is what they are trained for, this is what they live for and this is what they will die for one day.

Suddenly I hear some distinct screams, those screams, that voice, damn it, I turn towards a corridor to see a man pulling Paula by the shoulder, indeed it's her, damn it's her.

"Fabrizzio, it's her!" I shout.

"Let's go get her then."  He shouts in response and we run after her, exiting down the same hallway they pulled her out of, we watch as they put her in a van and then speed off, no time to do anything, we quickly get into our own.

" Speed up Fabrizzio!"  I desperately ask, he speeds up as much as he can, keeping very close to them.

"Shoot, damn it, what do you have the gun for?" my friend shouts as he tries to catch up. I notice in the rearview mirror that both Iam and Leonardo were following us from behind. I shoot as much as my strength allows me, without much success, damn it in these cases I hate not being a fucking mafioso trained to kill.

"Hold the fucking steering wheel! " he shouts furiously. And since Fabrizzio doesn't miss anything and where he puts his eye he puts the bullet, he goes out the window and aims at the van, fires one, two, three, hitting the wheels, causing the car, because of the speed it was going, to flip over, starting to spin around a few times, and my fucking world was shaking knowing that my baby was in that car and that I could probably die.

" Noooo! Paula, baby no!" I scream in desperation, I just wanted to throw myself out of the car.

Fabrizzio stopped the van and I quickly got out, he knowing what he would do held me so I wouldn't run to her.

"Calm down Dante, they might be alive. Leave it in my hands." he said and I didn't care about anything anymore, I started crying in despair, feeling Iam touching my shoulder.

"I have to get her out of there. " I cry out desperately. Fabrizzio approaches cautiously, followed by Alonzo who apparently was following us. Fabrizzio shoots killing those who were still alive.

"Help me Alonzo! " she screams and they seem to be trying to pull her out, I let go of Iam and run towards them without a glance. I see Paula trapped between the seats. I despair even more when I see the car on fire and Fabrizzio unable to free her.

"Get her out now, Fabrizzio." she asks me anxiously.

Finally it is Fabrizzio who takes her in his arms and it breaks my heart to see her unconscious, beaten, wounded and bleeding. I quickly take her in my arms.

"Love, please wake up, you have to be okay." I start crying again. "I can't lose you love." I kiss her forehead. I walk with her to the car to get her out of there.

Suddenly I hear a gunshot, and it rings in my ear, Fabrizzio has killed one of the men who was still alive, saving me from being shot. And he starts shooting everyone, alive or not.

"In case they're not quite dead." He shrugs. He approaches us, frowning, feeling for my wife's pulse.

"She still has a pulse, Dante, very weak, we need to go to the hospital now, now." he orders seriously.

I climb with Paula in my arms in the back seat, while Fabrizzio accelerates without wasting time, dodging the cars, passing in between them, looking for alternative routes to get there as soon as possible and a moment later we arrive at the hospital. Without any qualms I ran down the stairs to the entrance.

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