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Book online «My Addiction by Ida Gonzalez (e manga reader TXT) 📖». Author Ida Gonzalez

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"Have you already gotten me to forgive you?" Iam asked me, I just shook my head.

"It's not that easy."

“If you don't fix it, I'll go and comfort her. “He joked, her words caused me a painful discomfort.

"Don't you dare, Iam." I threatened, and he laughed.

"He won't, Dante." Leonardo replied. "But there will be others who will want to steal it from you," he added.

“Don't even try, I'll kill anyone who dares to lay a hand on her.” I growled in annoyance, they both laughed out loud mocking me.

"You are lost and in love, brother." I looked at Leonardo with a deep sigh.

"Am I very noticeable?" I asked him with a pathetic grin. They laughed and made me laugh too.

"I will be Father Leonardo." I confess, suddenly forming a great silence in the room, he looked at me surprised, I'm just smiling gently.

"Wow, really?"

"Yes" I said, grinning like a fool.

“Congratulations Dante, I am very happy for you, and I hope you get Paula back and you can be together, for you, for your son who is on his way.

“I hope so, Leonardo, because I don't know what he would do without her.

I closed my mouth when my phone started ringing, frowning to see who was calling, answering quickly when I got worried.


"Sir ..." I exclaimed. "Tell me ..." They took her, sir. “My pulse sped up, I started hyperventilating.

"Que?" I stood up abruptly trying to process what he had just said to me. what do you mean?

They took her? What the hell are you saying Christopher?

"They took Miss Paula, everything was very fast, an oversight and we couldn't do anything." My world fell apart when I heard that, Iam and Leonardo looked at me worried. I walked from one place to another desperate, my whole world shook .

"Who did it? Who took it off?" I screamed in despair.

“We don't know sir, we couldn't do anything, I beg your pardon. "No, damn it, no!" I yelled throwing the chair.

“They had to take care of her, that's what I pay them for.” I growled in anger, rage, and pain.

I cut the call.

"Calm down Dante, what's going on?" Leonardo asked.

“They took her, they took Paula.

"What did you say? What do you mean they took her?"

"I don't know, Iam, I don't know." I grunted in despair.

“Dante, do you think… I looked at Iam, interpreting what he wanted to tell me.

"No, no, I don't want to believe." I ran my hand through my hair, paced back and forth trying to process this. I have never felt this despair, this helplessness.

"Dante, calm down, let's find the solution ..." I heard Leonardo's voice, but nothing would calm me down, I just picked up my phone again calling Jorge.


"Mister?" He responded quickly.

“They took Paula.

"What? How did it happen?" he asked altered.

“I don't know, I need you to gather your guards in half an hour, I want them all here, in the parking lot, everyone, Jorge! I screamed angrily.

"Yes sir."

"Dante, what are you going to do?" Leonardo asked.

“They messed with what I love the most in my life, I have to find out who did it and get rid of the son of a bitch who took my wife. "I declared with a broken heart.

"Are you sure about that Dante?" Iam asked with a frown.

"Yes, I will need his help, I don't think he can do anything on my own."

"Then call him"

I looked at Iam and Leonardo before dialing their number. I never thought I needed this son of a bitch, but I need him, without him I won't be able to find her, if the people who kidnapped Paula are dangerous, I won't be able to alone, they will kill her before she could find her. I don't have the resources to do it, it's not my world, but it's his.

I took a deep breath waiting for him to answer me.

"Hello ..." I said.

"You are a fucking idiot." He responded to the other side in a mocking tone.

“To what do I owe your so-called Dante De Luca?” I heard a laugh. Yes, that's Fabrizzio Santoro.

"I need your help ..." I said.

"I hear you..."



The music that Dante dedicated to Paula is Michael Bolton's Said I loved you but I lied.


Who kidnapped Paula? “ Her father was right and if they were in danger, now what will happen, can Dante get Paula and her baby back before it's too late?


Who is Fabrizzio?


We'll find out in the next chapter, don't miss it.

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