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Book online «My Addiction by Ida Gonzalez (e manga reader TXT) 📖». Author Ida Gonzalez

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Chapter 30. I can't lose you


Fabrizzio, you know I wouldn't call you if it weren't a matter of life and death.

"I know brother, you don't have to say it." Fabrizzio, he's like a brother to me, we've been friends since high school, then university, only he followed in his father's footsteps, he's in the mafia world, in fact Fabrizzio is the leader of one of the most popular mafias. Italian greats in drug trafficking and illegal arms smuggling, when his father, the leader at the time, was assassinated, I was by his side, he had sunk into drugs and alcohol, and I helped him out of the well where he He had fallen and since then became the leader of the mafia, he had sworn to give his life for me if I ever needed it, because that day came, I just don't expect him not to give his life for me, just his help.

"And you know that I'll always be there for you brother, whatever it is, wherever it is, I'll be there, you know."

"I know Fabrizzio and that's why I'm calling you, I need your help.

"Well, who should we kill?" he said jokingly

“I hope no one, but if necessary, a lot of people. Fabrizzio? They took my woman. "be quiet.

"Who?" responds after a moment.

"That's the old problem, I don't know, I was hoping you could help me with that, according to our investigations we think it is a mafia, his father is involved in a group that sells drugs and I think it is a showdown. or something, I don't know exactly, I need you to find out Fabrizzio.

"Give me time Dante, this is not so easy." How long ago was the kidnapping?

"Just a few hours ago, my guards told me." I responded with a desperate heart.

"Okay, give me time, Dante.

"How long, Fabrizzio? I can't let much time go by, she is running out of time.

"Give me time Dante, I repeat, this is not easy, when it is a kidnapping, we do not solve it so fast, nor so easy."

"Fabrizzio, you're the only one who can find out, if you don't know, I don't think anyone will.

"I know Fabrizzio, but I must find her, please help me, do everything you can, contact anyone."

"Wait for my call, man, I'll let you know as soon as I have any news on the case." is all he says, cutting off the call. I know Fabrizzio will do the impossible, I trust him. I sigh in frustration, running my hand through my hair a thousand times, Iam and Leonardo look at me concerned.

"What did he tell you?" Suddenly Iam speaks, I just look at him, totally shattered, my pregnant and kidnapped woman, my God, how did this happen?

“He will find out, I hope he achieves something, I know that in his world everything is known, and for Fabrizzio nothing is impossible. He handles pretty much everything. ”Iam nods, and Leonardo walks over and slaps me on the back.

"We will find her, I promise." I look at him worried ... "I hope so, brother, because if not, I don't know what I'll do."

"Everything is going to be fine, let's stay calm." He looks at me with compassion, but I also know that he is very worried about Paula, she is the woman he loves.



Slowly I open my eyes, the weak light from a dark room hits my sight, suddenly I feel my feet and hands tied, I remember what happened, when I was walking a black van intercepted me and they forced me, then they put me to sleep a handkerchief on my nose, after that I don't remember anything, I'm desperate, I do nothing but cry, I try to untie myself but I can't, I only end up hurting my wrist, my God, who wants to hurt me? My princess Kathy comes to mind, I just pray that she's okay, that they didn't hurt her too.

I hope Dante helps me, I hope he looks for me, although I know he will not, he does not have to, in the room only my desperate sobs are heard, but suddenly I am silent when I hear footsteps behind the door, they open it slowly and through it I see two men dressed in black, when they enter they close the door, I am scared to death, not knowing what they are going to do to me.

"Well the little doll finally wakes up, she is really beautiful." Her voice was mocking.

"What do you want from me?" I yell at them, they both have a smile that scares me.

"You see doll, we had problems with your father, he owed us a lot of money, and we know that you can pay off part of his debt."

"My father? I don't know anything about my father, he abandoned us." I confess trembling. The man leans down to my height, grabs a lock of my hair and brings it to his nose, I tremble even more, he lowers his hand down my neck to my breasts, I tremble so that he doesn't touch me, I struggle and start crying even more . "Let me go!"

"Let me go! I told you that I don't know anything about my father, because you don't deal with him", I cry desperately, the other man lets out a laugh full of evil.

“He's more than dead, that's what happens to him for messing with us. And you'd better cooperate or you'll end up like him. "

"That?" I know my father left us, but knowing that he is dead hurts.

"I can pay you the money, look, my boyfriend has a lot of money, he can pay them." I lie, the desperation I feel makes me say anything, they both laugh out loud, they obviously don't believe anything I say.

"No, precious, we have other plans for you, we will achieve much more for you." He holds my face with both hands, squeezing it, leaving a kiss on my mouth, which disgusts me, I fight with all my might to pull away, his fingers dig into my cheek and it hurts.

Then he blurted out, "Tomorrow you will be away from Italy, your new owner is waiting for you." That's all one of them said.

And as fast as they got in they came out again, a buyer? Will they sell me? Someone help me, someone, but I need to get out of here, the only thing left for me is to ask God, since I don't think anyone will bother looking for me.

This will be my destiny, is this how I'll end?

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