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Book online «Possession by Laila Ali (ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Laila Ali

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The sun was all set. It was morning. A new day has started but nothing was new for her. Whole night she wasnt able to sleep. The incident played in her mind on and on. She wanted to run away from him. She wanted to hide from him. She can't face him again. She was terrified now.

She didnt know why but she missed the old Irtaza, which was kind, caring and listened to all her demands and wishes. He had made her see heaven in the last two weeks of her life. She might have developed a liking towards her of Daniyal wasnt in her heart.


Her thoughts were messed up. She was extremely worried about his life. She had no idea how Daniyal will be able to escape his captivity and this thought was haunting her more that what Irtaza had done to him. His shirt was quite bloodied last night. Her life was totally crumbled. She wanted to get out of this mess.

And Irtaza's demand was a cherry on top. Last night she had answered him with a yes but with this thought was on her mind that she'll be escaping him, or telling everyone about him. But the latter option was a big fail.

She came to know about what power he held. He was the head, the 'sardar' of haveli and no member could question his direct order. And the smugness and confidence she saw in his form, made it all clear to her that he wont let her go.

She was still thinking about Haseeb's advice. First she was in a dilemma that whether she should confront Irtaza and tell him that now she'll love her uncondionally, forget Daniyal and stay loyal to him or not but after last night, she had decided to run away from him the first oppurtunity she gets.

Still she didnt know why there was a slight hope in her heart that she'll run and reunite with Daniyal. Still there was a hope. And after last nights incident she was not able to be with him alone, ever again.

He was so close. He was about to rape her but she was clueless what made him change his decision. But with this action of his, she knew she was not able to love him. So Haseeb's advise was dropped out of her options. She cant promise something to Irtaza which she's not able to do. She cant love him, rather she was extremely fearful of him.

She knew she was being extremely stupid by thinking that she'll be able to escape him but her messed up circumstances was making her do all of these things. She was just thinking. She knew this all cant turn into reality. She'll never be able to escape him but she wanted to be hopeful to give a slight comfort to her heart that there is still a hope.

Her hope was baseless but this baseless hope was providing a little solace to her, keeping her sane.

She thought that wedding night would never happen, that was the only reason for which she said a yes to him. She was clueless why she was denying him. There was no escape from him. Ultimately, she had to do this then why was she denying him? He was her husband after all.

She was numb, too numb to feel anything. She was breaking, everything was falling apart, her plan had failed but still she was hopeful.

Hopeful that a miracle will happen.

A knock on the door broke her trance amd she immediately cleared her tears which were flowing down and her mother entered into her room.

She was worried about something, her face showed it all to Zahra.

"What happen Mama? Why you look worried?"

"I'm worried for you daughter." She answered sitting beside her.

"For me? What has happened to me mama?"

"Zahra why you didnt tell me about your nikkah?"

"Mama Irtaza had refrained me from doing so. He had strictly prohibited me to telling about our nikkah to anyone. Not even you mama. I asked that I can tell you or not but he denied me. Thats why I didnt tell you. I'm sorry mama." She lied, she didnt want to worry her mother. And if she'll tell her about her present circumstances, she knew she cant save her from him so she find no use of telling her all the truth other than worrying her unnecessarily.

"And when did your nikkah happen?"

"On the night of our engagement" she lied again, gulping down all her feelings and emotions which were compelling her to tell her mother about everything and cry in her warm embrace. She was tired of facing everything alone.

"And why Irtaza had prohibited you from studying further?"

"No mama there isnt anything like that. I talked to him last night, he told me I can continue my studies after the marriage."

"Why was he being rude and cold towards you on the table?"

"It was not only with me. He was being rude to everyone. Actually...he was disturbed over something last night that was why he was being a bit off but later he realised his mistake and said a sorry to me."

"Zahra, are you happy? I'm atill unable to digest that you both did nikkah without the elders involvement."

"Yes Mama I'm absolutely happy. Dada was present there as a witness. Irtaza told me that night it was no use of prolonging the engagement and after the consultation of Dada we did a nikkah."

"Where and when?"

"He took me to a....mosque. it was almost 2am at that time." Her voice wavered.


"Mama why're you worrying yourself  the nikkah was to be done in any case and I am happy, extremely happy. Why're you tiring yourself? There is nothing to worry about." She tried to assure her but her mother was still looking at her with suspicion.

"No Zahra. There is something wrong. You're lying to me. You dont seem happy to me. Your eyes are telling me another story."

Her brown eyes became teary within seconds. Her mother had guessed it, there was something wrong with her but she cant tell her the whole story. It will make her mother more helpless. When she'll see her mother trying hard to free her from Irtaza's clutches but still not able to make it, it would break Zahra's heart. She didnt want her mother to feel helpless.

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