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Book online «Possession by Laila Ali (ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Laila Ali

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"Zahra wake up" Dua shook her body, trying to wake her up who was sleeping soundly without any worry.

"Noooooo. Not yet!" She slurred in her sleepy voice, pulling the pillow over her head.

"Stupid. Wake up. You've to get ready. Today is your rukhsati."

Her eyes wide opened as her words registered in her mind and she abruptly sat up, rubbing her eyes.


"Yes. The beautician is waiting for you" Dua announced.


"In your mother's room. You'll be getting ready there. Its already 11 and the function is at 5 so get up, hurry up before Dadi comes here."

Zahra nodded her head. Her heart felt heavy. Finally the day has arrived and no miracle happened which could save her.

She got up and went inside the washroom to take a shower. She was fearful what Irtaza will be doing with her at night. She had agreed to him that night.

She was so afraid to face him. She didnt want this rukhsati. She didn't want this marriage. And today is the day, she has to leave everyone and settle herself in his mansion.

Suddenly an idea sparked in her brain. She knew it wont work but she felt so helpless that she wasnt afraid to give a chance to it. She was praying that somehow this idea works. She was ready to do anything which can stop this rukhsati.

After taking a quick shower, she wore her clothes and went towards Irtaza's room. She opened the door but he was not there. She then went towards his study but he was also not there.

A maid was passing by and she asked her about Irtaza, who told her that he was in his grandparents room. Zahra rushed towards the room and knocked on the door, entering inside after getting the permission. She found him talking with his grandfather, holding some files in his hand. Now his grey eyes were stuck on her.

She gulped.

She was confused now whether she should do or not.

"What is it?" Irtaza asked.

"I..want to you." She said in her small voice.

"Go Irtaza." His grandfather said and he placed the files on table. He moved towards her and held her hand, following her towards his study.

Her heart was beating wildly.

They both entered inside and he closed the door, turning towards her.

"Say." He commanded.

" wa..nt this mar...riage." She stuttered. Anticipation hazed her mind as she continuously fidgeted with her fingers.

"Why?" He simply asked.

All the helplessness and hopelessness she felt surfaced, making her cry. She had to convince him.

"Please....please....I'm so afraid of you
.. I dont know (hiccup) what you'll do to me after rukhsati. I'm so worried. So tensed...I cant even breathe properly (hiccup) with the constant anxiety! I know you'll punish (hiccup) me in the worst possible ways...but I cant face your wrath! (hiccup) I'm so afriad of you! Please (hiccup) I beg you! Its in your hands you cant stop the marriage!! (hiccup) Please! No one else can stop this marriage other than you! Please! Listen to me! I beg you!" She sobbed her tears flowing out of her eyes.

Her whole body shook with her every hiccup, her head down, eyes closed and tears freely floating out of them.

"And my answer is no." He declared and passed by her to leave the room, when she suddenly fell into his feet. She joined her hands, looking at him helplessly.

"Please...don't do this to me. Please"

He tried to move past her, paying no heed to her pleads but she held his hands.

"No, please. Please free me! Please don't cage me." She begged helplessly.

"I had already said, Zahra. I won't let you go." His voice coarse, void of any emotion.

"No! Please! I'll not be able to live in constant fear! What's my fault?! Why me?! Why you married me?! Why?! Tell me why?! Why you're caging me?! Let me free!" she sobbed badly and covered her face with her hands.

He looked at her. His anger was growing more and more with every passing second.

His fingers threaded into her locks and he hauled her body up with a sudden jerk, his hands behind her waist. Pain etched on her face and she closed her eyes tightly, her hands still covering her face.

He released her hair and jerked her hand away from her face and held her chin, bobbing her head up towards him.

"Do...n't pun...ish me." she sobbed, looking towards him with teary eyes.

He was watching her with his infamous no emotion gaze but his anger was increasing by leaps and bounds.

"Zahra you should have thought of this before fucking with me. I had warned you, fucking look at me!" he boomed suddenly, when she looked down not being able to match his intense gaze, and she immediately casted her eyes towards him, "I had warned you million of times not to break my trust. And well done, you striked at my weakest point then how can you expect from me I'll let you go that easily. And how many times I had told you to think before fucking things up. It was your stupidity that you tried to play with me. There is no escape from me. I've told this to you from day one. By hook or by crook, you'll be mine. Always mine. And I don't give a fuck what do you feel now." He gritted and let her go.

He straightened his clothes and dipped his hands in his pockets, looking towards her.

She knew he'll not let her go. There was no use of begging him anymore.

"Now go and get ready for tonight." He ordered and she left the room hopelessly.

As soon as she left the room, he picked the vase from the table and threw it on the wall.

"FUCK!" He roared and threw away all the things from the table.

He was beyond livid. The strong blow of betrayal was breaking him. His Zahra was so manipulative and cunning. He loved a fake woman all his life. The innocence and character of her which made him love her, in actual it was all fake.

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