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Book online «United and Dangerous by Cherie Benjamin (best android ereader TXT) 📖». Author Cherie Benjamin

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to make sure it was loaded and the safety was off.

"If I can’t shoot him, neither can you."  Kane smirked.

Ara smiled and placed the gun back on its shelf.  Fucker.

Soon there was a knock on the door and Uriel entered with a contrite looking David following behind him.  David was carrying a briefcase with the design plans for Solar Eclipse.  Just by the irritated look on David’s face, Kane and Ara both knew this was going to be ugly.


"Ara, it’s so good to see you again so soon."  David panted as his eyes roamed up and down her body, lingering on her chest.  He wondered if her tits were as marvelous as they were in his dreams.

"Mr. Grant, that’s Mrs. Leone to you."  Kane snarled.  "Have a seat."

"Certainly, Kane."  David responded, taking the seat that was sitting directly across from Ara.

"And I’m Mr. Leone."  Kane was flexing the fingers on his right hand.  Especially the trigger finger.

"Yeah, fucker."  David mumbled lowly to himself.

"Mr. Grant, we asked you here today to talk about your work performance, or lack thereof, on the Solar Eclipse design project.  After reviewing the progress of the project to date, we feel that you are not meeting any of the expectations to which you agreed upon when you agreed to this contract.  You have missed deadlines, failed to report any complications that were occurring until it was too late to resolve the issue, and, in short, your performance has been dismal and lacking.  Based on these facts, we are terminating your employment and the contract with your firm for this project and any other future projects that Leone Inc. may have."

David couldn't believe his ears.  There was no way in hell that this motherfucker was firing him. 

"You can't fire me.  You are only doing this because you are aware that Ara is in love with me and is going to leave your sorry ass.   I am so much more of a man than you ever could be.  Hell, I bet you haven't even fucked her yet and I know she has a pussy that needs a real man to dominate it.  So go fuck yourself motherfucker and leave her to me."  Kane and Ara stood in shock, and both reached under the desk, and then Ara responded to David’s outburst.

"Mr. Grant, are you delusional? I don't love you. I have no feelings for you whatsoever.  I am very happily married to Kane."  Ara said as she tried her best not to reach for her gun or her knives and take the fucker out.

"Oh, Ara, you are just saying that because he is standing beside you.  You and I both know that we have this connection that can't be denied."  David responded confidently.

Ara was actually dumbfounded that this man, and she was using that term loosely, thought she was in love with him and that they had a connection.  She glanced over at Kane, who was looking at David as if he had lost his mind.  Trying to calm things down so that neither of them ended up shooting this ass, Kane stated firmly, "Mr. Grant, you will not address my wife that way again.  You will leave this building immediately.  You are prohibited from setting foot again on this property or any other property owned by us."

"I will not go without her."  David yelled.  Both Kane and Ara looked at each other totally confused by David’s behavior.

"Then we will have you forcibly removed."  Kane stated calmly.

Uriel walked up, placed his hand on David's arm, and pulled him back.  David swung around with his hand in a fist, trying to hit Uriel.  Uriel easily avoid David’s fist and twisted David's arm around to his back.  Uriel and two other guards removed David from the office, the entire way out, David was screaming at the top of his lungs that Kane Leone would regret this.

After they had left the office, Kane took Ara in his arms and held her close.  They knew that David Grant would never stop until he did something to Kane or, worse, something to Ara and he needed to be eliminated.  No one would ever talk that way to Ara and survive.  Uriel returned and stated they had put him in a cab and sent him on his way, but they felt sure he would be causing trouble soon.  Kane told Uriel to allow him a few hours to be seen around town, and, then, at twilight, have him picked up and taken to the warehouse.  He was to be called when David had arrived, because he was personally going to take care of him.  David had made this a personal matter when he targeted Ara. 

Ara was still slightly in shocked about the whole meeting.  She could not, for the life of her, figure out where the hell David got the idea that she was in love with him.  She didn’t even like him.  She tolerated him for the sake of designing the club, and his family’s loyalty to the Leone family.  But it was obvious that David had more than one screw loose.  The man was beyond delusional.  Ara and Kane turned to each other, and both of them had the “what the fuck was that?” expression on their faces.  They both started laughing at the insanity of the whole situation.  After regaining their composure, they went back to reviewing the Coven Inc. plans.

Soon after Katrina arrived, the two couples were off to lunch.  When they arrived at the restaurant, they were met by a tall, over tanned, bleach blonde woman with what looked like a very bad boob job.  It looked like the left boob was higher than the right.  Once she looked up and saw not only Kane, but Uriel, too, she adjusted her tits in her tight blouse and licked her red stained lips.  Yeah, that adjustment did not help the situation.  Ara and Katrina both looked at each other and snickered.


"How may I help you gentlemen today?"  She said in a voice that sounded like she had smoked three packs a day her entire life.

"Reservation for Leone." Kane said.

The smile on her over painted face grew larger, when she heard the name.  Kane Leone was well known for his good looks and money and here he was in front of her.  This was it, her golden opportunity.

"Mr. Leone, so nice to meet you, my name is Delilah.  Would you, your sister, and guests follow me please?"  Delilah said, reaching out and rubbing Kane's arm all the while giving Ara a sneer that could peel wallpaper. 

Ara knew this type woman and she would be damned if she was going to allow her to continue her little act.  Putting on her best Donna face, Ara came up beside Delilah taking in a whiff of her overpowering perfume, she coughed slightly and looked her dead in the eyes, she said.  "Oh, honey, he's not my brother; he’s my husband, and I can tell you that man can beat a pussy raw.  Now take us to our table and then take a bath, because I can tell you now that Eau de Skunk is not the best choice in perfume." 

Delilah’s mouth gaped open.  She didn't know what to say.  She grabbed the menus and stomped through the restaurant.  "Fucking bitch."  She mumbled under her breath.  Throwing the menus on the table, she turned quickly and stomped back to her station.

Katrina and Ara’s eyes were tearing from laughing so hard at the skank.  A few months ago, Ara would not have done anything, but Kane’s love and pride had made her stronger and more confident.  She knew, without a doubt, that she would be the only woman to warm his bed until the day they died.

They were placed at a table near the back and enjoyed the time talking about Uriel's stepping down as manager at Diamond Knotts, and Ara asking Katrina if she would be interested helping with the new project for the women coming out the prostitution ring.  Katrina was so excited about Uriel being able to spend more time at home.  But she was also intrigued about the offer of helping out with this project and couldn't wait to get started.  Ideas were bouncing around in her head; they would need to find a suitable location that could be remodeled quickly to begin the project.  Uriel spoke up about the warehouse on the west side.  It had been empty for several years, but was in good shape.  Ara was excited to learn more about the warehouse.  She hoped that, as soon as Maggie came in this afternoon, they could convince her to take the position and begin working on both the shelter facility and the club designs. 

Once lunch was over, their waiter brought the bill and Kane took care of it, leaving him a hefty tip.  As the couples were walking toward the front of the restaurant, Uriel caught movement out the corner of his eye and when he turned his head, he saw Donnie Newton wrapped around someone in one of the booths.  Uriel discreetly took a second look and saw that it was no other than Judith Young, Sebastian Morotti’s long standing goomah.  At that moment, everything fell into place. 

"Kane, look to your right."  Uriel whispered.

Kane looked and saw what Uriel had seen.  The thought that one of his own family members was the one who had betrayed him made him see red.  He would make sure that he suffered a long and painful death.  However, as much he wanted justice for Newton’s betrayal, he knew he needed to know if he was still in contact with Sebastian.  He looked at Uriel and gave him a nod. 

Uriel knew what to do.   As soon as they dropped off Katrina, he would put a surveillance team on Donnie Newton.  Donnie’s apartment, car, and phone would all be bugged, and then the same with Judith's place.  He would get all the information he could on Donnie Newton and Judith Young, before he was brought in to pay for breaking his oath to the family. 

When they got into the car, Kane told Ara what he and Uriel had seen, and what it meant.  Ara was furious.  He was the one that had gotten Kane shot. All the rage that she had felt for her half-brother was nothing compared to the rage she felt against Donnie Newton.  She wanted his blood.  They discussed what was going to happen, and, as soon as they were sure they had all the information they needed, Donnie Newton would be made an example of what happens when you break your oath. 

Katrina hugged Ara goodbye and they made plans for the next day to go over more details about the rehab project.  Katrina was going to make some notes and gather information to get the project off the ground soon.  She was happy that she was going to be part of something for the family.

Uriel, Kane, and Ara walked into the office and found Nazario and Zachary there.  They all sat down and filled Nazario and Zachary on what they found out about Donnie Newton and how they felt that Donnie had been the one giving information to Sebastian all along.  Both were very upset and they also wanted blood.  After talking about what they were going to do to gather the proof the needed and any information on Sebastian’s whereabouts, they discussed more about Coven Inc. and how the top members of the families were out gathering up the best members to test for the various components needed for Coven Inc. to be successful.  Kane told them that he had to fire David Grant and that his hours were numbered, due to his obsession with Ara, and how he feared her safety.  Zachary was very concerned, but Kane assured him that David would not see another sunrise. 

Soon, it was time for Maggie to arrive.  Promptly at two o’clock, Cornelia brought her, announced her arrival, and escorted her

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