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Book online «United and Dangerous by Cherie Benjamin (best android ereader TXT) 📖». Author Cherie Benjamin

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seeing Kane Leone standing there, it all fell into place.  The fucker was going to try to change his mind about his beautiful Ara and that was not going to happen.  "Why the hell am I here, Leone?"  David yelled.

Kane looked at him and gave him his signature smirk, but did not answer his question.  Instead, he removed his jacket and shirt, leaving him with his white tee shirt and dress pants.  Picking up his favorite toy, which he hadn't had the chance to use since the death of the asshole at the docks, Kane walked up to David, looked into his eyes and placed the extra sharp knife up to the carotid artery on his neck and added enough pressure to make David aware that his life was in his hands.  Kane made sure not to break the skin, as he planned to draw this out for his own amusement.  "Why are you here? Well, you are here to pay for your crimes against my wife, Ara.  The cost is your life.”

David eyes grew large; he couldn't believe what he was hearing.  Surely this had to be a mistake; this was Kane Leone.  This fucker didn't have it in him to do what he was claiming; David knew he was nothing but a pussy boy.  "And who fuck did you hire for that job, Leone, because we both know that you can't do it, fucker."  David spat.

Kane leaned back and let out a loud belly laugh; David was trying to show he had balls.  This guy had no idea who the fuck he was talking to.  Looking over his shoulder, he saw that his father and Zachary were both laughing.  They knew this was going to be more fun than they thought.  Turning around to face to David, he took a step back and wiped his knife on the leg of his pants.  "David, I think there is something you need to know.  You have worked for my family, just like your father and grandfather did before you and, like them, they had no idea, well, maybe they suspected, but it is obvious you are cluless that the Leone family is actually the mafia."

David didn't and couldn't believe that the Leones were in the mafia.  They were rich, yes, had lots and lots of businesses, but mafia surely not.  "I don’t know what the fuck you’re smoking, Leone, but maybe you should share it."

Nazario walked up, holding the cigar that Zachary and he had lit as they watched Kane prepare to take care of David, and blew a puff of smoke into David’s face, causing him to cough.  Fucker.

"David, David, David, guess we were better actors than we thought, because we are and have always been in the mafia."  Nazario smirked.

"What?"  David questioned.

"Boy, for someone who is supposedly smart, you really are stupid.  I am Nazario Leone, the former Don of the Leone crime family, that guy back there is Zachary Morotti, the former Don of the Morotti crime family."  Zachary made it a point to wave at David.

"You keep saying former, who the fuck is the current so called Don."  David asked.  He was totally confused.  Were these guys high?

"Well, fucker, that would me, and, oh yeah, Ara."  Kane said, smiling away at David.

"What the fuck do you mean Ara?  Ara is my girlfriend; she can't be involved with anything illegal." 

Kane balled his fist up and swung it around, striking David on the jaw, causing his head to whip to the side, blood pouring from his mouth.  "SHE IS NOT YOUR FUCKING GIRLFRIEND; SHE IS MY WIFE, ASSHOLE!" 

David spit out the blood that was pooling in his mouth, fuck, that hurt, but he still could not believe that his sweet Ara had any part of this mafia bullshit. 

Kane had grown tired of trying enlightening Mr. Grant, and was ready to  collect on his debt. 

"Strip him naked."  Kane told the guards who were standing by.  They quickly came over and removed David's pants and underwear.  Kane looked down and smirked; seemed like David had pencil dick. Kane silently laughed.  He couldn’t believe David thought he could take his Ara away and satisfy her with it. 

"Guys, have you ever seen anything so little on an adult man before.  Shit, Ricky, I bet your five year old has a bigger dick than he does."

Ricky walked over and looked down.  "Yep, my son's dick is bigger than that."

"YOU MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE, LET ME GO!"  David yelled, pulling at the ropes that held his hands. 

"Bring over the chains."  Kane ordered and then turned to walk to the table which held all his favorite tools for torture.  "Chain his feet and hang his ass upside down on the meat hook."

Ricky and Gus wrapped the chain around David's feet and then cut the rope that held his hands, which caused him to fall hard onto the concrete floor.  They picked up his chained feet, and then lifted him up and hooked him upside down on the meat hook.  Before walking away, Ricky kneed him in the stomach for good measure. 

Kane picked up the baseball bat and came back over to the now upside down and naked David.  "This is for every time you thought of my wife."  Kane then began to hit him repeatedly, trying not to leave a spot untouched by the bat.  On several of the hits, Kane smiled when he heard bones breaking.   Kane made sure that David’s genitals remained untouched by the bat.  Stepping back, Kane admired his handy work.  God that felt good.  He then went over to the table and picked up a round device with needles facing in.  Walking back, Kane slid the device over Davids's dick and began tightening down the ring until the needles began to sink themselves in at all angles into David's dick.  David screamed out with the sheer pain that this caused.    "I bet that hurts like hell."  Kane smirked.

Kane turned to walk back to where Nazario and Zachary were standing.  "Hey, give me one of those," he said pointing at the cigars.  Nazario reached in his pocket and pulled out another cigar.  Kane put the cigar up to his nose and took in a big whiff.  Ah..Cuban, but he needed something that he could use on David, not a fine quality Cuban.  "I need something else, something cheap." 

Zachary knew what he meant and reached into his jacket pocket and handed him a cheap cigar that he had.  Pulling out his cigar cutter, he cut off the tip and then proceeded to light it for his new grandson.  Kane had been a remarkable sight in action as he took care of this piece of shit. 

Kane took the cigar from Zachary and then pointed to the cigar cutter, this is something he could use, but did not want to use it if it meant something to Zachary. 

Zachary knew what he wanted, gave him a nod, and handed the cutter to him.  Kane Leone was one bad motherfucker; he was so glad that he was his granddaughter's husband, because he had no doubt in his mind that he would be able to protect her. 

Kane walked back to the barely conscious David with the foul-tasting cigar between his lips and the cigar cutter in this hand.  When he was right in front of him, he got down on his knees and grabbed one of David’s hands, spread the fingers apart, slid the cigar cutter over a finger, and cut the finger off.  This caused David to scream even louder, but then he passed out.  Kane stood up and ordered Ricky to get the adrenaline shot and said, "Wake the fucker up."

Ricky walked over and grabbed the needle that was filled with epinephrine and injected it into David's neck.  David jolted awake, screaming and moaning.  "Ricky, hold his head steady for me, will ya?"  Kane asked as he knelt down.  He took the cigar from his mouth and told David, “This is for all the times you leered at my wife.”  He pushed the lit end of the cigar into David’s eye.  The smell of burning flesh filled the room and Kane was pleased with how much David was suffering, but he still was not done with him.  Leaving his other eye alone, he stood and went to the table and picked up his favorite knife, it was time to take it up a notch.  Over the next half hour he careful carved back the skin over his legs.  It wasn’t enough to kill the fucker, just prolong the pain.  In the end, David looked more like a piece of filleted beef than a man. 

"David, Ara is mine, all fucking mine, and I want your last thoughts to be the fact that I own every fucking inch of her, just like she owns me, and, when I leave here this evening, I am going to home and fuck her until neither of us can walk."  Pulling out his gun, he aimed in between his eyes and fired, getting rid of the asshole for good. 

"Ricky, call the crew and have this shit cleaned up, then make sure my toys are taken care of." 

"Yes, Boss.  And, if I may say, it was a privilege to witness you in action."  Ricky said.  He had been unsure about the new boss; it wasn’t that he didn't trust him, but he had never seen him get his hands dirty.  That all changed today; today, he had seen the calm, cool Don that would be leading the family and knew that he would follow him and do anything that this man asked. 

Kane walked back to Nazario and Zachary.  He was covered in blood, but wasn’t bothered by the signs of a job well done.  Looking around, he found the bag that held a new tee-shirt, pants, and then realized he forgot underwear.  Oh, well, it was going to be coming off anyway, so he went commando.  Walking over behind a small wall, he stripped out of his bloody clothes.  He took the wet wipes and rubbed off as much of the blood as he could.  When he got home, he would use the shower in the basement.  When he bought the house, this was a necessary item on the list he had done. The shower was state of the art.  It had marble tiling and a special order drain without a trap on it.  However, the feature he liked best was the special attached head in the shower that connected to a bleaching system that would remove all traces of blood from the stall.  Slipping on the clothes, he walked over, put on his shirt and jacket, and took one last look at David's body.  He felt satisfied that Ara had been avenged. 

Back in the SUV, Nazario and Zachary told Kane how impressed they were with the way he handled the entire situation.  They also said they were jealous that they hadn't been able to get their hands bloody. Kane knew that retirement for the two former Dons was going to be hard, which was why he invited them along. As soon as they arrived back at the house, Kane wanted to rush to Ara's side, but he needed to shower first.  Rushing down the stairs, he pulled off his clothes and placed them in a black trash bag that he would burn later.  Scrubbing his body over and over again, he made sure that all evidence of David Grant was washed away.  Stepping out he turned on the hot water and bleach system and washed any remaining evidence down the drain.  When he was sure that there was nothing left, he dried off and slipped on the sweat pants and a tee-shirt that he had stored in the linen closet.  Quickly towel drying his hair, he tied up the trash bag and walked upstairs.  When he reached the top of the steps, his lovely wife met him.

"Kane."  Ara cooed wrapping her arms around his neck.

He dropped the bag, wrapped his arms

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