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Book online «My Addiction by Ida Gonzalez (e manga reader TXT) 📖». Author Ida Gonzalez

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Chapter 37 jealous



Today I started working in Dante's company as an assistant in the marketing department, I also started my studies at the University, I am too excited, at the University I go two weeks ago, I settled in, I adapted and now I start working, I asked Dante not to say anything about our relationship I don't want anyone to make a difference because I am "the owner's girlfriend" after discussing with Dante warmly he agreed reluctantly.

I told him that I wanted to get my merits by my own means, and here I am, waiting for the Head of Human Resources to sign my contract, he is the only one who knows that I am Dante's wife but he must not say a single word to anyone, Dante trusts him a lot, he is his boss in human resources for a reason.

The marketing department was one floor below the president's office, on his floor there is no other office but his and the boardroom according to what he had told me one night when we were talking and he told me much of what his company was, they are engaged in the manufacture of large industrial machinery, he also owns hotel chains around the world, in short he has too much money to tell the truth, but none of that interests me I just love him and what he is to me as a man, his money, his power or his fame is completely the same to me.

I have signed the work contract for six months, it is because after I will have my baby, and I will resume once he is born, which by the way behaves wonderfully lately I do not get so nauseous, but if I get hungry and want to cry, Dante sometimes does not know what to do when I am very sensitive, I look like a crazy laughing and crying at the same time, Dante tries to spoil me in everything, he buys me chocolates and makes love to me and so I pass, I will drive my man crazy and there is still a long way to go before this baby is born.

The head of human resources, whose name is David, calls Sebastian who, according to what he told me, will be my direct boss, I will be in charge of him in the department with other colleagues.

They knock on the door and David gives way for him to enter, a tall man comes in, a little shorter than Dante, good physique, brown hair almost blond, green eyes, he is attractive to tell the truth, Paula! What are you thinking? if Dante finds out, he'll cut you in pieces.

"Good morning." greets with a thick voice, oh my God, what a voice... God Paula calm those horny hormones, these hormones have me on the verge of madness, and I will unload them in the evening with my man who is more than delighted that all the time I am horny.

Someone suddenly clears his throat and I come out of my reverie... 2 Eh yes sorry... "As Paula was telling you, this is Sebastian Farcinni, he will be your immediate boss, you will work for him."

I stand up and extend my hand in greeting... " Good morning Mr. Farcinni, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Paula Ricci." He takes my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze, holding it a little too tightly. "The pleasure is mine, Miss Ricci and it's a pleasure to have you working with us from today." His green eyes stare at me and I feel myself blushing, I can't hold his gaze, so I lower my head and he finally lets go of my hands.

"Well, if there is nothing left, can I dispose of the lady now?" asks Sebastian, David only nods... "Yes, may go." he answers. Sebastian nods... - Very well. He answers smiling, raising both eyebrows. "You're all mine." he muses without erasing his smile.

And I swallowed thickly, I don't know why it seemed to me that he said it in a double meaning, he gave way to me extending his arm and I felt him behind me, he took me to what would be the department where I was going to work, on the way I felt the gaze of my new boss all the time on my body especially, mmm handsome if you knew that this little body already has an owner and is nothing more and nothing less than the boss's boss and that I carry his child in my belly, you would not even look at me, but no one can know that. God, this is going to be complicated with how jealous and possessive that man is.

We finally arrive at the marketing department, Sebastian introduces me to my colleagues, two men and a girl "Welcome Paula." They greet me with a friendly smile.

"Thank you all, I look forward to working together with you." I say shyly, I hope we can be friends. Sebastian asks me to come to his office and then he will show me where I can settle in.

He gives me passage to his office and locks the door? I raise my eyebrow in confusion, I don't know what he's up to, but if he thinks he can do anything with me, he's wrong.

"So that no one bothers us." she replies when she sees my surprised face.

"Well Paula, please take a seat." I do it doubtfully and he does the same without taking his eyes off me, the way he looks at me is strange, I could even say lewd or maybe it's just my perception. "You will work with the partners, here each one has a function, tell me, have you worked in something like this before?" she began to speak.

"Oh no Mr. Farcinni, it's the first time, but I started at the University with a marketing career" he nods... "Well if David hired you it must be for something, right? I don't think it's just because of your stunning beauty." he smiled sideways, crossing his fingers at the level of his chin.

"I'm sorry?" I raised an eyebrow, I didn't like his comment at all....

"Nobody hired me for my beauty or anything like that as you insinuate, I brought my papers and they accepted me." I defended myself against his insinuating words, he nods again smiling..." Well Paula, I will explain you your functions and you will work together with Ana, she will teach you everything you need to know and any question or doubt don't hesitate to come to me, ok?"

"We are here to learn and help and grow, not to make rivalry."

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