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Book online «My Addiction by Ida Gonzalez (e manga reader TXT) 📖». Author Ida Gonzalez

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 I nod. "It's fine with me sir, we agree on that." I answered because it is true that in a work place the relationship must be harmonious.

"Okay, let's go." He says smiling, getting up from his chair and I do the same, when he passes by me to open the door he brushes my arm with his hand. I sigh deeply because I know this kind of men, I know his intentions, he's testing me to know what kind of woman I am.

It was intentional, I know, he wouldn't have to pink my arm, if he thinks I'm a slut he's completely wrong.

She assigns me a desk next to Ana, she seems to be a very nice person.

"Are you happy to work in such an important company like this?" She asks looking at me expectantly.

"Yes, the truth is that I like it very much..."

" Well, I will explain you what we all do and I will tell you what you will do, ok?" I just affirmed listening to everything he told me. He told me what my job would entail, I will be the support more or less of everyone in the marketing department. without realizing it the hours had flown by, the three companions are very kind and just a few hours and we have already laughed a lot.

My boss Sebastián, on the other hand, every time he leaves his office he observes me more than usual and approaches my desk smiling flirtatiously, I don't pay much attention to him, I don't want to be related to him and to make matters worse, Dante will hear about it, I'm sure of that.

Suddenly through the door appears the man who robs me of all reason, who clouds my reasoning and leaves me in the clouds. Dante is the most attractive man who crossed my path. His sensual and erotic demeanor.

"Good morning." he greets with that husky voice anchoring his deep eyes on me.

"Good morning Mr. De Luca, my companions answer." I just stay quiet watching him, still seeing him affects me in a way, even though I sleep every night with him and wake up in his arms. When I see him I feel those little tingles in my stomach, I am really dying for him.

"He is the boss. " whispers Luis, one of the partners approaching my ear to which Dante looks at him with a face of few friends, yes he is jealous, I know, I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid.

Dante suddenly clears his throat. "Mr..."        is silent waiting for Luis to answer... "Russo, sir..."

"Well Mr. Ruso, we don't come here to socialize, we come here to work and keep our distance from our coworkers, you know the rules of my company, don't you?"

"Yes, sir." Luis answered scared, I mean scared, I think he peed in his pants, God! My man, is he like that with all his employees? I pity them, well I am also his employee from today.

"Is Mr. Farcinni in his office?" He asks seriously...

"Yes sir." Dante nods, but not before giving me a fixed look, I don't know if he wants to kill me or eat me, uumm I hope it's the second one, and it's not because he's jealous, I roll my eyes watching him getting lost in my boss's office.

"It's my platonic love." Ana says suddenly and I just let out a giggle, I think from everyone.

"haaaa" she sighs, putting her face on her hand and propping herself up on her elbows.

"I wish someday he would register me." Yes dear, that is how in love I have been since I met him, I think, but I don't say it.

"Don't you think he's so sexy, beautiful with that knockout body, he's an adonis, a Greek god? "He keeps on saying, I just laugh, if he knew that I eat that Greek god every night and I carry his little sprout inside me.

Christofer throws her a ball of paper to wake her up from her reverie...

"Dream dear, you've been working here for three years and she never looked at you, in fact she never even used to come here."

"That's true." Ana answers. "He doesn't come to talk to any boss, he sends for them..." I just want to die, it's because of me that he came to this department, Oh, Dante, you can't let me go unnoticed.

"The one he watched for more than a second was the dear new companion." Luis hints, smiling sideways.

"What? Don't talk nonsense, he barely looks at me." I said trying to look normal.

Ana looks at me smiling.  I think I do look at you for more than a second."

She raises her eyebrows repeatedly... -"Stop talking nonsense, and we'd better work so she doesn't come out again and catch us talking."

"Yes, it's true." Dante and my boss come out again, I look up and Dante is staring at me again, Sebastian does too. "Taking advantage of Dante." Sebastian exclaimed, "I wanted to introduce you to a new girl who started today." I just want him to swallow dirt.

"This is Miss Paula Ricci." She introduces me, Dante nods... "Nice to meet you." she answers with that husky voice, she's so sexy and I just want to die.

Sebastian stares at him and then at me. I just turn my eyes back to the papers on my desk, I feel my face flushed and burning with embarrassment.

"Well, send me as soon as you have the papers, Sebastian." He turns to my boss again.

"Yes, of course. " he answers, and when he was about to leave, he turns to me again.

"Sebastian!" calls him. "Before noon please send Miss Ricci to my office."

Sebastian looks at him as if his eyes would pop out of their sockets... "Is there a problem, Dante?" he asks intrigued.

"None, I just want to meet the new employees."Saying that he leaves the office, leaving me with my mouth open and everyone fixed their eyes on me.

Sebastian stands there with his mouth open without uttering a word, and the boys even more so. I don't understand what's going on?

"What?"  I ask... 2You heard Paula, at 11: 30 go up to Mr. De Luca's office."

 I just nod. He enters his office slamming the door. What the hell is wrong with him?

Ana looks at me with a mocking laugh... "Yes, and now you're going to tell me that the boss didn't look at you too much?" I feel my face burning...

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