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Book online «My Addiction by Ida Gonzalez (e manga reader TXT) 📖». Author Ida Gonzalez

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" I don't know what the boss wants." I shake my head.

"Mmm, I do. " Christofer answers himself... "Ah yes? And according to you, what does he want?"

"He wants to fuck you hard in his office." They let out a laugh, to which I throw a ball of paper at him.

"Umm look dear, I've been here for three years and the boss has never registered me, and you've barely been here a day and he already wants to meet you, and don't think that's how it is with all the new employees, he doesn't even know our names."  I just deny and try to ignore them because Dante is going to pay for it, I told him not to do anything and he already does on the first day.

At 11.30 I look at the time, and Ana realizes that... "It's time girl, move that cute ass and go upstairs to see what the sexy boss wants."  She lets out a giggle and I just get up with a lot of nerves.

"If I go."

"Oh, and if you don't take too long, if the boss lets you go quickly we'll be in the cafeteria downstairs, join us for lunch." Luis tells me.

"Thank you, yes I will come down with you guys." I straighten my dress and walk out of the office.

I go up to the presidency where Dante's assistant greets me, she looks up smiling at me.

"Miss, could you please announce to Mr. De Luca that I am here, he asked to see me." I clarify.

"Hello, you must be Paula?" He asks smiling, I shake my head in affirmation.

"I'm Eva, I'm Mr. De Luca's assistant, you can come in, he's been waiting for you for a while."

"Thank you." I answer walking towards Dante's door, I knock once and enter slowly, first I put my head in and see him sitting like a king in his big chair behind his desk, when he sees me he smiles and then I enter completely, when I close the door he gets up and walks towards me in a very seductive way, as only he knows how to do.

"Hello," he says hoarsely.

"Hello," I answered.

"Why are you afraid to come in? I'm not going to eat you." He smiles a dark smile, I bite my lip, he releases my lips with his thumb.

He passes me and goes to the door to lock it, then walks to his desk again and picks up the phone.

"Eva, don't let anyone bother me, whoever I am, I'm not here for anyone, no calls." she answers hoarsely. I think the assistant says something to him. "Call him off."  is all she says, hanging up the phone.

He walks back to me and stands behind me, starts to untie my hair and runs his fingers through my scalp. "I hate it when your hair is tied up." he whispers in my ear.

"It's the rule, sir." I answer quietly, he loves to be called sir... "Mmmm I hate it in you." he muses combing his hair softly.

"How well you look in your uniform." He whispers, burying his face in my neck.

My uniform consists of a black dress to the body two fingers above the knee with a high neck and a small neckline that does not let you see anything, with gray letters and gray strips on the sleeves and waist, the truth fits me very well, tight to the body, with heels a little high for my taste. Dante starts leaving wet kisses on my neck, I gasp his name in a whisper....

"You are mine Paula, don't forget that. " He leaves wet kisses with his soft lips, I swallow thickly, he continues to squeeze my hips, pressing me closer to his huge body.

"I don't want you to talk to anyone, I don't want you to laugh with anyone, did you hear me?" he says with a hoarse voice.

Suddenly he squeezes my buttocks. "Da... Dante, I stutter." I can't not talk, they're my partners.

"I don't like them looking at what's mine." he replies possessively.

"You won't be able to avoid it Dante, they will always watch." He grunts and squeezes me tighter, I feel his erection on my back, Holy Virgin!!!!

He turns me quickly glued his lips to mine, his kiss is demanding, possessive, as if he wanted to mark me, he bites my lower lip making me moan almost inaudibly.

"Dante!" I demand, he smiles over my lips... "So that they know that you are completely mine."

I bring both my hands to caress his cheeks. "Dante, you can't show that we know each other, let alone that we are a couple."

I growled angrily walking away from me, feeling an emptiness. " I don't understand why Paula you are my woman"

"I told you honey, I don't want them to think I get things just because I'm the boss's girlfriend, nor do I want to be treated with privileges."

"And with what you did today, they'll start speculating things...."

"I don't give a shit Paula what they think, and nobody dares to look at you or insinuate anything to you because I don't answer, I warn you." She raises her index finger pointing at me.

I roll my eyes... "Well sir, now if you have nothing more to say, I'm going to lunch and I'll see you at home in the evening." He approaches me again quickly, grabbing me by the waist.

"I would like to have lunch with you my love." He sinks his face between my neck again, I just stroke his silky hair. "We can't Dante, people will start talking things and I've already told you I don't want that."

He abruptly separates from me. "Okay, you've made your point, now go to lunch, I'm not taking up your time."  he says, turning his back on me.

"Dante, please!" I beg you to understand.

"No Paula, it's already clear you don't want to see us together, I'll respect that, and you better go, I have a lot of work to do."

Dante was upset and it hurt me, I stare at him and turn to leave his office. Why does he have to be like this, so possessive? He knows I love him.

I go down to the office again, the guys were about to leave to go to lunch, when I arrive the three of them stare at me.

"¿Y?" It's Ana talking" What happened with the boss?"

"Nothing, he just asked me a few questions, nothing important I mean."  I try to sound convincing...

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