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They both were now in the car driving back to his mansion, she was awake now. A sudden sadness settled inside her on thinking that she has to go back to that hell. Even its been just a day there that place was being more than hell to her. Her deepest fear has came true. She is all alone, with no one to help her there.

"Remember what I had told you last night?" Irtaza asked grabbing her attention.

She blinked several times, trying to find the purpose behind his words. Minutes passed but she was confused, what she should answer?

"Hmn Zahra? Do you remember?" he asked again, urging her to answer, while taking a turn to left. His eyes fixed on the road.

"Yes, I rem...ember" she replied, her voice meek.

"Then repeat what I had said"

"You said I'm not allow...ed to do with...out yo...ur per...mission." she stuttered, her heart beating fast as if it will pop out of her chest any moment. Worst scenarios begin to accumulate in her mind.

"Good so what were you saying to Moosa?" he questioned and her heart sanked.

Did he hear that?

"No, no, I wasn't anyt...hing" she lied, shaking her head left and right, hysterically. Her eyes widened as she tightly fisted her hands.

"Should I cut your tongue for lying to me?" he said, his voice suddenly dropping octaves down, showing the seriousness behind her words..

"No! No! I won't lie! I won't lie again!"

She gulped, feeling utterly terrified. His eyes were fixed on the road while she was looking towards him with terrified eyes. Not for a second he had turned his head and looked towards her otherwise she would have peed.

"So did I allow you to complain and sob like that infront of my fucking friend?"

"No you didn't. I was fee...ling an-" she stuttered, coming up with the answer what her mind gave but he cuts in.

"How should I punish you for disobeying me?"

"I won't do ag..ain. Ple..ase"

"Say the punishment Zahra"

"Sor..ry" she cried out, her tears flowing down. 

"Let me think"

"Pl..ease sorry" she cried out. She was afraid what humiliation he will make her go through.

How will I stop him from punishing me?

"Sorry won't do anything. This was the last time you were out of the mansion. Now you can't go anywhere." he stated in his harsh crude voice and small hiccups left her mouth.

He was caging her into that mansion.

"What I've done?" she cried out and his jaw clenched. Anger begin to dance in his eyes.

He abruptly applied brakes, stopping the car in mid of nowhere, making her startle.

He looked towards her, his eyes venomous, he suddenly grabbed her jaw and forced her to look towards him.

"Do you still have the fucking audacity to ask that?" he gritted, increasing his hold on her jaw.

 "On our wedding day you fucking ran away with that fucking bastard! You ignored all my fucking warnings! You played with my fucking feelings! You fucking put up a charade infront of me to gain my trust just to run away with that fucking lover of yours! And you still dare to fucking ask what you've done?!" he boomed, anger evident on his face.

"But you're being too harsh!" she cried out.

"I haven't done anything. Trust me Zahra, I'm being very lenient with you. You don't know how the traitors are treated in our mafia. If I wanted to, then I would have cut your body in small pieces and dissolved it into acid, finishing your existence from this world. And I had warned you several times, what will happen to you if you ever dared to outrun me." he gritted.

Horror etched on her face. She was appalled at his words.


"You can't d-"

"I mean everything I say. I'm not a man to play with and you dared to play with me so now face the consequences. Do you remember my fucking warnings Zahra?" he asserted and left her jaw.

'And señorita I promise if you dare, fucking dare to betray me you will wish for death, but death will never come to you. I will make your state so miserable that you will live and die at every moment. Death itself will be a gift for you. You will cry in pain and miseries but no one will listen to your pleads. I will inflict such a pain on your body that you will kill yourself with your own bare hands. Your tiny, little fragile petite frame not in any way is capable to incur my wrath.'

'So I suggest you never dare to be unfaithful to me, deceive me or cheat on me unless you have a death wish'

'Never backstab me'

His warnings rang in her ears. He was true to his words. Taking every breath was now a difficult task for her. She felt suffocated.

She begin to move her jaw to alleviate the pain. She couldn't believe his words. They were barbaric. 

Killing anyone was that easy for him?

Had he really done something like that with her?

He continued to drive and within few minutes they were back to his  mansion. He got out of the car and went inside without looking towards her. 

Slowly she got out and walked towards her room, her heart was depressed, she was back to her cage.

She hated everything, every single thing about her life. Her dream of becoming a doctor, her dream of marrying the love of her life, her every dream and hope was shattered. She was broken. 

On reaching her room, a maid entered behind her and gave her the clothes. She took a shower and wore those ragged clothes and placed the dress which she wore today in a cupboard. 

She sat down on the bed, her back resting against the headboard. She closed her eyes and tried to relax herself.

But then a thought hit her mind. For what she was punished today? For merely expressing her grief and sorrows to someone without his permission? 

She couldn't believe this was the reason for which she got punished. She now can't even talk without his consent. She can't even go out of the mansion. He was controlling her life, her everything. From what she will wear to what she will eat it was now in his control.

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