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Book online «Possession by Laila Ali (ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Laila Ali

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Zahra sighed in relief as her ankle got free from the chain. She thanked that the chain was here just for night.

She analysed her ankle, she could see, red bruises were already forming on it. Tears brimmed in her eyes and she stroked her ankle. 

What her life has turned into?

She mentally cussed the day when Shoaib had harassed her, if Shoaib hadn't harassed her she had never been closer to Daniyal and eventually fallen in love with him. And she had never ran away with him. It was all Shoaib's fault.

The maid's warning rang in her ears and she abruptly stood up. She just has 15 minutes. Moving inside the bathroom, she took a quick shower and got ready for the day, covering all the marks with a concealer on the dressing table.

She rushed towards the dining after getting ready. Her heart was beating fast. She once again has to face him.

Entering the dining room, she found 4 to 5 servants standing around the table and Irtaza was sitting on his chair, indulged in his phone.

She slowly moved towards her chair and sat on it and that was when Irtaza acknowledged her presence and gave her his sharp, cold, emotionless glare.

"Start eating" he ordered with his zero emotion voice and she nodded. Her eyes moved towards her plate, filled with chicken roast and she felt like gagging. She can't eat that thing anymore but still she tried and took the fork and knife before cutting a piece of it and forcing it down her mouth.

She looked up and saw various varieties infront of her, her mouth watered but irony she couldn't have a taste of them. And then her eyes moved towards him, he was replying to some mails, his plate had the same chicken roast.

She was actually perplexed. Why would he eat something like that when he has other options to look upon as well.

Sighing, her eyes went back to her plate. She closed her eyes, taking in a small breath. Her taste buds were burning to get a taste of something else. But she has to eat and she didn't has any other thing other than this dry, flavourless roast. And then she forced herself to eat what was given to her.

She wish she could just run and run, and fly high like a bird in the sky who live its life freely without any restriction. Her throat clogged at this sudden feeling and tears brimmed in her eyes. It was the second day in his mansion and she was already feeling claustrophobic.

Her teary and complaining eyes snapped towards him and she found him already staring at her. Her eyes said it all. He got the message. Her complaints, her miseries, her eyes were telling her tale to him and he was a maestro at reading eyes.

He looked away and focused on something else as something tugged at his heart. 

What was that feeling?


Was that really regret? 


He shook off all the thoughts and replied something to his third in command, Amman. Last night, one of the warehouse was attacked by Osmani's men. It was evident, someone from inside had assisted them to attack as he got the news how his men were getting scattered and attacked but Moosa then had controlled the situation saving them from a loss.

He wanted to get his hands at the traitor asap and for that he has to analyse all the situation from the start and ponder alot but his mind wasn't working these days. As if it got jammed. He wasn't able to think of anything properly. Everytime he does, her fearful and complaining eyes comes into his mind.

Sighing, he stood up and left the table going for his office.

After she was done with the breakfast, she went towards her room and got inside when a maid came in.

She frowned.

"Yes?" she asked politely.

"Ma'am we have to lock your foot again." she said.

Her eyes widened with surprise.

"No. It was just meant for a night." she retorted.

"No ma'am."

"I wont let you chain me again" she shook her head vigorously and moved away.

"Ma'am we have to do this"

"No! Go away!" she cried out.

"I'd have to"

"No! No!"

 "Its sir's order. Please cooperate otherwise we will have to face a hard time." the maid said, her voice practically begging her to cooperate with her as she knew what kind of a man her boss is.

She understood the meaning behind her pleading voice. She didn't want to have a hard time just because of her. She knew how it feels like when your everything is in the hand of other person.

"Ok" she replied, defeatedly and sat on the bed.

The maid bent down and tied the chain to her ankle before standing up and handling a button to her.

"This chain is only allowed to get off when you have to use the washroom or when sir calls you. Here is the bell, you can press it whenever you feel like using the washroom." the maid said and Zahra took the button, her eyes getting teary.

"I'm sorry ma'am" the maid muttered and left the room.

She took a shaky breath, her body shivered as she tried to control the damn of tears building inside her. She looked around the room.

How alone she was?

After her father's death, she used to mentally talk with him, this thing had never made her accept that her father had left her but today something sharp tugged at her heart. 

She begin to feel the reality, she begin to accept. Her father is actually no more with her. He will never come back. She can never see him again. She can never feel his warm embrace. She can never see his smile. 

She had been in a state of denial after his departure but now her heart begin to fall for the actuality. Her state of denial was now broken, at this moment when she realized that how alone she had became.

Her heart suddenly begin to feel an immense uneasiness, a deep hollow pit which was alluring her towards it so she could fall into it, into that darkness.

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