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Book online «Possession by Laila Ali (ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Laila Ali

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She moved towards his room, her heart thumping fast in her chest. The maid had came in after he hung up the call and opened the lock, accompanying her to his room.

She was afraid for the reason he called her. Anticipation enveloped her mind making her breathing fast.

On reaching his room, she knocked on the door and heard a coarse 'come in' from inside. She slowly entered inside the door creating a creaking sound and found him sitting on the sofa. Her eyes met the glass of wine on the table which told her he has been drinking.

"Come here" he said, patting on the sofa, telling her to sit by his side.

She gulped. Her eyes were widened as she moved towards there and sat next to him.

"I want to show you something" he announced, his voice cold. Something had pissed him off, she could feel it.

He took the phone from the table and played a video, showing it to her. 

And her eyes protruded out when they fell on the video playing infront of her. Her breath hitched.


"Daniyal" she whispered, her eyes trailing on the screen, showing the badly beaten state of Daniyal.

"ZAHRA IS MINE!" He was screaming when Irtaza landed punch on his jaw in the video.

"SHE IS MINE!! SHE LOVES ME!" he screamed again and got a shot on his knee making him shout with pain. His face was badly bruised, his shirt was torn, he was breathing heavily, his lips were bleeding.

"LET HER GO YOU-!!" He shouted and received a punch on his face. His hands were tied to the chair and he was constantly wriggling against the ropes.

"LEAVE HER!! LEAVE HER!!" He shouted again.

She closed her eyes tightly not being able to see it anymore and her hands on there own accord moved and suddenly threw away his phone.

She couldn't believe it. What he has done to Daniyal?

His eyes trailed on the phone, lying on the floor and then moved towards her. Her face told him all, how shock she was.

"I told you to kill him" he mused, looking towards her but her eyes were stilled on the phone.

"You should have killed him that night"

 "Free him." she whispered.

"Let him go" she said still in utter shock.

"It is either you will kill him or I will kill him. The choice is all yours" he deadpanned.

"You can't do this" she whispered, his vulnerable state playing infront of her eyes.

"You also did what was not supposed to be done."

With one swift motion, he made her straddle on his lap and looked straight in her eyes.

They had tears in them.

But for whom?

For that fucktard Daniyal.

His jaw clenched.

"He said that you are his" he muttered, looking straight in her fearful eyes.

"Now say, you are mine" he demanded, tucking stray strands of her honey brown locks behind her ear.

"Repeat, I am yours Irtaza"

"No" she shook her head vigorously.

She determined, she wont oblige to his command anymore, atleast not after what he had done to Daniyal.

"No?" he cocked his brow.

"No" she again shook her head left and right, fear bubbling up inside her.

He tilted his head slightly. And her heart begin to beat fast.

"Do you want some more videos like this?" 

Her eyes widened with shock.

He will beat Daniyal?

"Hmn Zahra?"

"No" she whispered and tears begin to fell down her eyes.

"Then say, I belong to you Irtaza"

"No, I won't" she again said, shaking her head in negative.

She remained quite, looking towards the buttons of his shirt. Few minutes passed, but she didn't utter a single word. She was insistent on not to obligate him anymore but still that fear was creeping her.

"FUCKING SAY IT!" He suddenly shouted making her jump with fear and her lips moved on there own.

"I belong...(hiccup) to you Irtaza" she hiccupped, accepting her defeat.


"I to you Irtaza" she cried out, tears freely flowing down her eyes.

"I bel..(hiccup) to you Irtaza" she sobbed.

"I belong to you Irtaza" 

"I belong to you, I belong to you Irtaza, I belong to you" she repeated her body now shaking with sobs while he continued to look towards her with emotionless eyes while gulping down alcohol.

He analysed her blotched face, teary eyes, looking down.

And again he felt his heart getting heavy.

Why her tears were affecting him?

"Its enough" he announced and she stopped but her sobs didn't stop at all. She begin to cry hysterically, hiding her face behind her palms when he pried off her hands from her face and cleared her tears, the pads of his thumb caressing her wet cheeks and then brought her head closer and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, which ceased her sobs.

His actions baffled her.

"Stop crying senorita" he mumbled and tucked some stray strands behind her ear, engulfing her in a hug, her head on his broad muscular chest. 

His manly scent and slow breaths intoxicating her, increasing her fear but he stroked her hair, soothing her nerves.

"Sleep" he whispered.

She could hear his regular rhythmic heartbeat.





And her eyes begin to feel heavy, feeling itchy due to immense crying when sleep engulfed her.

His hand still caressing her hair as he kissed on the top of her head.

"My Zahra, My precious Zahra" he muttered and closed his eyes, sleep over taking him.


The sky roared. The wind gushed fiercely through the leaves creating a growling sound in the windy night. The sky was dark but the night wasn't silent as it used to be like other days. The atmosphere was filled with the howling of the ferocious wind.

He was sitting in his office, deep in his thoughts. The screaming of the air fell deaf upon his ears as he was too lost in his thoughts. 

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