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Book online «The Don's Love & downfall... by Little Writter Marjolein (most important books to read TXT) 📖». Author Little Writter Marjolein

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She drops the bomb!.....

"Bob?" I say with big eyes!

"Yes dear and her really grew into a fine you man, perfect for you my dear!" Mom says and dad nods in agreement.

I feel my blood start to boile and i know if i don't get out of there than i will explode at the breakfast table so i excuse myself and run outside towards the back of the garden an start to scream my lungs out in frustration and anger!!......

After some minutes i see Kate come running towards me. 

"Why?? Why do they always have to do this!! What's wrong with them!!" 

I yell and Kate holds me in a hug tightly whispering sorry. 

"It's not you fauld that they ambussed you before i came down right?" I ask her and she nods.

"Yeah they did because they wanted to know if it was a boyfriend you talked to last night.....but i know you are not officially together with Massimo so I've told them that you don't have a boyfriend yet and that seemed to satishfy them!"

"God, for once i wish you told them yes so many they would back down.....although many the would kill me over it for not telling them.....i don't know what to do now!!" I soh while Kate rubs my back. 

Some hours later me and Kate come down after we've dressed for the bbq.

My mother steels happy glances at my dress as approval but when she looks at Kate she pulls up her nose in dislike, she defenitly does not approve of her dress choice!!

In the beginning of the evening my father starts the bbq when the neighbors arriving with their son and i see my mom smirking from ear to ear....

"Hello Julia, long time no see!" says Bob and his parents Betty and David.

"Yes...yes indeed, well i have been very busy at the University so it's understandable right!" I say uninterested.

"Ah Bob, i already see you've met our lovely daughter Julia who's finally back from University, she is beautiful isn't she? Besides the brains!" My mom laughs at Bob and i suddenly feel very awkward!

So i walk away from him and her and join kate who is talking with Granny. 

"Hello dear come sit with us!" She says and i sit down with a glass of wine.

"So what do you think of Bob my dear child?" 

"Oh Gran, please not you too!" And she start to laugh.

"I knew it! I already told your mother that it's not a good idea to try to match you with that boring Bob but yeah you know your parents, If they have something in their minds than it's hard to change their minds!"

"Thanks Gran for taking my side and yes i know first hand how they are that's the reason i went away in the first place!"

"So my dear, do you have somebody special back at university? If you don't mind me asking again?" She smirks and i laugh sheepishly thinking of Massimo....

"Well there is a guy or i should say a man that I'm attracted to and i think he likes me too and..." 

"Girl hey loves and adores you!" Kate blurts out suddenly and i feel my cheeks heating up. 

"Kate, stop it!" I whisper afrayed my parents will hear her. 

"Why? Julia, it's the truth! You know it yourself and you also are falling for him, I'm just simply stating the facts here!" And i gave her a look that shuts her up after that. 

"Really? How interesting! So what's his name and what does he look like Julia?" Granny askes interested. 

"Ehm....tall dark and handsome..." I tell her with pink cheeks.

"My my...well I'm happy if you are happy dear....and is he also coming tonight?" 

"Ehm no....i didn't ask him"

"Why not?" She asks.

"Well....i don't know....we are not officially together yet so yeah"

"Okay i understand that but don't forget your parents will try to get you together with that Bob person so beware!" 

"Ok granny thank you!" 

We all have dinner together at the big garden table, enjoying the food, Kate has an amusing conversation with Bob wich he seems to enjoy very much but my mom is furious, i see it in her face, that Kate is keeping Bob away from me.

After some time she asks if me and Bob will serve the desert to all of us so i get up with a sigh and walk towards the kitchen to get it. 

Hey puts the pancakes while i put the ice cream. 

As we walk back to the garden i suddenly hear a familiar deep husky voice entering my ears and my eyes turn into saucers when i see the man in front of me turning around dressed in a black buttond shirt with back dress pants and black shiny shoes and a red rose in his hand...."Massimo!" i whisper....

"Hey Babygirl, i was in the neighborhood for business so i thought i should suprise you!" he says coming up to me while i just stand there frozen at the spot while the silence falls as a thick blanket over all of us......

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